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API Reference

API Reference for the Container Management Things service.

1 - Container Factory API

The container factory service provides the ability to create new containers form a container image, or from a container configuration.


Create a container from a single container image reference with an option to start it.


Hono Command: command//<name>:<namespace>:edge:containers/req//create

Ditto Message:

topic<name>/<namespace>:edge:containers/things/live/messages/createInformation about the affected Thing and the type of operation
path/features/ContainerFactory/inbox/messages/createA path to the ContainerFactory Feature, it’s message channel, and command
HeadersAdditional headers
response-requiredtrue/falseIf response is required
content-typeapplication/jsonThe content type
correlation-idcontainer UUIDThe container UUID
imageRefURLFully qualified image reference, that follows the OCI Image Specification, the format is: host[:port]/[namespace/]name:tag
starttrue/falseStart or only create the container

Example : Create and automatically start a new Hello World container.

Topic: command//edge:device:edge:containers/req//create


Hono Command : command//<name>:<namespace>:edge:containers/res//create

Ditto Message:

topic<name>/<namespace>:edge:containers/things/live/messages/createInformation about the affected Thing and the type of operation
path/features/ContainerFactory/outbox/messages/createA path to the Feature, it’s message channel, and command
HeadersAdditional headers
content-typeapplication/jsonThe content type
correlation-id<UUID>The same correlation id as the request message
ValueUUID of the created container

Example : Response of a create operation.

Topic: `command//edge:device:edge:containers/res//create``

	"value":"<Container UUID>"

Create with config

Create a container with a specified container configuration.


Hono Command: command//<name>:<namespace>:edge:containers/req//createWithConfig

Ditto Message:

topic<name>/<namespace>:edge:containers/things/live/messages/createWithConfigInformation about the affected Thing and the type of operation
path/features/ContainerFactory/inbox/messages/createWithConfigA path to the ContainerFactory Feature, it’s message channel, and command
HeadersAdditional headers
response-requiredtrue/falseIf response is required
content-typeapplication/jsonThe content type
correlation-idcontainer UUIDThe container UUID
imageRefURLFully qualified image reference, that follows the OCI Image Specification, the format is: host[:port]/[namespace/]name:tag
starttrue/falseForce to start created container
configjson presentation of the configuration
domainNameDomain name inside the container, if omitted the container’s domain name will be set to a system-defined value
hostNameHost name for the container, if omitted the container’s hostname will be set to a system-defined value
envAn array of environment variables that are set into the container
cmdAn array of command with arguments that is executed upon the container’s start
privilegedfalseGrant root capabilities to all devices on the host system
extraHostsAn array of additional extra host names to IP address mappings added to the container network configuration, the format is: hostname:ip. If the IP of the host machine is to be added to the container’s hosts file the reserved host_ip[] must be provided. If only host_ip (the network-interface part is skipped) is used, by default it will be resolved to the host’s IP on the default bridge network interface for containerm (the default configuration is kanto-cm0) and add it to the container’s hosts file. If the IP of a container in the same bridge network is to be added to the hosts file the reserved container<container-host_name> must be provided.
extraCapabilitiesAn array of additional capabilities for a container
networkModeThe container’s networking capabilities type based on the desired communication mode. The possible options are: bridge or host
openStdintrue/falseOpen the terminal’s standard input for an interaction with the current container
ttytrue/falseAttach standard streams to a TTY
mountPointsAn array of the mount points
sourcePath to the file or directory on the host that is referred from within the container
destinationPath to the file or directory that is mounted inside the container
propagationModeBind propagation for the mount, supported are: rprivate, private, rshared, shared, rslave or slave
keysA string array of private keys (GPG private key ring, JWE or PKCS7) used for decrypting the container’s image, the format is: filepath_private_key[:password]
recipientsA string array of recipients (only for PKCS7 and must be an x509) used for decrypting the container’s image, the format is: pkcs7:filepath_x509_certificate
devicesAn array of accessible devices from the host
pathOnHostPath to the device on the host
pathInContainerPath to the device in the container
cgroupPermissionsrwmCgroup permissions for the device access, possible options are: r(read), w(write), m(mknod) and all combinations are possible
restartPolicyThe container restart policy
typeunless-stoppedThe container’s restart policy, the supported types are: always, no, on-failure and unless-stopped
maxRetryCountMaximum number of retries that are made to restart the container on exit with fail, if the type is on-failure
retryTimeoutTimeout period in seconds for each retry that is made to restart the container on exit with fail, if the type is on-failure
portMappingsAn array of port mappings from the host to a container
prototcpProtocol used for the port mapping from the container to the host, the possible options are: tcp and udp
containerPortPort number on the container that is mapped to the host port
hostIP0.0.0.0Host IP address
hostPortBeginning of the host ports range
hostPortEnd<host_port>Ending of the host ports range
typejson-fileType in which the logs are produced, the possible options are: json-file or none
maxFiles2Maximum log files before getting rotated
maxSize100MMaximum log file size before getting rotated as a number with a unit suffix of B, K, M and G
rootDir<meta_path>/containers/<container_id>Root directory where the container’s log messages are stored
modeblockingMessaging delivery mode from the container to the log driver, the supported modes are: blocking and non-blocking
maxBufferSize1MMaximum size of the buffered container’s log messages in a non-blocking mode as a number with a unit suffix of B, K, M and G
memoryHard memory limitation of the container as a number with a unit suffix of B, K, M and G, the minimum allowed value is 3M
memoryReservationSoft memory limitation of the container as a number with a unit suffix of B, K, M and G, if memory is specified, the memoryReservation must be smaller than it
memorySwapTotal amount of memory and swap that the container can use as a number with a unit suffix of B, K, M and G, use -1 to allow the container to use unlimited swap

Example : Create and automatically start a new Hello World container.

Topic: command//edge:device:edge:containers/req//createWithConfig

			"domainName": "",
			"hostName": "",
			"env": [],
			"cmd": [],
			"privileged": false,
			"extraHosts": ["ctrhost:host_ip"],
			"extraCapabilities": [],
			"networkMode": "bridge",
			"openStdin": false,
			"tty": false,
			"mountPoints": [
					"source": "",
					"destination": "",
					"propagationMode": "rprivate"
			"decryption": {
				"keys": [],
				"recipients": []
			"devices": [
					"pathOnHost": "",
					"pathInContainer": "",
					"cgroupPermissions": "rwm"
			"restartPolicy": {
				"type": "unless-stopped",
				"maxRetryCount": 0,
				"retryTimeout": 0
					"proto": "tcp",
					"containerPort": 80,
					"hostIP": "",
					"hostPort": 5000,
					"hostPortEnd": 5005,
			"log": {
				"type": "json-file",
				"maxFiles": 2,
				"maxSize": "100M",
				"rootDir": "",
				"mode": "blocking",
				"maxBufferSize": "1M"
			"resources": {
				"memory": "",
				"memoryReservation": "",
				"memorySwap": ""

Hono Command : command//<name>:<namespace>:edge:containers/res//createWithConfig

Ditto Message:

topic<name>/<namespace>:edge:containers/things/live/messages/createWithConfigInformation about the affected Thing and the type of operation
path/features/ContainerFactory/outbox/messages/createWithConfigA path to the ContainerFactory Feature, it’s message channel, and command
HeadersAdditional headers
content-typeapplication/jsonThe content type
ValueUUID of the created container

Example : Response of a createWithConfig operation.

Topic: command//edge:device:edge:containers/res//createWithConfig

	"value":"<Container UUID>"

2 - Container API

The container service offers a comprehensive range of operations for managing existing containers. Users can effortlessly start, pause, resume or stop, containers with specific configurations. Additionally, they have the flexibility to rename, update, or remove containers as needed.


Start an existing container.


Hono Command: command//<name>:<namespace>:edge:containers/req//start

Ditto Message:

topic<name>/<namespace>:edge:containers/things/live/messages/startInformation about the affected Thing and the type of operation
path/features/Container:<UUID>/inbox/messages/startA path to the Container Feature, it’s message channel, and start command
HeadersAdditional headers
response-requiredtrue/falseIf response is required
content-typeapplication/jsonThe content type
correlation-idcontainer UUIDThe container UUID

Example : Start an existing container.

Topic: command//edge:device:edge:containers/req//start


Hono Command : command//<name>:<namespace>:edge:containers/res//start

Ditto Message:

topic<name>/<namespace>:edge:containers/things/live/messages/startInformation about the affected Thing and the type of operation
path/features/Container:<UUID>/outbox/messages/startA path to the Container Feature, it’s message channel, and start command
HeadersAdditional headers
content-typeapplication/jsonThe content type
correlation-id<UUID>The same correlation id as the request message
StatusStatus of the operation start over the container

Example : Response of a successful start operation.

Topic: `command//edge:device:edge:containers/res//start``

	"status": 204


Stop an existing and running container.


Hono Command: command//<name>:<namespace>:edge:containers/req//stop

Ditto Message:

topic<name>/<namespace>:edge:containers/things/live/messages/stopInformation about the affected Thing and the type of operation
path/features/Container:<UUID>/inbox/messages/stopA path to the Container Feature, it’s message channel, and stop command
HeadersAdditional headers
response-requiredtrue/falseIf response is required
content-typeapplication/jsonThe content type
correlation-idcontainer UUIDThe container UUID

Example : Stop an existing and running container.

Topic: command//edge:device:edge:containers/req//stop


Hono Command : command//<name>:<namespace>:edge:containers/res//stop

Ditto Message:

topic<name>/<namespace>:edge:containers/things/live/messages/stopInformation about the affected Thing and the type of operation
path/features/Container:<UUID>/outbox/messages/stopA path to the Container Feature, it’s message channel, and stop command
HeadersAdditional headers
content-typeapplication/jsonThe content type
correlation-id<UUID>The same correlation id as the request message
StatusStatus of the operation stop over the container

Example : Response of a successful stop operation.

Topic: `command//edge:device:edge:containers/res//stop``


Stop with options

Stop an existing and running container with given options.


Hono Command: command//<name>:<namespace>:edge:containers/req//stopWithOptions

Ditto Message:

topic<name>/<namespace>:edge:containers/things/live/messages/stopWithOptionsInformation about the affected Thing and the type of operation
path/features/Container:<UUID>/inbox/messages/stopWithOptionsA path to the Container Feature, it’s message channel, and stopWithOptions command
HeadersAdditional headers
response-requiredtrue/falseIf response is required
content-typeapplication/jsonThe content type
correlation-idcontainer UUIDThe container UUID
signalSIGTERMStop a container using a specific signal. Signals could be specified by using their names or numbers, e.g. SIGINT or 2
timeout-1 « 63 // -9223372036854775808Sets the timeout period in seconds to gracefully stop the container. When timeout expires the container process would be forcibly killed
forcetrue/falseWhether to send a SIGKILL signal to the container’s process if it does not finish within the timeout specified

Example : Stop an existing and running container with specified options.

Topic: command//edge:device:edge:containers/req//stopWithOptions

		"timeout": 30,
		"force": true

Hono Command : command//<name>:<namespace>:edge:containers/res//stopWithOptions

Ditto Message:

topic<name>/<namespace>:edge:containers/things/live/messages/stopWithOptionsInformation about the affected Thing and the type of operation
path/features/Container:<UUID>/outbox/messages/stopWithOptionsA path to the Container Feature, it’s message channel, and stopWithOptions command
HeadersAdditional headers
content-typeapplication/jsonThe content type
correlation-id<UUID>The same correlation id as the request message
StatusStatus of the operation stop with options over the container

Example : Response of a successful the stopWithOptions operation.

Topic: `command//edge:device:edge:containers/res//stopWithOptions``



Change the name of an existing container to the specified new name.


Hono Command: command//<name>:<namespace>:edge:containers/req//rename

Ditto Message:

topic<name>/<namespace>:edge:containers/things/live/messages/renameInformation about the affected Thing and the type of operation
path/features/Container:<UUID>/inbox/messages/renameA path to the Container Feature, it’s message channel, and rename command
HeadersAdditional headers
response-requiredtrue/falseIf response is required
content-typeapplication/jsonThe content type
correlation-idcontainer UUIDThe container UUID
ValueThe new name of the container

Example : Change the name of an existing container to the specified new name.

Topic: command//edge:device:edge:containers/req//rename


Hono Command : command//<name>:<namespace>:edge:containers/res//rename

Ditto Message:

topic<name>/<namespace>:edge:containers/things/live/messages/renameInformation about the affected Thing and the type of operation
path/features/Container:<UUID>/outbox/messages/renameA path to the Container Feature, it’s message channel, and rename command
HeadersAdditional headers
content-typeapplication/jsonThe content type
correlation-id<UUID>The same correlation id as the request message
StatusStatus of the operation rename container

Example : The response of the rename operation.

Topic: `command//edge:device:edge:containers/res//rename``



Update an existing container without recreating it. The provided configurations will be merged with the current one.


Hono Command: command//<name>:<namespace>:edge:containers/req//update

Ditto Message:

topic<name>/<namespace>:edge:containers/things/live/messages/updateInformation about the affected Thing and the type of operation
path/features/Container:<UUID>/inbox/messages/updateA path to the Container Feature, it’s message channel, and update command
HeadersAdditional headers
response-requiredtrue/falseIf response is required
content-typeapplication/jsonThe content type
correlation-idcontainer UUIDThe container UUID
restartPolicyUpdates the restart policy for the container. The policy will be applied when the container exits
typeno/always/unless-stopped/on-failureThe container’s restart policy, the supported types are: always, no, on-failure and unless-stopped
maxRetryCount-1 « 31 // -2147483648Maximum number of retries that are made to restart the container on exit with fail, if the type is on-failure
timeout-1 « 63 // -9223372036854775808Timeout period in seconds for each retry that is made to restart the container on exit with fail, if the type is on-failure
memoryHard memory limitation of the container as a number with a unit suffix of B, K, M and G, the minimum allowed value is 3M
memoryReservationSoft memory limitation of the container as a number with a unit suffix of B, K, M and G, if memory is specified, the memoryReservation must be smaller than it
memorySwapTotal amount of memory and swap that the container can use as a number with a unit suffix of B, K, M and G, use -1 to allow the container to use unlimited swap

Example : Update an existing container resources and restart policy.

Topic: command//edge:device:edge:containers/req//update


Hono Command : command//<name>:<namespace>:edge:containers/res//update

Ditto Message:

topic<name>/<namespace>:edge:containers/things/live/messages/updateInformation about the affected Thing and the type of operation
path/features/Container:<UUID>/outbox/messages/updateA path to the Container Feature, it’s message channel, and update command
HeadersAdditional headers
content-typeapplication/jsonThe content type
correlation-id<UUID>The same correlation id as the request message
StatusStatus of the update operation over the container

Example : Successful response of an update operation.

Topic: `command//edge:device:edge:containers/res//update``



Remove an existing container.


Hono Command: command//<name>:<namespace>:edge:containers/req//remove

Ditto Message:

topic<name>/<namespace>:edge:containers/things/live/messages/removeInformation about the affected Thing and the type of operation
path/features/Container:<UUID>/inbox/messages/removeA path to the Container Feature, it’s message channel, and remove command
HeadersAdditional headers
response-requiredtrue/falseIf response is required
content-typeapplication/jsonThe content type
correlation-idcontainer UUIDThe container UUID
Valuetrue/falseForce stopping before removing a container

Example : Remove an existing container.

Topic: command//edge:device:edge:containers/req//remove


Hono Command : command//<name>:<namespace>:edge:containers/res//remove

Ditto Message:

topic<name>/<namespace>:edge:containers/things/live/messages/removeInformation about the affected Thing and the type of operation
path/features/Container:<UUID>/outbox/messages/removeA path to the Container Feature, it’s message channel, and remove command
HeadersAdditional headers
content-typeapplication/jsonThe content type
correlation-id<UUID>The same correlation id as the request message
StatusStatus of the operation remove container

Example : Successful response of an remove operation.

Topic: `command//edge:device:edge:containers/res//remove``


3 - Metrics API

With the metrics service, you can request and receive metrics data for specific containers.


Request to receive data from the container.


Hono Command: command//<name>:<namespace>:edge:containers/req//request

Ditto Message:

topic<name>/<namespace>:edge:containers/things/live/messages/requestInformation about the affected Thing and the type of operation
path/features/Metrics/inbox/messages/requestA path to the Metrics Feature, it’s message channel, and request command
HeadersAdditional headers
response-requiredtrue/falseIf response is required
content-typeapplication/jsonThe content type
correlation-idcontainer UUIDThe container UUID
frequencyTime interval of how often the metrics data will be published as duration string (e.g. 5s)
filterFilter defines the type of metric data to be reported
idAn array of identifiers whose metric data to be reported, supported are: cpu.utilization, memory.utilization,, memory.used, io.readBytes, io.writeBytes, net.readBytes, net.writeBytes, pids
originatorMetrics data originator

Example : Request metrics data with a specified filter and frequency.

Topic: command//edge:device:edge:containers/req//request


Hono Command : command//<name>:<namespace>:edge:containers/res//request

Ditto Message:

topic<name>/<namespace>:edge:containers/things/live/messages/requestInformation about the affected Thing and the type of operation
path/features/Metrics/outbox/messages/requestA path to the Metrics Feature, it’s message channel, and request command
HeadersAdditional headers
content-typeapplication/jsonThe content type
correlation-id<UUID>The same correlation id as the sent request message
StatusStatus of the request metrics operation

Example : The response of the request metrics data operation.

Topic: `command//edge:device:edge:containers/res//request``

	"status": 204


Metrics data from a container based on the frequency specified in the request.


Hono Command : command//<name>:<namespace>:edge:containers/res//data

Ditto Message:

topic<name>/<namespace>:edge:containers/things/live/messages/dataInformation about the affected Thing and the type of operation
path/features/Metrics/outbox/messages/dataA path to the Metrics Feature and it’s message channel.
HeadersAdditional headers
content-typeapplication/jsonThe content type
ValueThe value of the received data from the container in json format
timestampThe timestamp in ms when this measure data is published
shapshotAll the measurements collected per originator
originatorThe originator for whose metric data to be reported
measurementsAn array of measurements identifier and value for originator
idThe identifier whose metric data to be reported, supported are: cpu.utilization, memory.utilization,, memory.used, io.readBytes, io.writeBytes, net.readBytes, net.writeBytes, pids
valueThe measured value per metric ID

Example : Metrics data from a container.

Topic: `command//edge:device:edge:containers/res//data``


4 - Software Updatable API

The software updatable service utilizes the Eclipse hawkBit message format to install a specified list of containers (software modules) and remove already installed modules.


You can install a specified list of containers (software modules).


Hono Command: command//<name>:<namespace>:edge:containers/req//install

Ditto Message:

topic<name>/<namespace>:edge:containers/things/live/messages/installInformation about the affected Thing and the type of operation
path/features/SoftwareUpdatable/inbox/messages/installA path to the SoftwareUpdatable Feature, it’s message channel, and install command
HeadersAdditional headers
response-requiredtrue/falseIf response is required
content-typeapplication/jsonThe content type
correlation-idcontainer UUIDThe container UUID
correlationIdUnique identifier that is used to associate and track the series of messages
weightThe weight is the priority in case of multiple, parallel instructions
metadataThe metadata is any other information which should be passed to the device
forcedtrue/falseForced to install the software modules
softwareModulesAn array of modules that will be installed
metadataThe metadata is any other information which should be passed to the device
softwareModuleAn unique identifier for the software module
nameThe name of the software module
versionThe version of the software module
artifactsAn array of artifacts contained in the software module
filenameThe file name of the artifact behind the provided URLs
sizeThe size of the file in bytes
downloadA map with protocols and links for artifact download
keyHTTP/HTTPS/FTP/SFTPAvailable transport protocols
urlURL to download the artifact
md5urlMD5URL to download the MD5SUM file
checksumsA map with checksums to verify the proper download
MD5MD5 checksum of the downloaded file
SHA1SHA1 checksum of the downloaded file
SHA256SHA256 checksum of the downloaded file

Example : In this example, you can install the listed modules.

Topic: command//edge:device:edge:containers/req//install


Hono Command : command//<name>:<namespace>:edge:containers/res//install

Ditto Message:

topic<name>/<namespace>:edge:containers/things/live/messages/installInformation about the affected Thing and the type of operation
path/features/SoftwareUpdatable/outbox/messages/installA path to the SoftwareUpdatable Feature, it’s message channel, and install command
HeadersAdditional headers
content-typeapplication/jsonThe content type
correlation-id<UUID>The same correlation id as the sent request message
StatusStatus of the install operation`

Example : Response of a successful install of the software modules.

Topic: `command//edge:device:edge:containers/res//install``

	"status": 204


Remove of an installed software module.


Hono Command: command//<name>:<namespace>:edge:containers/req//remove

Ditto Message:

topic<name>/<namespace>:edge:containers/things/live/messages/removeInformation about the affected Thing and the type of operation
path/features/SoftwareUpdatable/inbox/messages/removeA path to the SoftwareUpdatable Feature, it’s message channel, and remove command
HeadersAdditional headers
response-requiredtrue/falseIf response is required
content-typeapplication/jsonThe content type
correlation-idcontainer UUIDThe container UUID
ValueJson presentation of the software module to be removed
correlationIdUnique identifier that is used to associate and track the series of messages
weightThe weight is the priority in case of multiple, parallel instructions
metadataThe metadata is any other information which should be passed to the device
forcedtrue/falseForce remove the software modules
softwareAn array of software modules to be removed
groupAn identifier which groups the dependency into a certain category
nameThe dependency name
versionThe dependency version
typeThe “category” classifier of the dependency

Example : In this example, you can remove an existing software modules.

Topic: command//edge:device:edge:containers/req//remove

	"value": {

Hono Command : command//<name>:<namespace>:edge:containers/res//remove

Ditto Message:

topic<name>/<namespace>:edge:containers/things/live/messages/removeInformation about the affected Thing and the type of operation
path/features/SoftwareUpdatable/outbox/messages/removeA path to the SoftwareUpdatable Feature, it’s message channel, and remove command
HeadersAdditional headers
correlation-idcontainer UUIDThe container UUID
StatusStatus of the operation remove software modules from container

Example : The response of successful removal of software modules.

Topic: `command//edge:device:edge:containers/res//remove``
