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File Upload

Customize the files transfer to a backend storage.

1 - File upload configuration

Customize the files transfer to a backend storage.


To control all aspects of the file upload behavior.

featureIdstringAutoUploadableFeature unique identifier in the scope of the edge digital twin
typestringfileType of the files that are uploaded by this feature
contextstringedgeContext of the files that are uploaded by this feature, unique in the scope of the type
filesstringGlob pattern to select the files for upload
modestringstrictRestriction on files that can be dynamically selected for an upload, the supported modes are: strict, lax and scoped
singleUploadboolfalseForbid triggering of new uploads when there is an upload in progress
checksumboolfalseSend MD5 checksum for uploaded files to ensure data integrity
stopTimeoutstring30sTime to wait for running uploads to finish as a sequence of decimal numbers, each with optional fraction and a unit suffix, such as: 300ms, 1.5h, 10m30s, etc., time units are: ns, us (or µs), ms, s, m, h
deleteboolfalseDelete successfully uploaded files
Upload - TLS
serverCertstringPEM encoded certificate file for secure uploads
Auto upload
activeboolfalseActivate periodic uploads
activeFromstringTime from which periodic uploads should be active, in RFC 3339 format, if omitted (and active flag is set) current time will be used as start of the periodic uploads
activeTillstringTime till which periodic uploads should be active, in RFC 3339 format, if omitted (and active flag is set) periodic uploads will be active indefinitely
periodstring10hUpload period as a sequence of decimal numbers, each with optional fraction and a unit suffix, such as: 300ms, 1.5h, 10m30s, etc., time units are: ns, us (or µs), ms, s, m, h
Local connectivity
brokerstringtcp://localhost:1883Address of the MQTT server/broker that the file upload will connect for the local communication, the format is: scheme://host:port
usernamestringUsername that is a part of the credentials
passwordstringPassword that is a part of the credentials
Local connectivity - TLS
caCertstringPEM encoded CA certificates file
certstringPEM encoded certificate file to authenticate to the MQTT server/broker
keystringPEM encoded unencrypted private key file to authenticate to the MQTT server/broker
logFilestringlog/file-upload.logPath to the file where log messages are written
logLevelstringINFOAll log messages at this or higher level will be logged, the log levels in descending order are: ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG and TRACE
logFileCountint5Log file maximum rotations count
logFileMaxAgeint28Log file rotations maximum age in days, use 0 to not remove old log files
logFileSizeint2Log file size in MB before it gets rotated


The minimal required configuration that sets the file type to log.

    "type": "log",
    "files": "/var/tmp/file-upload/*.*",
    "logFile": "/var/log/file-upload/file-upload.log"


The configuration can be further adjusted according to the use case. The following template illustrates all possible properties with their default values.

    "featureId": "AutoUploadable",
    "type": "file",
    "context": "edge",
    "files": "",
    "mode": "strict",
    "singleUpload": false,
    "checksum": false,
    "stopTimeout": "30s",
    "delete": false,
    "serverCert": "",
    "active": false,
    "activeFrom": "",
    "activeTill": "",
    "period": "10h",
    "broker": "tcp://localhost:1883",
    "username": "",
    "password": "",
    "caCert": "",
    "cert": "",
    "key": "",
    "logFile": "log/file-upload.log",
    "logLevel": "INFO",
    "logFileCount": 5,
    "logFileMaxAge": 28,
    "logFileSize": 2

2 - File Upload API

The file upload service provides the ability to start, trigger, cancel, activate or deactivate upload of the file.


Start a file upload operation.


Hono Command: command//<name>:<namespace>/req//start

Ditto Message:

topic<name>/<namespace>/things/live/messages/startInformation about the affected Thing and the type of operation
path/features/AutoUploadable/inbox/messages/startA path to the AutoUploadable Feature, it’s message channel, and start command
HeadersAdditional headers
response-requiredtrue/falseIf response is required
content-typeapplication/jsonThe content type
correlation-idUUIDUsed for correlating protocol messages, the same correlation-id as the sent back response message
correlationIDother UUIDIdentifier of the uploaded file
optionsOptions are specific for each provider
storage.provideraws/azure/genericStorage provider that will be used for uploading the files

Example : Start uploading a file.

Topic: command//edge:device/req//start


Hono Command : command//<name>:<namespace>/res//start

Ditto Message:

topic<name>/<namespace>/things/live/messages/startInformation about the affected Thing and the type of operation
path/features/AutoUploadable/outbox/messages/startA path to the AutoUploadable Feature, it’s message channel, and start command
HeadersAdditional headers
content-typeapplication/jsonThe content type
correlation-id<UUID>The same correlation id as the sent request message
StatusStatus of the operation start upload the file

Example : Successful response of a start file upload operation.

Topic: `command//edge:device/res//start``

	"status": 204


Trigger a file upload operation.


Hono Command: command//<name>:<namespace>/req//trigger

Ditto Message:

topic<name>/<namespace>/things/live/messages/triggerInformation about the affected Thing and the type of operation
path/features/AutoUploadable/inbox/messages/triggerA path to the AutoUploadable Feature, it’s message channel, and trigger command
HeadersAdditional headers
response-requiredtrue/falseIf response is required
content-typeapplication/jsonThe content type
correlation-idUUIDUsed for correlating protocol messages, the same correlation-id as the sent back response message
correlationIDother UUIDIdentifier of the triggered file
optionsOptions are specific for each provider

Example : Trigger a file upload operation.

Topic: command//edge:device/req//trigger

		"correlationID":"other <UUID>",

Hono Command : command//<name>:<namespace>/res//trigger

Ditto Message:

topic<name>/<namespace>/things/live/messages/triggerInformation about the affected Thing and the type of operation
path/features/AutoUploadable/outbox/messages/triggerA path to the AutoUploadable Feature, it’s message channel, and trigger command
HeadersAdditional headers
content-typeapplication/jsonThe content type
correlation-id<UUID>The same correlation id as the sent request message
StatusStatus of the trigger operation

Example : Successful response of a trigger operation.

Topic: `command//edge:device/res//trigger``



Cancel a file upload operation.


Hono Command: command//<name>:<namespace>/req//cancel

Ditto Message:

topic<name>/<namespace>/things/live/messages/cancelInformation about the affected Thing and the type of operation
path/features/AutoUploadable/inbox/messages/cancelA path to the AutoUploadable Feature, it’s message channel, and cancel command
HeadersAdditional headers
response-requiredtrue/falseIf response is required
content-typeapplication/jsonThe content type
correlation-idUUIDUsed for correlating protocol messages, the same correlation-id as the sent back response message
correlationIDother UUIDIdentifier of the uploaded file
statusCodeThis status code is set to update status code
messageThis message is set to update status message

Example : Cancel a file upload operation.

Topic: command//edge:device/req//cancel

		"statusCode": 400,
		"message":"description why the upload is canceled "

Hono Command : command//<name>:<namespace>/res//cancel

Ditto Message:

topic<name>/<namespace>/things/live/messages/cancelInformation about the affected Thing and the type of operation
path/features/AutoUploadable/outbox/messages/cancelA path to the AutoUploadable Feature, it’s message channel, and cancel command
HeadersAdditional headers
content-typeapplication/jsonThe content type
correlation-id<UUID>The same correlation id as the sent request message
StatusStatus of the operation cancel file upload

Example : The response of the cancel file upload operation.

Topic: `command//edge:device/res//cancel``



Activate an upload of a file.


Hono Command: command//<name>:<namespace>/req//activate

Ditto Message:

topic<name>/<namespace>/things/live/messages/activateInformation about the affected Thing and the type of operation
path/features/AutoUploadable/inbox/messages/activateA path that references a part of a Thing which is affected by this message
HeadersAdditional headers
response-requiredtrue/falseIf response is required
content-typeapplication/jsonThe content type
correlation-idUUIDUsed for correlating protocol messages, the same correlation-id as the sent back response message
fromA Time after which the upload must be activated
toA Time grater than from marks the end of activated

Example : Activate file upload.

Topic: command//edge:device/req//activate


Hono Command : command//<name>:<namespace>/res//activate

Ditto Message:

topic<name>/<namespace>/things/live/messages/activateInformation about the affected Thing and the type of operation
path/features/AutoUploadable/outbox/messages/activateA path to the AutoUploadable Feature, it’s message channel, and activate command
HeadersAdditional headers
content-typeapplication/jsonThe content type
correlation-id<UUID>The same correlation id as the sent request message
StatusStatus of the operation activate file upload

Example : Successful response of an activate file upload operation.

Topic: `command//edge:device/res//activate``



Deactivate a file upload.


Hono Command: command//<name>:<namespace>/req//deactivate

Ditto Message:

topic<name>/<namespace>/things/live/messages/deactivateInformation about the affected Thing and the type of operation
path/features/AutoUploadable/inbox/messages/deactivateA path to the AutoUploadable Feature, it’s message channel, and deactivate command
HeadersAdditional headers
response-requiredtrue/falseIf response is required
content-typeapplication/jsonThe content type
correlation-idUUIDUsed for correlating protocol messages, the same correlation-id as the response message

Example : Deactivate a file upload.

Topic: command//edge:device/req//deactivate


Hono Command : command//<name>:<namespace>0/res//deactivate

Ditto Message:

topic<name>/<namespace>/things/live/messages/deactivateInformation about the affected Thing and the type of operation
path/features/AutoUploadable/outbox/messages/deactivateA path to the AutoUploadable Feature, it’s message channel, and deactivate command
HeadersAdditional headers
content-typeapplication/jsonThe content type
correlation-id<UUID>The same correlation id as the sent request message
StatusStatus of the operation deactivate file upload

Example : Successful response of the deactivate file upload operation.

Topic: `command//edge:device/res//deactivate``
