The extensible open source Java/OSGi IoT Edge Framework
Eclipse Kura™ is an extensible open source IoT Edge Framework based on Java/OSGi. Kura offers API access to the hardware interfaces of IoT Gateways (serial ports, GPS, watchdog, GPIOs, I2C, etc.). It features ready-to-use field protocols (including Modbus, OPC-UA, S7), an application container, and a web-based visual data flow programming to acquire data from the field, process it at the edge, and publish it to leading IoT Cloud Platforms through MQTT connectivity.
Project News
Kura 5.6.0 Release
Eclipse Kura 5.6.0 is now available for download!
Kura 5.6.0 M1
Eclipse Kura 5.6.0 M1 is now available for download!
Kura 5.5.0 Release
Eclipse Kura 5.5.0 is now available for download!
CVE-2024-3046 vulnerability
CVE-2024-3046 has been recently discovered and resolved in Kura 5.4.2. Click here to get more information.
Download Kura for your Raspberry Pi 3/4/5 Raspberry Pi OS (64 bit) from here:
To install, follow these instructions:
Docker run: docker run -d -p 8443:443 -t eclipse/kura
For other platforms, please refer to the Documentation Page.
Use Wires to visually connect your sensors and PLCs using a friendly web UI for data capture, processing and publishing.
Develop new Components and Application, Drag-and-Drop new modules from the Eclipse IoT Marketplace.
- Get Started with the Framework Functionalities
- Get Started with Java development
- Access the Marketplace
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