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Release Resolved Community Contributions
26 Jun 2013
105 bugs Major release containing LTTng restructuring, further overhaul of the profiling framework, SystemTap restructuring, and streamlining the UI in many places in addition to bug fixes.

New in Linux Tools 2.0

Profiling Framework

Profiling Tools Menu

The Profiling Framework has been modified to move all of the profiling tools from the Profile As.. context menu into a separate "Profiling Tools" context menu. For more details, see the Profiling User's Guide.

C/C++ Profiling Tools Menu

Local C/C++ Application

Support has been added to the profiling framework foto supply "Profile As...->Local C/C++ Application". This launch short-cut shares the launch configuration settings for Run and Debug (Local C/C++ Application). What this means is that if the user sets up a Run configuration for a Local C/C++ Application and for example, sets up program arguments or environment variables, these settings will be used in profiling as well and do not require reentering. An additional tab will appear in the Profile Configurations dialog to allow setting the profiling tool (any of the Linux Tools profiling tools) as well as the profiling tool options. For more details, see the Profiling User's Guide.

Profiling as C/C++ Application

Linux Tracing Toolkit

Short Description

Many enhancemants and improvements have been made to the LTTng integration in Eclipse as well as to the Tracing and Monitoring Framework (TMF). Also, a new GDB Tracepoint Analysis feature based on TMF is included in this release.
Here are the highlights of release:

  • Support for Multiple Simultaneously Open Traces
  • Support for Link With Editor
  • New Batch Trace Import Wizard
  • LTTng Tracer Control Improvements
  • Event Details in Properties View
  • Support for Source and Model Lookup
  • Statistics View Improvements
  • Support of Filters In Control Flow View
  • Timestamp Format Preferences
  • Trace Indexing Progress and Speed
  • State System Explorer View
  • Generic Call Stack View
  • Miscellaneous Improvements
  • New GDB Tracepoint Analysis Feature
Refer to the User Guide for detailed information on installation, configuration and operation.

Note: The support for the legacy LTTng tracer (v0.x) is removed.

Support for Multiple Simultaneously Open Traces

With the support of Events editors as replacement to the Events view it is now possible to open multiple traces simultaneously at the same time. The Events editor shows the basic trace data elements (events) in a tabular format. The editors can be dragged in the editor area so that several traces may be shown side by side. These traces are synchronized by timestamp. Other open tracing views reflect the trace in focus.

Refer to the User Guide for detailed information on the Events Editor and its usage.

Events Editor

Support for Link With Editor

The tracing project now supports the feature Link With Editor of the Project Explorer view. With this feature it is now possible to

  • select a trace element in the Project Explorer view and the corresponding Events editor will get focus if the relevant trace is open.
  • select an Events editor and the corresponding trace element will be highlighted in the Project Explorer view.
This feature can be enabled and disabled by toggling the Link With Editor button of the Project Explorer view.

Refer to the User Guide for detailed information on this feature and its usage.

Link with Editor

New Batch Trace Import Wizard

The Batch Import Trace Wizard allows users to search their media for traces and import multiple traces of varying types simultaneously. It also handles name clashes and renaming of traces.

Refer to the User Guide for detailed information on this Batch Import Trace Wizard and its usage.

Batch Trace Import Wizard

LTTng Tracer Control Improvements

  • The LTTng Control View now supports LTTng Tools 2.1. This introduces the possiblity to configure network streaming and event filtering at the tracer level.
  • A new preference has been introduced to configure the command execution timeout.
  • The New Connection dialog now allows for specifying a ssh port.
Refer to the User Guide for detailed information on the LTTng Tracer Control and its usage.

Event Filtering

Control Preferences
Edit Connection

Event Details in Properties View

The Properties view now display the event details when selecting an event in the table of the Events editor.

Refer to the User Guide for detailed information on the Events Editor and its usage.

Event Properties

Support for Source and Model Lookup

For CTF traces using specification v1.8.2 or above, information can optionally be embedded in the trace to indicate the source of a trace event. This is accessed through the event context menu by right clicking on an event in the table.

  • If a source file is available in the trace for the selected event, the item Open Source Code is shown in the context menu. Selecting this menu item will attempt to find the source file in all opened projects in the workspace. If multiple candidates exist, a selection dialog will be shown to the user. The selected source file will be opened, at the correct line, in its default language editor. If no candidate is found, an error dialog is shown displaying the source code information.
  • If an EMF model URI is available in the trace for the selected event, the item Open Model Element is shown in the context menu. Selecting this menu item will attempt to open the model file in the project specified in the URI.
Refer to the User Guide for detailed information on the Events Editor and its usage.

Source Lookup

Statistics View Improvements

  • The collection of statistics data is now driven by a state system. This allows for fast queries of the statistics data.
  • The Statistics View displays now also the number of events per event type in the selected time window.
Refer to the User Guide for detailed information on this view and its usage.

Statistics View

Support of Filters In Control Flow View

The Control Flow view has been enhanced to allow for configuration of process filters. With this addition it is possible to configure the set of processes to be displayed.

Refer to the User Guide for detailed information on this view and its usage.

CFV with Filter

Timestamp Format Preferences

A new tracing preference page has been added to configure the format of the time stamp to be displayed.

Refer to the User Guide for detailed information on these preferences and their usage.

Time Format Preferences

Trace Indexing Progress and Speed

The status bar of Eclipse and the Progess view are now showing the current number of events being parsed during the execution of the indexing job. Moreover, the Progress view is showing the current number of events per seconds during indexing.

Indexing Progress

State System Explorer View

The State System Explorer view allows the user to inspect the state interval values of every attribute of a state system at a particular time.

Refer to the User Guide for detailed information on these preferences and their usage.

State System Explorer

Generic Call Stack View

The Call Stack view allows the user to visualize the call stack per thread over time, if the application and trace provide this information. The view shows the call stack information for the currently selected trace.

Refer to the User Guide for detailed information on view and its usage.

Call Stack View

Miscellaneous Improvements

  • The drag & drop feature has been enhanced to allow for renaming of an imported trace if a trace with the same name already exists. Moreover, it is now possible to import a trace as link using Drag & Drop.
  • The command to open the Custom Parser Wizard has been moved to the context-sensitive menu of the trace elements in the Project Explorer view.
  • A new icon   has been introduced for traces that don't have a trace type associated with.
  • The State System allows for multiple state system backends. The partial state system backend was introduce.
  • Generic TMF support of source code and model element lookup.
  • The CTF trace validation has been enhanced to provide the user with detailed information about the cause of failure.
  • A more detailed and enhanced TMF Designer Guide is now available (TMF Designer Guide). The TMF Designer Guide is also delivered as Eclipse help plug-in and is part of the LTTng/TMF features.

New GDB Tracepoint Analysis Feature

The GDB Tracepoint Analysis feature is an extension to the Tracing and Monitoring Framework (TMF) that allows the visualization and analysis of C/C++ tracepoint data collected by GDB and stored to a log file. It can be installed separately from the LTTng features from the Linux Tools update site.

Refer to the User Guide for detailed information on the GDB Tracepoint Analysis.

GDB Trace Analysis Perspective

Perf Integration

New Features Supported

Various existing features of the underlying Perf tool have been integrated with the plug-in. These include support for displaying performance statistics reports, source disassembly viewer for instruction level analysis and comparison between statistics or profile reports.


SystemTap Integration

SystemTap Launch Configuration

Systemtap launch configuration has been enhanced to allow SystemTap options to be specified for the script. Options include being able to specify running an executable for the script and using dyninst.

SystemTap Launch Configuration

Graphing SystemTap Output

Graphing capabilities which were formerly in a special perspective have been moved as an option of a SystemTap launch configuration. A user can set up regex to parse the SystemTap output and then map that to a graph such as a Bar Graph, Line Graph, Pie Graph, or additional choices.

SystemTap Graphing

SystemTap Editor Improvements

The SystemTap editor has been improved to extract documentation from man pages and uses this to support hover help and completion in the SystemTap editor for probes, functions, and some variables that are documented.

SystemTap Editor


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