Install Arc CLI
- Install Arc Runner
On Linux, macOS, and Windows (using WSL or bash compatible shell like Cygwin or MinGW)
curl -Ls | bash -s - app install --fresh --force
On Windows using Powershell:
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -scope CurrentUser
iex "& { $(iwr } trust add"
iex "& { $(iwr } app install --fresh --force"
(This will install everything you need to run the arc-runner, including JAVA)
- Open a new console window and install the Weather Agent
arc install weather
(This will install the weather agent located at
- Set environment variables
On Linux, macOS, and Windows (using WSL or bash compatible shell like Cygwin or MinGW)
export ARC_AI_URL= // The url hosting the models. Can be omitted if using openai.
export ARC_AI_KEY=YOUR_OPENAI_KEY // The key to authenticate with the AI service. can be omitted if using Azure Login.
export ARC_CLIENT=openai // or azure, ollama, etc.
export ARC_MODEL=gpt-4o // the name of the model to use
On Windows using Powershell:
$env:ARC_AI_URL="" // The url hosting the models. Can be omitted if using openai.
$env:ARC_AI_KEY="YOUR_OPENAI_KEY" // The key to authenticate with the AI service. can be omitted if using Azure Login.
$env:ARC_CLIENT="openai" // or azure, ollama, etc.
$env:ARC_MODEL="gpt-4o" // the name of the model to use
- Run Arc
arc run
- Chat with the weather agent
open browser at http://localhost:8080/chat/index.html