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Communication Protocol

The LMOS communication protocol is designed around the Web of Things information model, but specifically designed for AI use cases.

Common Message Requirements

  • Every message MUST contain:
    • thingID: A unique identifier of the Thing. If the Thing Description contains an id member, its value MUST be used. Otherwise, the URL from which the Thing Description was retrieved MAY be used. The value MUST be a valid URI.
    • messageID: A unique identifier for the current message in UUIDv4 format RFC9562.
    • messageType: A string denoting the type of message, based on the LMOS message types.
    • correlationID (Optional): A unique identifier in UUIDv4 format shared between messages related to the same operation (e.g., request and response).

All date and time values MUST use the date-time format defined in RFC 9557.

Common Message Members Table

thingIDstringMandatoryThe ID (URI) of the Thing to which the Property belongs.
messageIDstringMandatoryA unique identifier (UUID) for the current message.
messageTypestringMandatoryA string denoting the type of message, based on the LMOS message types.
correlationIDstringOptionalA unique identifier (UUID) shared between messages for the same operation, e.g., request and response.
traceparentstringOptionalA trace context header that carries the trace information across service boundaries. It includes the traceId, spanId, and trace flags. Example: "00-0af7651916cd43dd8448eb211c80319c-b7ad6b7169203331-01".
tracestatestringOptionalA trace context header that provides additional vendor-specific or system-specific trace information. Example: "congo=BleGNlZWRzIHRohbCBwbGVhc3VyZS4".

LMOS Message Types

The messageType member MUST have a value from the following table:

Message TypeDescriptionEntityDirection
invokeActionInvoke an action on a ThingActionAffordanceRequest
cancelActionCancel an ongoing or scheduled actionActionAffordanceRequest
queryActionRetrieve the latest status of an actionActionAffordanceRequest
actionStatusStatus of a previously invoked actionActionAffordanceThing ➡ Consumer
subscribeEventSubscribe to a specific event from a ThingEventAffordanceConsumer ➡ Thing
unsubscribeEventUnsubscribe from a specific event from a ThingEventAffordanceConsumer ➡ Thing
subscribeAllEventsSubscribe to all events from a ThingEventAffordanceConsumer ➡ Thing
unsubscribeAllEventsUnsubscribe from all events from a ThingEventAffordanceConsumer ➡ Thing
readPropertyRequest a property reading from a ThingPropertyAffordanceConsumer ➡ Thing
propertyReadingA property reading from a ThingPropertyAffordanceThing ➡ Consumer
writePropertyWrite a property value to a ThingPropertyAffordanceConsumer ➡ Thing
writeMultiplePropertiesWrite multiple property values to a ThingPropertyAffordanceConsumer ➡ Thing
observePropertyStart observing a property value change in a ThingPropertyAffordanceConsumer ➡ Thing
unobservePropertyStop observing a property value change in a ThingPropertyAffordanceConsumer ➡ Thing
errorError response from a ThingErrorAffordanceThing ➡ Consumer

Interaction Patterns


In this pattern, an agent sends a request and expects a single response, typically with the requested information or acknowledgment.

Message Types Used:

  • readProperty and propertyReading: Requesting the current value of a property, expecting a reply with the value.
  • invokeAction and actionStatus: You can invoke an action and then expect the action status (e.g., pending, in progress, completed, or failed) as a reply. The Thing can return multiple response messages providing updates on the status of the action until it is completed.
  • writeProperty, writeMultipleProperties: After writing a property, the system must respond with a propertyReadings message confirming that the properties have been successfully written.
  • cancelAction: Request to cancel an ongoing or scheduled action. The system responds with an actionStatus message indicating whether the cancellation was successful or if the action could not be canceled (e.g., already completed).
  • queryAction: Request to retrieve the latest status of a previously invoked action. The system replies with an actionStatus message showing the most recent state of the action (e.g., pending, in progress, completed, failed).

One Request-Multiple Responses

This pattern is useful for cases where a single request may result in multiple responses over time, like ongoing updates or multiple pieces of information. In some cases, a request may initiate an action, and the status of that action may be reported multiple times until the action completes. This is useful when long-running or asynchronous operations are involved, and intermediate status updates are needed.

Message Types Used:

  • invokeAction and actionStatus: You can invoke an action and then expect the action status (e.g., pending, in progress, completed, or failed) as a reply. The Thing can return multiple response messages providing updates on the status of the action until it is completed.
  • subscribeEvent and event: When subscribing to events, the system sends multiple event notifications over time as the event occurs.
  • observeProperty and propertyReading: If an agent observes a property, it will receive multiple updates about the property value over time.


In this pattern, agents can publish events and other agents subscribe to receive those messages. It supports loose coupling and real-time communication.

Message Types Used:

  • subscribeEvent: Allows agents to subscribe to specific events emitted by a Thing. Once subscribed, the agent will receive notifications (event messages) whenever the event occurs.
  • unsubscribeEvent: Allows agents to unsubscribe from specific events they previously subscribed to, stopping further notifications for those events.
  • event: The published event message sent to all subscribers.
  • subscribeAllEvents: Allows agents to subscribe to all events emitted by a Thing.
  • unsubscribeAllEvents: Allows agents to unsubscribe from all events.


Interaction PatternMessage Type(s)DescriptionExample Scenarios
Request-ReplyreadProperty / propertyReading, invokeAction / actionStatus, writeProperty / propertyReading, queryAction / actionStatusThe sender requests information or performs an action and waits for a single response from the receiver.A marketing agent requests a generative AI agent to draft ad copy based on specific keywords. The AI responds with the completed draft.
One Request-Multiple ResponsesinvokeAction / actionStatus, observeProperty / propertyReading, subscribeEvent / eventA request is made, and the system sends multiple responses over time (e.g., progress updates) until completion.A video editing software requests an Image Generator agent to generate multiple versions of an image. The agent sends periodic updates as it creates each design, followed by a final batch of all thumbnails for review.
Event-Driven / NotificationssubscribeEvent / event, observerProperty / propertyReadingNotifications are sent to inform other agents about an event or status change, without expecting a reply.An AI agent detects when a trending topic emerges and notifies a social media agent, which then requests the creation of relevant posts.
Publish-SubscribesubscribeEvent / event, observerProperty / propertyReadingAgents subscribe to events and receive updates whenever those events occur.A news publishing agent subscribes to updates from a generative AI summarization agent. Whenever the summarization agent processes a breaking news article, it publishes the summary, which the news agent formats and distributes in text and video formats.



To request a property reading from a Thing, a Consumer MUST send a message containing the following members:

messageTypestring"readProperty"Indicates the request is for a readProperty operation.
namestringMandatoryThe name of the Property to read, as per its key in the properties member of the Thing Description.


"thingID": "urn:uuid:3f1d3a7a-4f97-2e6b-c45f-f3c2e1c84c77",
"messageID": "c370da58-69ae-4e83-bb5a-ac6cfb2fed54",
"messageType": "readProperty",
"name": "modelConfiguration",
"correlationID": "5afb752f-8be0-4a3c-8108-1327a6009cbd"

When the Thing receives a readProperty message and successfully reads the value, it MUST respond with a propertyReading message containing the value.


To update a property value on a Thing.

messageTypestring"writePropertyIndicates the request is for a writeProperty operation.
namestringMandatoryThe name of the property to update.
dataobjectMandatoryThe new value for the property.


"thingId": "urn:uuid:3f1d3a7a-4f97-2e6b-c45f-f3c2e1c84c77",
"messageId": "9876abcd-5432-10ef-ghij-klmnopqrstuv",
"messageType": "writeProperty",
"name": "modelConfiguration",
"data": {
"modelName": "gpt-4o",
"temperature": 0.7,
"maxTokens": 1000


To update multiple properties on a Thing.

messageTypestring"writeMultipleProperties"Indicates the request is for a writeMultipleProperties operation.
dataobjectMandatoryMap of property names and their new values.


"thingId": "urn:uuid:3f1d3a7a-4f97-2e6b-c45f-f3c2e1c84c77",
"messageId": "abcd1234-5678-90ef-ghij-klmnopqrstuv",
"messageType": "writeMultipleProperties",
"data": {
"modelConfiguration": {
"modelName": "gpt-4o",
"temperature": 0.7,
"maxTokens": 1000
"otherProperty": 60


To notify a Consumer of the value of a Property, a Thing MUST send a message containing the following members:

messageTypestring"propertyReading"Indicates this message provides the value of a Property.
namestringMandatoryThe name of the Property being read.
valueanyMandatoryThe current value of the Property, matching the data schema in the Thing Description.
timestampstringMandatoryA timestamp in date-time format indicating when the property was read.

If the propertyReading message is sent in response to a message containing a correlationID, the response SHOULD include the same correlationID.


"thingID": "urn:uuid:3f1d3a7a-4f97-2e6b-c45f-f3c2e1c84c77",
"messageID": "79057736-3e0e-4dc3-b139-a33051901ee2",
"messageType": "propertyReading",
"name": "modelConfiguration",
"value": {
"modelName": "gpt-4o",
"temperature": 0.7,
"maxTokens": 1000
"timestamp": "2024-01-13T23:20:50.52Z",
"correlationID": "5afb752f-8be0-4a3c-8108-1327a6009cbd"


To notify a Consumer of the value of a multiple properties, a Thing MUST send a message containing the following members:

dataobjectMandatoryMap of property names and their corresponding readings.
timestampstringMandatoryTimestamp when the property readings were taken.
messageTypestring"propertyReadings"Always "propertyReadings".


"thingId": "urn:uuid:3f1d3a7a-4f97-2e6b-c45f-f3c2e1c84c77",
"messageId": "abcd1234-5678-90ef-ghij-klmnopqrstuv",
"messageType": "propertyReadings",
"data": {
"modelConfiguration": {
"modelName": "gpt-4o",
"temperature": 0.7,
"maxTokens": 1000
"otherProperty": 60
"timestamp": "2025-01-20T19:00:00Z"


To begin observing a specific property of a Thing.

namestringMandatoryThe name of the property to observe.
messageTypestring"observeProperty"Always "observeProperty".


"thingId": "urn:uuid:3f1d3a7a-4f97-2e6b-c45f-f3c2e1c84c77",
"messageId": "abcd1234-5678-90ef-ghij-klmnopqrstuv",
"messageType": "observeProperty",
"name": "modelConfiguration"


To stop observing a specific property of a Thing.

thingIdstringIdentifier of the Thing to stop observing the property.
messageIdstringUnique identifier for this message.
namestringThe name of the property to stop observing.
messageTypestringAlways "unobserveProperty".


"thingId": "urn:uuid:3f1d3a7a-4f97-2e6b-c45f-f3c2e1c84c77",
"messageId": "abcd1234-5678-90ef-ghij-klmnopqrstuv",
"messageType": "unobserveProperty",
"name": "modelConfiguration"



To invoke an action on a Thing, send this message.

actionstringMandatoryThe name of the action to invoke.
inputdataOptionalInput data required by the action.
messageTypestringMandatoryAlways "invokeAction".

Example Request

"thingId": "urn:uuid:6f1d3a7a-1f97-4e6b-b45f-f3c2e1c84c77",
"messageId": "b45e8f90-8824-4c23-bc37-c6c4ddad4b2c",
"messageType": "invokeAction",
"action": "getWeather",
"input": {
"question": "What is the weather in New York?",
"interactionMode": "text"


To query the latest status of an action on a Thing, send this message.

actionstringMandatoryThe name of the action to query.
messageTypestring"queryAction"Always "queryAction".

Example Request

"thingId": "urn:uuid:6f1d3a7a-1f97-4e6b-b45f-f3c2e1c84c77",
"messageId": "c67a2e10-8834-4d12-ab23-d8f5ccad3e9f",
"messageType": "queryAction",
"action": "getWeather"


To cancel an ongoing or scheduled action on a Thing, send this message.

actionstringMandatoryThe name of the action to cancel.
reasonstringOptional(Optional) The reason for cancellation.
messageTypestring"cancelAction"Always "cancelAction".

Example Request

"thingId": "urn:uuid:6f1d3a7a-1f97-4e6b-b45f-f3c2e1c84c77",
"messageId": "d92c4f20-1284-4f92-bc99-f6e3ccbc4f9d",
"messageType": "cancelAction",
"action": "getWeather",
"reason": "User requested cancellation before completion."


Provides the status of a previously invoked action.

actionstringMandatoryThe name of the action being reported.
statusstringMandatoryThe status of the action (pending, completed, failed).
outputdataOptionalOutput data from the action, if available.
messageTypestring"actionStatus"Always "actionStatus".

Example Response

"thingId": "urn:uuid:6f1d3a7a-1f97-4e6b-b45f-f3c2e1c84c77",
"messageId": "a9b8c2f6-7e11-4293-a589-0d123456789a",
"messageType": "actionStatus",
"correlationId": "b45e8f90-8824-4c23-bc37-c6c4ddad4b2c",
"action": "getWeather",
"status": "completed",
"output": "The weather in New York is sunny with a temperature of 25°C."



To subscribe to a specific event on a Thing.

eventstringMandatoryThe name of the event to subscribe to.
messageTypestring"subscribeEvent"Always "subscribeEvent".

Example Request

"thingId": "urn:uuid:3f1d3a7a-4f97-2e6b-c45f-f3c2e1c84c77",
"messageId": "abcd1234-5678-90ef-ghij-klmnopqrstuv",
"messageType": "subscribeEvent",
"event": "userFeedbackReceived",
"correlationId": "b45e8f90-8824-4c23-bc37-c6c4ddad4b2c"


Provides event notifications from a Thing.

correlationIdstringMandatoryIdentifier linking this event to a subscription.
eventstringMandatoryThe name of the event being reported.
dataJsonNodeMandatoryEvent-specific data.
timestampInstantMandatoryTimestamp of the event occurrence.
messageTypestringMandatoryAlways "event".


"thingId": "urn:uuid:3f1d3a7a-4f97-2e6b-c45f-f3c2e1c84c77",
"messageId": "defg4567-8901-2345-hijk-lmnopqrstuvw",
"correlationId": "b45e8f90-8824-4c23-bc37-c6c4ddad4b2c",
"messageType": "event",
"event": "userFeedbackReceived",
"data": {
"rating": 4,
"comment": "The service is good, but could provide more details on the weather forecast."
"timestamp": "2025-01-20T19:00:00Z"


To unsubscribe from a specific event on a Thing.

eventstringMandatoryThe name of the event to unsubscribe from.
messageTypestring"unsubscribeEvent"Always "unsubscribeEvent".


"thingId": "urn:uuid:3f1d3a7a-4f97-2e6b-c45f-f3c2e1c84c77",
"messageId": "abcd1234-5678-90ef-ghij-klmnopqrstuv",
"messageType": "unsubscribeEvent",
"event": "userFeedbackReceived"


To subscribe to all events emitted by a Thing.

messageTypestring"subscribeAllEvents"Always "subscribeAllEvents".

Example Request:

"thingId": "urn:uuid:3f1d3a7a-4f97-2e6b-c45f-f3c2e1c84c77",
"messageId": "abcd1234-5678-90ef-ghij-klmnopqrstuv",
"messageType": "subscribeAllEvents"


To unsubscribe from all events emitted by a Thing.

messageTypestring"unsubscribeAllEvents"Always "unsubscribeAllEvents".

Example Request

"thingId": "urn:uuid:3f1d3a7a-4f97-2e6b-c45f-f3c2e1c84c77",
"messageId": "xyz1234-5678-90ef-abcd-efghijklmnop",
"messageType": "unsubscribeAllEvents"

Error Handling


To notify about an error that occurred during processing.

typestringMandatoryURI reference to the type of error.
titlestringMandatoryA short, human-readable summary of the error.
statusstringMandatoryError status code associated with the error.
detailstringMandatoryDetailed explanation of the error.
instancestringMandatoryURI reference to the specific occurrence of the error.
messageTypestring"error"Always "error".

Example Response

"thingId": "urn:uuid:3f1d3a7a-4f97-2e6b-c45f-f3c2e1c84c77",
"messageId": "abcd1234-5678-90ef-ghij-klmnopqrstuv",
"messageType": "error",
"correlationId": "efgh5678-1234-abcd-ijkl-mnopqrstuvwx",
"type": "",
"title": "Failed to fetch weather data",
"status": "500",
"detail": "The weather service encountered an internal error.",
"instance": "urn:uuid:abcd1234-5678-90ef-ghij-klmnopqrstuv"