1 DynamicIpo#testSer 248 7.1492035298424 177.5 3.5355339059327 2 icIpo#testSerCaching 248 7.1492035298424 118 2.5819888974716 3 StaticIpo#testSer 230.5 2.8382310609877 167 2.5819888974716 4 icIpo#testSerCaching 230.5 2.8382310609877 113.5 2.4152294576982 11 st#saveWithNoOptions 303.6 5.2110992655634 236.2 5.1811624607268 12 Test#saveWithCaching 303.6 5.2110992655634 161.4 3.0983866769659 13 st#saveWithNoOptions 296.3 4.4733780424989 235.2 4.6619023298792 14 Test#saveWithCaching 296.3 4.4733780424989 160.2 3.7357135269658 # To create this plot, execute the following commands: $ export PLOTICUS_PREFABS=/opt/ploticus/prefabs; $ /opt/ploticus/pl -png -o /tmp/perf-plots/Save.png -prefab vbars data=/tmp/perf-plots/Save_ploticus_data.txt delim=tab x=1 y=2 err=3 y2=4 err2=5 name=2.0.1 name2=2.1.0 stubvert=yes erronly=yes errcolor=orange errcolor2=darkblue sep=0 barwidth=0.01 ygrid=yes errthick=0.1 errwidth=0.03 title="CPU Time (microseconds)" 2>&1