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IBM developerWorks : XML : Education - Tutorials
XML Schema Infoset Model, Part 2
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3. Simple types

Exercise 3: Create a list simple type page 8 of 10

Using the XML Schema Model APIs and adding on to the schema created in Exercise 2: Create an atomic simple type with enumeration facets, create a user-defined simple type called "USStateList" that has a item type "USState", which was created in the previous exercise.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <simpleType name="USState">
    <restriction base="string">
      <enumeration value="AK"/>
      <enumeration value="AL"/>
      <enumeration value="AR"/>
  <simpleType name="USStateList">
    <list itemType="po:USState"/>

New constructs created in this exercise:

  • <simpleType> - global list simple type with name="USStateList" and itemType="po:USState"
Solution: Exercise 3 solution

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