Using the XML Schema Infoset Model APIs and adding on to the schema
created in Exercise 5: Create a global, local, and element reference, create
the following schema document:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<simpleType name="USState">
<restriction base="string">
<enumeration value="AK"/>
<enumeration value="AL"/>
<enumeration value="AR"/>
<list itemType="po:USState"/>
<complexType name="PurchaseOrderType">
<element minOccurs="0" name="state" type="po:USState"/>
<element ref="po:notes"/>
<attribute name="color" type="string"/>
<attribute ref="po:lang"/>
<attributeGroup ref="po:shapeAttributes"/>
<element name="notes" type="string"/>
<attributeGroup name="shapeAttributes">
<attribute name="size" type="string" use="optional"/>
<attribute name="length" type="int"/>
<attribute name="lang" type="string"/>
Hint: You will need to create an
org.eclipse.xsd.XSDAttributeUse for the local attribute and attribute reference.
New constructs created in this exercise:
- <attributeGroup> - Global attribute group
with name="shapeAttributes"
- <attributeGroup> - Attribute group reference
with ref="po:shapeAttributes"
- <attribute> - Local attribute with
name="size", type="string" and use="required"
- <attribute> - Local attribute with
name="length", type="int" and use="optional"
- <attribute> - Local attribute with
name="color", type="string"
- <attribute> - Global attribute with
name="lang", type="string"
- <attribute> - Attribute reference with
Exercise 6 solution