Interface TrafficLightSubscribe

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    TrafficLightSubscribe, TrafficLightSubscribe

    public interface TrafficLightSubscribe
    This class represents the SUMO command which allows to subscribe the traffic light to the application. For more information check
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void execute​(Bridge bridge, String trafficLightGroupId, long startTime, long endTime)
      This method executes the command with the given arguments in order to subscribe the traffic light group to the application.
    • Method Detail

      • execute

        void execute​(Bridge bridge,
                     String trafficLightGroupId,
                     long startTime,
                     long endTime)
              throws CommandException,
        This method executes the command with the given arguments in order to subscribe the traffic light group to the application.
        bridge - Connection to SUMO.
        trafficLightGroupId - The id of the traffic light group.
        startTime - The time to subscribe the traffic light group.
        endTime - The end time of the subscription of the traffic light group in the application.
        CommandException - if the status code of the response is ERROR. The connection to SUMO is still available.
        InternalFederateException - if some serious error occurs during writing or reading. The connection to SUMO is shut down.