Interface VehicleTypeGetTau

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      double execute​(Bridge bridge, String vehicleTypeId)
      This method executes the command with the given arguments in order to get the tau value of a specific vehicle type.
    • Method Detail

      • execute

        double execute​(Bridge bridge,
                       String vehicleTypeId)
                throws CommandException,
        This method executes the command with the given arguments in order to get the tau value of a specific vehicle type.
        bridge - Connection to SUMO.
        vehicleTypeId - Id of the vehicle type.
        the value of the parameter, or null if not present
        CommandException - if the status code of the response is ERROR. The connection to SUMO is still available.
        InternalFederateException - if some serious error occurs during writing or reading. The connection to SUMO is shut down.