Class RoutingResponse

  • public class RoutingResponse
    extends Object
    Class containing the response for a routing request. Gathers information in one object.
    • Constructor Detail

      • RoutingResponse

        public RoutingResponse​(CandidateRoute bestRoute,
                               List<CandidateRoute> alternativeRoutes)
        Creates a routing response to the routing request with the best CandidateRoute and the alternative routes.
        bestRoute - The best route based on the cost function.
        alternativeRoutes - List of alternative routes.
    • Method Detail

      • getAlternativeRoutes

        public final List<CandidateRoute> getAlternativeRoutes()
        Returns alternative route(s) excluding the best one.
        List for alternative routes in addition to the best route.
      • getBestRoute

        public final CandidateRoute getBestRoute()
        Returns the "best" route in regards to the given cost function. Alternative routes can be obtained via getAlternativeRoutes().
        The best route in terms of costs.