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Release Resolved Community Contributions
March 26, 2014
Community contributions were provided by Jeremie Bresson, Francois Chouinard, Lily Guo, Carsten Hammer, David King, Endre Kovacs, Marc-Andre Laperle, Guy Perron, Sebastian Schmidt, and Stefan Seelmann.
Includes: Mylyn 3.11, Mylyn Builds 1.3, Mylyn Commons 3.11, Mylyn Context 3.11, Mylyn Docs 2.0, Mylyn Reviews 2.2. Mylyn Tasks 3.11, Mylyn Versions 1.3.

Also see the New & Noteworthy for previous releases

New in Mylyn 3.11

NOTE: Mylyn 3.11 requires Java 1.6 or later and supports Eclipse 3.8, 4.3 or 4.4. Eclipse 3.6 is now the base compilation target, so Mylyn no longer runs on Eclipse 3.5. See the download page for repository locations.


Task List

Task Ownership More Prominent

The Task List makes it easier to see which tasks are assigned to you. First, the tooltip decorates tasks with the familiar yellow person icon if they are assigned to you, and second, a "Show only my tasks" filter button has been added to the Task List toolbar.


Task Editor

Find Text

The Task Editor toolbar has a find button that allows one to search for text in the comments, description, summary, and private notes.

Decorate Required Attributes

Required attributes are decorated with an error icon if no value is specified.



Include Breakpoints in Task Context

On task deactivation, Mylyn removes all breakpoints and stores them in the task context, preventing the accumulation of a huge set of breakpoints. This valuable task-specific information can also be shared with other users working on the same task. This is an experimental feature and must be enabled by users; see the known limitations.



Default Commit Comment Template

The default commit comment template has been simplified by removing the task status. It also uses a Git style header for the task URL. The global template can be changed in the workspace preferences, and project-specific templates can be configured in the project properties.


Hudson/Jenkins Connector

Builds Status Summary

Similar to the Problems view, the Builds view shows the number of Succeeded, Unstable, and Failed builds in the view title and, when the view is minimized, in a tooltip.


Gerrit Connector

Comment Navigation

The compare editor has buttons to allow easy navigation to the next or previous comment.

Compare Images

Old and new versions of an image can be compared side by side.

Code Review Dashboard

The new Gerrit Dashboard allows one to search for code reviews and view the approval state of all reviews matching the search criteria. The dashboard is a separate feature that can be optionally installed from the Mylyn update site.

Changed Comment Icon

As in the task editor, inline comments are now indicated with the person icon. Comments by the current user are highlighted with the yellow person icon.

Gerrit 2.8

Gerrit 2.8 is now supported.


Framework and API

See porting guide for additional notes on API changes.

Tasks: Secure Storage

Task repository credentials are always stored in the Eclipse secure storage instead of the keyring: bug 278474

Tasks: Access Unsubmitted TaskData

TaskJobListeners can access changed TaskData before it is submitted: bug 390529

Tasks: Core API to Validate Repositories

Connectors can implement AbstractRepositoryConnector.validateRepository() to validate a repository connection and determine the repository version: bug 425458.

Tasks: Indicate Required Attributes

Connectors can indicate required attributes by setting TaskAttribute.META_REQUIRED flag: bug 378032.

Tasks: Per-Attribute Markup Languages

Task attributes that specify a media type using the metadata key TaskAttribute.META_ATTRIBUTE_MEDIA_TYPE are displayed using the corresponding markup viewer.

OSLC Connector Removed

The OSLC connector has been removed: bug 421071.

Tasks: Support Repositories that Take No Credentials

Connectors can call AbstractRepositorySettingsPage.setNeedsRepositoryCredentials(false) if they do not take credentials: bug 420877.

Wikitext: Fewer Dependencies

To make it easier to consume WikiText in non-OSGi contexts, Eclipse runtime dependencies have been moved from the wikitext core bundle to a new bundle, org.eclipse.mylyn.wikitext.core.osgi. The dependency on Ant has also been moved to its own bundle, org.eclipse.mylyn.wikitext.core.ant. bug 419621.

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