Interface PrintPiece

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractPiece, BackgroundPiece, BigPiece, BorderPiece, CompositePiece, DebugPiece, EmptyPiece, GridLookPainterPiece, ImagePiece, LinePiece, NullPrintPiece, PageNumberPiece, RotateClockwisePrintPiece, RotatePiece, ScalePiece, TextPiece

public interface PrintPiece
A piece of a Print, which is capable of drawing itself on a graphics device. PrintPiece objects are created by a PrintIterator.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    void dispose()
    Disposes the system resources allocated by this PrintPiece. getSize()
    Returns the dimensions of this PrintPiece, in pixels.
    void paint​( gc, int x, int y)
    Draws this PrintPiece on the given graphics device, at the given coordinates.
  • Method Details

    • getSize getSize()
      Returns the dimensions of this PrintPiece, in pixels.
      the dimensions of this PrintPiece, in pixels.
    • paint

      void paint​( gc, int x, int y)
      Draws this PrintPiece on the given graphics device, at the given coordinates.
      gc - a graphics context for the graphics device.
      x - the x coordinate where this PrintPiece will be drawn.
      y - the x coordinate where this PrintPiece will be drawn.
    • dispose

      void dispose()
      Disposes the system resources allocated by this PrintPiece. The dispose method is not a permanent disposal of a PrintPiece. It is intended to reclaim system resources, however future calls to paint(GC,int,int) may require that the resources be allocated again.