Class GanttComposite

All Implemented Interfaces:
java.util.EventListener, IZoomHandler,,,,,, org.eclipse.swt.internal.SWTEventListener

public final class GanttComposite
extends org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Canvas
implements,,,, IZoomHandler
The GanttComposite is the workhorse of the GANTT chart. It contains a few public methods available for use, but most of the functionality is private.

There is a serious amount of calculation done in this chart, it's about 80% calculation and 20% drawing. In fact, most of the drawing is delegated to other classes.

A lot of settings method calls are set as class variables, but some are called straight off the settings object. The logic isn't that deep, it's mostly just the over-and-over used variables that get class members. Slow stuff is cached, such as the use of gc.stringExtent(), image rotation and so on. Anything that is slow _should_ be cached as it is a slowdown to the chart. A redraw should be as fast as possible and whenever possible should be specific to certain bounds instead of a full redraw.

This class may not be subclassed.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type Field Description
    static int _osType  

    Fields inherited from class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control

  • Constructor Summary

    Constructor Description
    GanttComposite​(GanttChart parent, int style, ISettings settings, IColorManager colorManager, IPaintManager paintManager, ILanguageManager languageManager)  
    GanttComposite​(GanttChart parent, int style, ISettings settings, IColorManager colorManager, IPaintManager paintManager, ILanguageManager languageManager, Holiday[] holidays)  
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    void addConnection​(GanttEvent source, GanttEvent target)
    Same as addDependency().
    void addConnection​(GanttEvent source, GanttEvent target, color)
    Same as addDependency().
    void addDependency​(GanttEvent source, GanttEvent target)
    Adds a connection between two GanttEvents. ge1 will connect to ge2.
    void addDependency​(GanttEvent source, GanttEvent target, color)
    Adds a connection between two GanttEvents.
    void addEvent​(GanttEvent event)
    Adds a GanttEvent to the chart.
    void addEvent​(GanttEvent event, boolean redraw)
    Adds an GanttEvent to the chart and redraws.
    void addEvent​(GanttEvent event, int index)
    Adds an event at a given index.
    void addGanttEventListener​(IGanttEventListener listener)
    Adds a listener that will be notified of Gantt events.
    void addGroup​(GanttGroup group)
    Adds a GanttGroup to the chart.
    void addPhase​(GanttPhase phase)
    Adds a GanttPhase to the chart.
    void addPhase​(GanttPhase phase, boolean redraw)
    Adds a GanttPhase to the chart with optional redraw call.
    void addSection​(GanttSection section)
    Adds a GanttSection to the chart.
    void addSection​(GanttSection section, int index)
    Adds a GanttSection to the chart.
    void addSelectionDetailClickListener​(ISectionDetailMoreClickListener listener)  
    void addSpecialDateRange​(GanttSpecialDateRange range)
    Adds a GanttSpecialDateRange to the chart.
    void addSpecialDateRange​(GanttSpecialDateRange range, boolean redraw)
    Adds a GanttSpecialDateRange and optionally redraws.
    void clearAllSelectedHeaders()
    Clears all selected headers and redraws the chart.
    void clearChart()
    Clears the entire chart of everything (all types of events) and leaves the chart blank.
    void clearGanttEvents()
    Clears all GanttEvents events from the chart.
    void clearGanttGroups()
    Clears all GanttGroups from the chart.
    void clearGanttSections()
    Clears all GanttSections from the chart.
    void clearPhases()
    Removes all GanttPhases from the chart
    void clearSpecialDateRanges()
    Removes all GanttSpecialDateRanges and redraws.
    (package private) void connectionAdded​(GanttConnection conn)  
    (package private) void connectionRemoved​(GanttConnection conn)  
    void deselectAll()
    Clears all selected events
    void drawMarker​(java.util.Date date)
    Draws a dotted vertical marker at the given date.
    (package private) void eventDatesChanged​(GanttEvent ge, boolean redraw)  
    (package private) void flagForceFullUpdate()  
    (package private) static flip​( srcData, boolean vertical)  
    (package private) void forceFullUpdate()  
    java.util.List getAllSelectedHeaderDates()
    Returns a list of all selected header dates (Calendar).
    GanttEvent getBottomEvent()
    Returns the bottom most visible event in the current view of the chart. getBounds()  
    int getCurrentView()
    Returns the current view.
    java.util.Calendar getDate()
    Returns the current date (left-most date).
    java.util.Calendar getDateAt​(int x)
    Gets the date for a given x position.
    int getDaysVisible()  
    int getDayWidth()
    Returns the width of one day in the current zoom level.
    java.util.Calendar getDDayCalendar()
    Returns (a clone) of the D-Day calendar
    java.util.List getEvents()
    Returns all events. getFullImage()
    Returns the image that is the entire chart, regardless of what is currently visible.
    java.util.List getGanttConnections()
    Returns all currently connected events as a list of GanttConnection objects.
    java.util.List getGanttSections()
    Returns a list of all GanttSections.
    java.util.List<GanttGroup> getGroups()
    Returns a list of all GanttGroups.
    int getHeaderHeight() getImage()
    Returns the current visible area of the chart as an image getImage​( bounds)
    Returns the chart as an image for the given bounds.
    int getLayerOpacity​(int layer)
    Returns the layer opacity for a layer.
    (package private) int getLeftMostPixel()  
    (package private) int getRightMostPixel()  
    java.util.Calendar getRootCalendar()
    Returns the non-cloned root calendar of the chart.
    java.util.Calendar getRootEndCalendar()
    Returns the non-cloned root end calendar of the chart.
    java.util.Calendar getRootStartCalendar()
    Returns the non-cloned root start calendar of the chart.
    GanttSection getSectionAt​( me)
    Returns a section that corresponds to where the given MouseEvent is fired
    java.util.List<java.lang.Object> getSelectedEvents()
    Returns the a list of all currently selected events, or an emtpy list if none.
    ISettings getSettings()  
    int getStartingXFor​(java.util.Calendar date)
    Returns the starting x for a given date.
    int getStartingXForEventDate​(java.util.Calendar date)
    Returns the starting x position for a given date in the current view.
    GanttEvent getTopEvent()
    Returns the topmost visible event in the current view of the chart.
    int getTotalVisibileGanttEvents()
    Returns the number of visible events on in the current viewport
    GanttUndoRedoManager getUndoRedoManager()
    Returns the Undo/Redo manager. getVerticallyFullImage()
    Returns the chart as an image with the visible horizontal area but showing all information in the chart vertically.
    IViewPortHandler getViewPortHandler() getVisibleBounds()
    Returns a rectangle with the bounds of what is actually visible inside the chart.
    int getXForDate​(java.util.Calendar cal)
    Gets the x position where the given date starts in the current visible area.
    int getXForDate​(java.util.Date date)
    Gets the X for a given date.
    boolean hasEvent​(GanttEvent event)
    Checks whether the chart has a given event.
    (package private) boolean hasGanttPhases()  
    (package private) boolean hasGanttSections()  
    (package private) boolean hasSpecialDateRanges()  
    void heavyRedraw()
    This will cause a full recaclulation of events and a lot of other things.
    void hideAllLayers()
    Hides all layers and redraws the event area.
    void hideLayer​(int layer)
    Hides all layers of the given value and redraws the event area.
    (package private) boolean isChartReady()  
    boolean isConnected​(GanttEvent ge)
    Returns true if the given event is connected to another.
    boolean isConnected​(GanttEvent source, GanttEvent target)
    Checks whether two events are connected to each other.
    (package private) boolean isDDayCalendar()  
    boolean isEventVisible​(GanttEvent event, bounds)
    Checks whether a certain event is visible in the current bounds.
    boolean isShowingDaysOnEvents()
    Returns whether event day number drawing is currently on or off.
    boolean isShowingGanttSections()
    Whether the chart has gantt sections or not
    boolean isShowingPlannedDates()
    Returns whether planned date drawing is currently on or off.
    void jumpToEarliestEvent()
    Moves the calendar to the earliest event date.
    void jumpToEvent​(GanttEvent event, boolean start, int side)
    Moves the calendar to a particular event date horizontally.
    void jumpToLatestEvent()
    Moves the calendar to the latest event date.
    void jumpToToday()
    Moves calendar to the current date/time.
    void jumpToToday​(int side)
    Moves calendar to the current date/time.
    void keyPressed​( e)  
    void keyReleased​( e)  
    (package private) void killDialogs()  
    void mouseDoubleClick​( me)  
    void mouseDown​( me)  
    void mouseEnter​( event)  
    void mouseExit​( event)  
    void mouseHover​( me)  
    void mouseMove​( me)  
    void mouseUp​( event)  
    (package private) void moveXBounds​(boolean positive)  
    void nextDay()
    Jumps one day forward.
    void nextHour()
    Jumps to the next hour.
    void nextMinute()
    Jumps to the next hour.
    void nextMonth()
    Jumps to the next month.
    void nextWeek()
    Jumps one week forward.
    void prevDay()
    Jumps one day backwards.
    void prevHour()
    Jumps to the previous hour.
    void prevMinute()
    Jumps to the previous minute.
    void prevMonth()
    Jumps to the previous month.
    void prevWeek()
    Jumps one week backwards.
    void redraw()  
    void redraw​( rect)  
    void refresh()
    Redraws the calendar should some event not do it automatically.
    void reindex​(GanttEvent event, int newIndex)
    Re-indexes an event to a new index.
    void reindex​(GanttGroup group, int newIndex)
    Re-indexes a GanttGroup to a new index.
    void reindex​(GanttSection section, int newIndex)
    Re-indexes a GanttSection to a new index.
    boolean removeEvent​(GanttEvent event)
    Removes a GanttEvent from the chart.
    void removeGanttEventListener​(IGanttEventListener listener)
    Removes a listener from being notified of Gantt events.
    void removeGroup​(GanttGroup group)
    Removes a GanttGroup from the chart.
    void removePhase​(GanttPhase phase)
    Removes a GanttPhase from the chart.
    void removePhase​(GanttPhase phase, boolean redraw)
    Removes a GanttPhase from the chart with optional redraw call.
    void removeSection​(GanttSection section)
    Removes a GanttSection from the chart.
    void removeSelectionDetailClickListener​(ISectionDetailMoreClickListener listener)  
    void removeSpecialDateRange​(GanttSpecialDateRange range)
    Removes a GanttSpecialDateRange to the chart and redraws.
    void removeSpecialDateRange​(GanttSpecialDateRange range, boolean redraw)
    Removes a GanttSpecialDateRange to the chart and redraws.
    void resetZoom()
    Resets the zoom level to that set in the settings.
    (package private) static rotate​( srcData, int direction)  
    void selectAll()
    Selects all events
    void setDate​(java.util.Calendar date)
    Sets the calendar date.
    void setDate​(java.util.Calendar date, boolean applyOffset)
    Sets the new date of the calendar and redraws.
    void setDate​(java.util.Calendar date, int side)
    Sets the calendar date to the given date and shows it on the chart.
    void setDate​(java.util.Calendar date, int side, boolean clearMinutes)
    Sets the calendar date to the given date and shows it on the chart.
    void setDrawHorizontalLinesOverride​(boolean drawHorizontal)
    Setting this to true will force horizontal lines to draw despite what may be set in the settings.
    void setDrawVerticalLinesOverride​(boolean drawVertical)
    Setting this to true will force vertical lines to draw despite what may be set in the settings.
    void setEventFactory​(IEventFactory factory)  
    void setEventMenuItemFactory​(IEventMenuItemFactory factory)  
    void setEventSpacerOverride​(int height)
    Setting a fixed event spacer overrides all individual event space settings on chart items and all settings.
    void setFixedRowHeightOverride​(int height)
    Setting a fixed row height override causes all rows to be the set height regardless of individual row heights set on items themselves and all settings.
    void setHolidays​(Holiday[] holidays)  
    void setLayerOpacity​(int layer, int opacity)
    Sets the drawing opacity for a layer.
    void setMenuItemFactory​(IMenuItemFactory factory)  
    (package private) void setNoRecalc()  
    void setSelectedHeaderDates​(java.util.List dates)
    Sets a list of header dates that should be the selected dates.
    void setSelection​(java.util.List list)
    Sets the selection to be a set of GanttEvents.
    void setSelection​(GanttEvent event)
    Sets the selection to be a specific GanttEvent.
    void setShowDaysOnEvents​(boolean showDates)
    Flag whether to show the number of days on events.
    void setShowPlannedDates​(boolean showPlanned)
    Flag whether to show planned dates or not.
    void setTopItem​(GanttEvent ge, int side)
    Sets the top visible item in the chart and scrolls to show it.
    void setTopItem​(GanttEvent ge, int yOffset, int side)
    Sets the top visible item in the chart and scrolls to show it.
    void setUseAdvancedTooltips​(boolean useAdvancedTooltips)
    Sets whether to use advanced tooltips or not.
    void setView​(int view)
    Sets the current view.
    void setViewPortHandler​(IViewPortHandler2 vph)  
    void setZoomHandler​(IZoomHandler zoomHandler)  
    void setZoomLevel​(int level)
    Sets the zoom level.
    void showAllLayers()
    Shows all layers and redraws the event area.
    void showEvent​(GanttEvent ge, int side)
    Scrolls the chart to the selected item regardless if it is visible or not.
    void showLayer​(int layer)
    Shows all layers of the given value and redraws the event area.
    (package private) void showScrollDate()  
    (package private) void updateHorizontalScrollbar()  
    (package private) void updateVerticalScrollBar​(boolean redraw)  
    void vScroll()  
    void zoomIn()
    Zooms in.
    void zoomIn​(boolean fromMouseWheel, mouseLoc)  
    void zoomOut()
    Zooms out.
    void zoomOut​(boolean fromMouseWheel, mouseLoc)  

    Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Canvas

    drawBackground, getCaret, getIME, scroll, setCaret, setFont, setIME

    Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite

    changed, checkSubclass, drawBackground, getBackgroundMode, getChildren, getLayout, getLayoutDeferred, getTabList, isLayoutDeferred, layout, layout, layout, layout, layout, setBackgroundMode, setFocus, setLayout, setLayoutDeferred, setTabList, toString

    Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Scrollable

    computeTrim, getClientArea, getHorizontalBar, getScrollbarsMode, getVerticalBar

    Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control

    addControlListener, addDragDetectListener, addFocusListener, addGestureListener, addHelpListener, addKeyListener, addMenuDetectListener, addMouseListener, addMouseMoveListener, addMouseTrackListener, addMouseWheelListener, addPaintListener, addTouchListener, addTraverseListener, computeSize, computeSize, dragDetect, dragDetect, forceFocus, getAccessible, getBackground, getBackgroundImage, getBorderWidth, getCursor, getDragDetect, getEnabled, getFont, getForeground, getLayoutData, getLocation, getMenu, getMonitor, getOrientation, getParent, getRegion, getShell, getSize, getTextDirection, getToolTipText, getTouchEnabled, getVisible, internal_dispose_GC, internal_new_GC, isEnabled, isFocusControl, isReparentable, isVisible, moveAbove, moveBelow, pack, pack, print, redraw, removeControlListener, removeDragDetectListener, removeFocusListener, removeGestureListener, removeHelpListener, removeKeyListener, removeMenuDetectListener, removeMouseListener, removeMouseMoveListener, removeMouseTrackListener, removeMouseWheelListener, removePaintListener, removeTouchListener, removeTraverseListener, requestLayout, setBackground, setBackgroundImage, setBounds, setBounds, setCapture, setCursor, setDragDetect, setEnabled, setForeground, setLayoutData, setLocation, setLocation, setMenu, setOrientation, setParent, setRedraw, setRegion, setSize, setSize, setTextDirection, setToolTipText, setTouchEnabled, setVisible, toControl, toControl, toDisplay, toDisplay, traverse, traverse, traverse, update

    Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget

    addDisposeListener, addListener, checkWidget, dispose, getData, getData, getDisplay, getListeners, getStyle, isAutoDirection, isDisposed, isListening, notifyListeners, removeDisposeListener, removeListener, removeListener, reskin, setData, setData

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

    Methods inherited from interface

  • Field Details

    • _osType

      public static int _osType
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • vScroll

      public void vScroll()
    • updateVerticalScrollBar

      void updateVerticalScrollBar​(boolean redraw)
    • getDate

      public java.util.Calendar getDate()
      Returns the current date (left-most date).
    • getRootCalendar

      public java.util.Calendar getRootCalendar()
      Returns the non-cloned root calendar of the chart. DO NOT modify this outside of the chart. This method is considered internal public and will be removed later.
    • getRootEndCalendar

      public java.util.Calendar getRootEndCalendar()
      Returns the non-cloned root end calendar of the chart. DO NOT modify this outside of the chart. This method is considered internal public and will be removed later.
    • getRootStartCalendar

      public java.util.Calendar getRootStartCalendar()
      Returns the non-cloned root start calendar of the chart. DO NOT modify this outside of the chart. This method is considered internal public and will be removed later.
    • hideLayer

      public void hideLayer​(int layer)
      Hides all layers of the given value and redraws the event area.
      layer - Layer to hide.
    • showLayer

      public void showLayer​(int layer)
      Shows all layers of the given value and redraws the event area.
      layer - Layer to show.
    • redraw

      public void redraw​( rect)
    • showAllLayers

      public void showAllLayers()
      Shows all layers and redraws the event area.
    • hideAllLayers

      public void hideAllLayers()
      Hides all layers and redraws the event area.
    • setLayerOpacity

      public void setLayerOpacity​(int layer, int opacity)
      Sets the drawing opacity for a layer. Do note that this may reduce the drawing speed of the chart by a lot. The opacity range is from 0 to 255. Note that if alpha settings are turned on in settings, those values will still be used, so it may be wise to turn them off if you are doing layer blending.
      layer - Layer to set opacity on
      opacity - Opacity between 0 and 255
    • getLayerOpacity

      public int getLayerOpacity​(int layer)
      Returns the layer opacity for a layer.
      layer - Layer to get opacity for
      Layer opacity, -1 if layer has no opacity set.
    • setFixedRowHeightOverride

      public void setFixedRowHeightOverride​(int height)
      Setting a fixed row height override causes all rows to be the set height regardless of individual row heights set on items themselves and all settings.
      height - Height to set. Set to zero to turn off.
    • setEventSpacerOverride

      public void setEventSpacerOverride​(int height)
      Setting a fixed event spacer overrides all individual event space settings on chart items and all settings.
      height - Height to set. Set to zero to turn off.
    • setDrawHorizontalLinesOverride

      public void setDrawHorizontalLinesOverride​(boolean drawHorizontal)
      Setting this to true will force horizontal lines to draw despite what may be set in the settings.
      drawHorizontal - true to draw horizontal lines.
    • setDrawVerticalLinesOverride

      public void setDrawVerticalLinesOverride​(boolean drawVertical)
      Setting this to true will force vertical lines to draw despite what may be set in the settings.
      drawVertical - true to draw vertical lines.
    • setSelection

      public void setSelection​(GanttEvent event)
      Sets the selection to be a specific GanttEvent. This method will cause a redraw.
      event - GanttEvent to select
    • setSelection

      public void setSelection​(java.util.List list)
      Sets the selection to be a set of GanttEvents. If the chart is set to SWT.SINGLE you should be using setSelection(GanttEvent) as this method will do nothing. This method will cause a redraw.
      list - List of GanttEvents to select
    • addGroup

      public void addGroup​(GanttGroup group)
      Adds a GanttGroup to the chart.
      group - Group to add
    • getGroups

      public java.util.List<GanttGroup> getGroups()
      Returns a list of all GanttGroups.
      List of GanttGroups
    • removeGroup

      public void removeGroup​(GanttGroup group)
      Removes a GanttGroup from the chart.
      group - Group to remove
    • addSection

      public void addSection​(GanttSection section)
      Adds a GanttSection to the chart.
      section - Section to add
    • addSection

      public void addSection​(GanttSection section, int index)
      Adds a GanttSection to the chart.
      section - Section to add
      index - the index to add the Section at
    • removeSection

      public void removeSection​(GanttSection section)
      Removes a GanttSection from the chart.
      section - Section to remove
    • getGanttSections

      public java.util.List getGanttSections()
      Returns a list of all GanttSections.
      List of GanttSections.
    • showScrollDate

      void showScrollDate()
    • getTopEvent

      public GanttEvent getTopEvent()
      Returns the topmost visible event in the current view of the chart.
      GanttEvent or null
    • getBottomEvent

      public GanttEvent getBottomEvent()
      Returns the bottom most visible event in the current view of the chart.
      GanttEvent or null
    • killDialogs

      void killDialogs()
    • setShowPlannedDates

      public void setShowPlannedDates​(boolean showPlanned)
      Flag whether to show planned dates or not. This will override any settings value and will cause a redraw.
      showPlanned - true to show planned dates
    • isShowingPlannedDates

      public boolean isShowingPlannedDates()
      Returns whether planned date drawing is currently on or off.
      true if on
    • setShowDaysOnEvents

      public void setShowDaysOnEvents​(boolean showDates)
      Flag whether to show the number of days on events. This will override any settings value and will cause a redraw.
      showDates -
    • isShowingDaysOnEvents

      public boolean isShowingDaysOnEvents()
      Returns whether event day number drawing is currently on or off.
      true if on
    • isShowingGanttSections

      public boolean isShowingGanttSections()
      Whether the chart has gantt sections or not
      true if has gantt sections
    • getSelectedEvents

      public java.util.List<java.lang.Object> getSelectedEvents()
      Returns the a list of all currently selected events, or an emtpy list if none.
      GanttEvent or null
    • setTopItem

      public void setTopItem​(GanttEvent ge, int yOffset, int side)
      Sets the top visible item in the chart and scrolls to show it. Passing SWT.NONE prevents any horizontal alignment from occurring.
      ge - Event to show
      yOffset - y offset modifier
    • setTopItem

      public void setTopItem​(GanttEvent ge, int side)
      Sets the top visible item in the chart and scrolls to show it. Passing SWT.NONE prevents any horizontal alignment from occurring.
      ge - Event to show
    • showEvent

      public void showEvent​(GanttEvent ge, int side)
      Scrolls the chart to the selected item regardless if it is visible or not.
      ge - GanttEvent to scroll to.
      side - one of SWT.LEFT, SWT.CENTER, SWT.RIGHT
    • getBounds

      public getBounds()
      getBounds in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control
    • getHeaderHeight

      public int getHeaderHeight()
    • addDependency

      public void addDependency​(GanttEvent source, GanttEvent target)
      Adds a connection between two GanttEvents. ge1 will connect to ge2.
      source - Source event
      target - Target event
    • addDependency

      public void addDependency​(GanttEvent source, GanttEvent target, color)
      Adds a connection between two GanttEvents. Source will connect to Target.
      source - Source event
      target - Target event
      Color - to use to draw connection. Set null to use default color from Settings.
    • connectionAdded

      void connectionAdded​(GanttConnection conn)
    • connectionRemoved

      void connectionRemoved​(GanttConnection conn)
    • isConnected

      public boolean isConnected​(GanttEvent ge)
      Returns true if the given event is connected to another.
      ge - GanttEvent to check
      true if the GanttEvent is connected
    • isConnected

      public boolean isConnected​(GanttEvent source, GanttEvent target)
      Checks whether two events are connected to each other.
      source - Source event
      target - Target event
      true if a connection exists
    • addConnection

      public void addConnection​(GanttEvent source, GanttEvent target)
      Same as addDependency().
      source - Source event
      target - Target event
    • addConnection

      public void addConnection​(GanttEvent source, GanttEvent target, color)
      Same as addDependency().
      source - Source event
      target - Target event
      Color - to use to draw connection. Set null to use defaults.
    • setDate

      public void setDate​(java.util.Calendar date)
      Sets the calendar date.
      date -
      See Also:
      setDate(Calendar, boolean), setDate(Calendar, int), setDate(Calendar, int, boolean)
    • jumpToToday

      public void jumpToToday()
      Moves calendar to the current date/time.
    • jumpToToday

      public void jumpToToday​(int side)
      Moves calendar to the current date/time.
      side - one of SWT.LEFT, SWT.CENTER, SWT.RIGHT
    • jumpToEarliestEvent

      public void jumpToEarliestEvent()
      Moves the calendar to the earliest event date.
    • jumpToLatestEvent

      public void jumpToLatestEvent()
      Moves the calendar to the latest event date.
    • jumpToEvent

      public void jumpToEvent​(GanttEvent event, boolean start, int side)
      Moves the calendar to a particular event date horizontally. To move to an event completely, you may use #setTopItem(GanttEvent) or setTopItem(GanttEvent, int).
      event - Event to move to
      start - true if to jump to the start date, false if to jump to the end date.
      side - one of SWT.LEFT, SWT.CENTER, SWT.RIGHT
    • setDate

      public void setDate​(java.util.Calendar date, int side, boolean clearMinutes)
      Sets the calendar date to the given date and shows it on the chart. You may provide the side that the date is to be visible on. This method does not apply any offset or other settings-related magic, but sets the date "purely". This method will only clear minutes, seconds and milliseconds if the clearMinutes variable is set to true.
      date - Date
      side - one of SWT.LEFT, SWT.CENTER, SWT.RIGHT
      clearMinutes - true if to clear minutes, seconds, milliseconds
      See Also:
      setDate(Calendar, int)
    • setDate

      public void setDate​(java.util.Calendar date, int side)
      Sets the calendar date to the given date and shows it on the chart. You may provide the side that the date is to be visible on. This method does not apply any offset or other settings-related magic, but sets the date "purely". This method will clear minutes, seconds and milliseconds and set them to zero. If you do not wish this, use setDate(Calendar, int, boolean)
      date - Date
      side - one of SWT.LEFT, SWT.CENTER, SWT.RIGHT
    • setDate

      public void setDate​(java.util.Calendar date, boolean applyOffset)
      Sets the new date of the calendar and redraws. This method will apply any offsets and other date magic that is set in the Settings.
      date - Date to set
      applyOffset - whether to apply the settings offset
      See Also:
      setDate(Calendar), setDate(Calendar, int), setDate(Calendar, int, boolean)
    • reindex

      public void reindex​(GanttEvent event, int newIndex)
      Re-indexes an event to a new index.
      event - GanttEvent to reindex
      newIndex - new index
    • reindex

      public void reindex​(GanttSection section, int newIndex)
      Re-indexes a GanttSection to a new index.
      section - GanttSection to reindex
      newIndex - new index
    • reindex

      public void reindex​(GanttGroup group, int newIndex)
      Re-indexes a GanttGroup to a new index.
      group - GanttGroup to reindex
      newIndex - new index
    • addPhase

      public void addPhase​(GanttPhase phase)
      Adds a GanttPhase to the chart.
      phase - GanttPhase to add
    • removePhase

      public void removePhase​(GanttPhase phase)
      Removes a GanttPhase from the chart.
      phase - GanttPhase to remove
    • addSpecialDateRange

      public void addSpecialDateRange​(GanttSpecialDateRange range)
      Adds a GanttSpecialDateRange to the chart.
      range - GanttSpecialDateRange to add.
    • removeSpecialDateRange

      public void removeSpecialDateRange​(GanttSpecialDateRange range)
      Removes a GanttSpecialDateRange to the chart and redraws.
      range - GanttSpecialDateRange to remove
    • removeSpecialDateRange

      public void removeSpecialDateRange​(GanttSpecialDateRange range, boolean redraw)
      Removes a GanttSpecialDateRange to the chart and redraws.
      range - GanttSpecialDateRange to remove
      redraw - true to redraw
    • clearSpecialDateRanges

      public void clearSpecialDateRanges()
      Removes all GanttSpecialDateRanges and redraws.
    • addSpecialDateRange

      public void addSpecialDateRange​(GanttSpecialDateRange range, boolean redraw)
      Adds a GanttSpecialDateRange and optionally redraws.
      range - GanttSpecialDateRange to add
      redraw - true to redraw
    • addPhase

      public void addPhase​(GanttPhase phase, boolean redraw)
      Adds a GanttPhase to the chart with optional redraw call.
      phase - GanttPhase to add
      redraw - true to redraw
    • removePhase

      public void removePhase​(GanttPhase phase, boolean redraw)
      Removes a GanttPhase from the chart with optional redraw call.
      phase - GanttPhase to remove
      redraw - true to redraw
    • clearPhases

      public void clearPhases()
      Removes all GanttPhases from the chart
    • addEvent

      public void addEvent​(GanttEvent event)
      Adds a GanttEvent to the chart.
      event - GanttEvent
    • addEvent

      public void addEvent​(GanttEvent event, int index)
      Adds an event at a given index.
      event - GanttEvent
      index - index
    • addEvent

      public void addEvent​(GanttEvent event, boolean redraw)
      Adds an GanttEvent to the chart and redraws.
      event - GanttEvent
      redraw - true if to redraw chart
    • removeEvent

      public boolean removeEvent​(GanttEvent event)
      Removes a GanttEvent from the chart.
      event - GanttEvent to remove
      true if removed
    • getGanttConnections

      public java.util.List getGanttConnections()
      Returns all currently connected events as a list of GanttConnection objects.
      List of connections.
    • eventDatesChanged

      void eventDatesChanged​(GanttEvent ge, boolean redraw)
    • clearGanttEvents

      public void clearGanttEvents()
      Clears all GanttEvents events from the chart.
    • clearGanttGroups

      public void clearGanttGroups()
      Clears all GanttGroups from the chart.
    • clearGanttSections

      public void clearGanttSections()
      Clears all GanttSections from the chart.
    • clearChart

      public void clearChart()
      Clears the entire chart of everything (all types of events) and leaves the chart blank.
    • hasEvent

      public boolean hasEvent​(GanttEvent event)
      Checks whether the chart has a given event.
      event - GanttEvent
      true if event exists
    • nextMonth

      public void nextMonth()
      Jumps to the next month.
    • prevMonth

      public void prevMonth()
      Jumps to the previous month.
    • nextWeek

      public void nextWeek()
      Jumps one week forward.
    • prevWeek

      public void prevWeek()
      Jumps one week backwards.
    • nextHour

      public void nextHour()
      Jumps to the next hour.
    • prevMinute

      public void prevMinute()
      Jumps to the previous minute.
    • nextMinute

      public void nextMinute()
      Jumps to the next hour.
    • prevHour

      public void prevHour()
      Jumps to the previous hour.
    • nextDay

      public void nextDay()
      Jumps one day forward.
    • prevDay

      public void prevDay()
      Jumps one day backwards.
    • setNoRecalc

      void setNoRecalc()
    • moveXBounds

      void moveXBounds​(boolean positive)
    • refresh

      public void refresh()
      Redraws the calendar should some event not do it automatically.
    • isEventVisible

      public boolean isEventVisible​(GanttEvent event, bounds)
      Checks whether a certain event is visible in the current bounds.
      event - GanttEvent
      bounds - Bounds
      true if event is visible
    • getStartingXForEventDate

      public int getStartingXForEventDate​(java.util.Calendar date)
      Returns the starting x position for a given date in the current view.
      date - Date
      x position, -1 should it for some reason not be found
    • getStartingXFor

      public int getStartingXFor​(java.util.Calendar date)
      Returns the starting x for a given date.
      date - Calendar date
      x position or -1 if it for some reason should not be found
    • getDayWidth

      public int getDayWidth()
      Returns the width of one day in the current zoom level. Do note that "one day" refers to 1 tick mark, so it might not be one day in a smaller or larger zoom level.
      One tick mark width
    • mouseDoubleClick

      public void mouseDoubleClick​( me)
      Specified by:
      mouseDoubleClick in interface
    • getAllSelectedHeaderDates

      public java.util.List getAllSelectedHeaderDates()
      Returns a list of all selected header dates (Calendar).
      List of calendars or empty list if none
    • clearAllSelectedHeaders

      public void clearAllSelectedHeaders()
      Clears all selected headers and redraws the chart.
    • setSelectedHeaderDates

      public void setSelectedHeaderDates​(java.util.List dates)
      Sets a list of header dates that should be the selected dates. This list must be a list of Calendars.
      dates - List of Calendar objects representing selected header dates.
    • mouseDown

      public void mouseDown​( me)
      Specified by:
      mouseDown in interface
    • mouseUp

      public void mouseUp​( event)
      Specified by:
      mouseUp in interface
    • getSectionAt

      public GanttSection getSectionAt​( me)
      Returns a section that corresponds to where the given MouseEvent is fired
      event - MouseEvent to check
      Section it is over or null if none
    • keyPressed

      public void keyPressed​( e)
      Specified by:
      keyPressed in interface
    • keyReleased

      public void keyReleased​( e)
      Specified by:
      keyReleased in interface
    • mouseMove

      public void mouseMove​( me)
      Specified by:
      mouseMove in interface
    • getDaysVisible

      public int getDaysVisible()
    • isChartReady

      boolean isChartReady()
    • getXForDate

      public int getXForDate​(java.util.Date date)
      Gets the X for a given date.
      date - Date
      x position or -1 if date was not found
    • getXForDate

      public int getXForDate​(java.util.Calendar cal)
      Gets the x position where the given date starts in the current visible area.
      cal - Calendar
      -1 if date was not found
    • getDateAt

      public java.util.Calendar getDateAt​(int x)
      Gets the date for a given x position.
      x - x location
      Calendar of date
    • drawMarker

      public void drawMarker​(java.util.Date date)
      Draws a dotted vertical marker at the given date. It will get removed on repaint, so make sure it's drawn as often as needed.
      date - Date to draw it at
    • mouseEnter

      public void mouseEnter​( event)
      Specified by:
      mouseEnter in interface
    • mouseExit

      public void mouseExit​( event)
      Specified by:
      mouseExit in interface
    • mouseHover

      public void mouseHover​( me)
      Specified by:
      mouseHover in interface
    • getVisibleBounds

      public getVisibleBounds()
      Returns a rectangle with the bounds of what is actually visible inside the chart.
    • getCurrentView

      public int getCurrentView()
      Returns the current view.
    • setView

      public void setView​(int view)
      Sets the current view.
      view - View
    • getEvents

      public java.util.List getEvents()
      Returns all events.
      List of all events.
    • getImage

      public getImage()
      Returns the current visible area of the chart as an image
      Image of the chart
    • getVerticallyFullImage

      public getVerticallyFullImage()
      Returns the chart as an image with the visible horizontal area but showing all information in the chart vertically.
      Image of the chart
    • getFullImage

      public getFullImage()
      Returns the image that is the entire chart, regardless of what is currently visible. If chart contains no events, getImage() is called from within.

      Do note that if the chart is "huge", you may need to increase your heap size. If you're zoomed in that's also taken into account and you may need a massive heap to work with hours views as they are simply huge in a pixel-size sense.

    • getImage

      public getImage​( bounds)
      Returns the chart as an image for the given bounds.
      bounds - Rectangle bounds
      Image of chart
    • heavyRedraw

      public void heavyRedraw()
      This will cause a full recaclulation of events and a lot of other things. Normally this is used internally when there are zoom changes and/or other events that cause the chart to need a full recalculation. It is NOT intended to be used outside of the chart, but is available as a workaround if there is a bug that you can't get around and you need to force a full update. See this method as a temporary solution if you need to use it.
    • forceFullUpdate

      void forceFullUpdate()
    • flagForceFullUpdate

      void flagForceFullUpdate()
    • getViewPortHandler

      public IViewPortHandler getViewPortHandler()
    • setViewPortHandler

      public void setViewPortHandler​(IViewPortHandler2 vph)
    • updateHorizontalScrollbar

      void updateHorizontalScrollbar()
    • getLeftMostPixel

      int getLeftMostPixel()
    • getRightMostPixel

      int getRightMostPixel()
    • setZoomLevel

      public void setZoomLevel​(int level)
      Sets the zoom level. If the new level is zoomed in from the previous set zoom level a zoom in event will be reported, otherwise a zoom out.
      level - Level to set
    • zoomIn

      public void zoomIn()
      Zooms in. If zooming is disabled, does nothing.
      Specified by:
      zoomIn in interface IZoomHandler
    • zoomIn

      public void zoomIn​(boolean fromMouseWheel, mouseLoc)
      Specified by:
      zoomIn in interface IZoomHandler
    • zoomOut

      public void zoomOut()
      Zooms out. If zooming is disabled, does nothing.
      Specified by:
      zoomOut in interface IZoomHandler
    • zoomOut

      public void zoomOut​(boolean fromMouseWheel, mouseLoc)
      Specified by:
      zoomOut in interface IZoomHandler
    • resetZoom

      public void resetZoom()
      Resets the zoom level to that set in the settings.
      Specified by:
      resetZoom in interface IZoomHandler
    • redraw

      public void redraw()
      redraw in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control
    • addGanttEventListener

      public void addGanttEventListener​(IGanttEventListener listener)
      Adds a listener that will be notified of Gantt events.
      listener - Listener
    • removeGanttEventListener

      public void removeGanttEventListener​(IGanttEventListener listener)
      Removes a listener from being notified of Gantt events.
      listener - Listener
    • setUseAdvancedTooltips

      public void setUseAdvancedTooltips​(boolean useAdvancedTooltips)
      Sets whether to use advanced tooltips or not. This method will override the settings implementation with the same name.
      useAdvancedTooltips - true whether to use advanced tooltips.
    • getDDayCalendar

      public java.util.Calendar getDDayCalendar()
      Returns (a clone) of the D-Day calendar
      D-Day calendar
    • getUndoRedoManager

      public GanttUndoRedoManager getUndoRedoManager()
      Returns the Undo/Redo manager.
    • getTotalVisibileGanttEvents

      public int getTotalVisibileGanttEvents()
      Returns the number of visible events on in the current viewport
      number of visible events on in the current viewport
    • selectAll

      public void selectAll()
      Selects all events
    • deselectAll

      public void deselectAll()
      Clears all selected events
    • rotate

      static rotate​( srcData, int direction)
    • flip

      static flip​( srcData, boolean vertical)
    • hasGanttPhases

      boolean hasGanttPhases()
    • hasGanttSections

      boolean hasGanttSections()
    • hasSpecialDateRanges

      boolean hasSpecialDateRanges()
    • isDDayCalendar

      boolean isDDayCalendar()
    • getSettings

      public ISettings getSettings()
    • setEventFactory

      public void setEventFactory​(IEventFactory factory)
    • setEventMenuItemFactory

      public void setEventMenuItemFactory​(IEventMenuItemFactory factory)
    • setMenuItemFactory

      public void setMenuItemFactory​(IMenuItemFactory factory)
    • setZoomHandler

      public void setZoomHandler​(IZoomHandler zoomHandler)
    • addSelectionDetailClickListener

      public void addSelectionDetailClickListener​(ISectionDetailMoreClickListener listener)
    • removeSelectionDetailClickListener

      public void removeSelectionDetailClickListener​(ISectionDetailMoreClickListener listener)
    • setHolidays

      public void setHolidays​(Holiday[] holidays)