Interface IGanttChartItem

All Known Implementing Classes:
GanttCheckpoint, GanttEvent, GanttGroup, GanttImage, GanttScope

public interface IGanttChartItem
This interface represents one displayable item in the chart. It contains some basic methods used to determine how the item is presented.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    int getFixedRowHeight()
    Returns the fixed height of the row in pixels, if set.
    boolean isAutomaticRowHeight()
    Whether automatic row height is in effect.
    void setAutomaticRowHeight()
    Flags fixed height off and returns row to automatic row height
    void setFixedRowHeight​(int height)
    Sets the fixed height of this row in pixels.
  • Method Details

    • isAutomaticRowHeight

      boolean isAutomaticRowHeight()
      Whether automatic row height is in effect.
      True if row height is done automatically
    • getFixedRowHeight

      int getFixedRowHeight()
      Returns the fixed height of the row in pixels, if set.
      Fixed row height in pixels
    • setFixedRowHeight

      void setFixedRowHeight​(int height)
      Sets the fixed height of this row in pixels.
      height - Height in pixels
    • setAutomaticRowHeight

      void setAutomaticRowHeight()
      Flags fixed height off and returns row to automatic row height