Interface IUndoRedoCommand

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractUndoRedoCommand, ClusteredCommand, EventDeleteCommand, EventMoveCommand, EventResizeCommand, SectionDeleteCommand

public interface IUndoRedoCommand
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    void dispose()
    Called when the event is about to be destroyed.
    void redo()
    Redoes an event in the chart.
    void undo()
    Undoes an event in the chart.
  • Method Details

    • undo

      void undo()
      Undoes an event in the chart. This should put the event back to the state it was prior to the event taking place.
    • redo

      void redo()
      Redoes an event in the chart. This should put the event back to the state it was after the event took place.
    • dispose

      void dispose()
      Called when the event is about to be destroyed. If any resources need to be cleaned up you should do so here.