Interface IPageChangedListener

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractPageControllerComposite, AbstractPaginationWidget, FormPageableTable, FormPageableTree, NavigationPageComboRenderer, NavigationPageScaleRenderer, PageableTable, PageableTree, PageChangedAdapter, PageSizeComboRenderer, ResultAndNavigationPageGraphicsRenderer, ResultAndNavigationPageLinksRenderer

public interface IPageChangedListener
Classes which implement this interface provide methods that deal with the events that are generated when page selection, sort changed, total changed occurs in a page controller PageableController.

After creating an instance of a class that implements this interface it can be added to a page controller using the addPageChangedListener method and removed using the removePageChangedListener method. When page selection, sort changed, total changed occurs in a page controller the appropriate method will be invoked.

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • pageIndexChanged

      void pageIndexChanged​(int oldPageIndex, int newPageIndex, PageableController controller)
      Sent when page changed in the page controller PageableController.
      oldPageIndex - old page index.
      newPageIndex - new page index.
      controller - the page controller which have sent this event.
    • totalElementsChanged

      void totalElementsChanged​(long oldTotalElements, long newTotalElements, PageableController controller)
      Sent when total elements changed in the page controller PageableController.
      oldTotalElements - old total elements.
      newTotalElements - new total elements.
      controller - the page controller which have sent this event.
    • sortChanged

      void sortChanged​(java.lang.String oldPopertyName, java.lang.String propertyName, int oldSortDirection, int sortDirection, PageableController controller)
      Sent when sort changed in the page controller PageableController.
      oldPopertyName - old property name.
      propertyName - new property name.
      oldSortDirection - old sort direction : SWT.UP, SWT.DOWN.
      sortDirection - new sort direction : SWT.UP, SWT.DOWN.
      controller -
    • pageSizeChanged

      void pageSizeChanged​(int oldPageSize, int newPageSize, PageableController controller)
      Sent when page size changed in the page controller PageableController.
      oldPageSize - old page size.
      newPageSize - new page size.
      controller - the page controller which have sent this event.
    • localeChanged

      void localeChanged​(java.util.Locale oldLocale, java.util.Locale newLocale, PageableController paginationController)
      Sent when locale changed in the page controller PageableController.
      oldLocale - old locale.
      newLocale - new locale.
      paginationController -