Interface Print

All Known Implementing Classes:
AlignPrint, BackgroundPrint, BigPrint, BorderPrint, BreakPrint, ColumnPrint, DebugPrint, EmptyPrint, GridPrint, ImagePrint, LayerPrint, LineBreakPrint, LinePrint, NoBreakPrint, PageNumberPrint, PagePrint, RotatePrint, ScalePrint, SeriesPrint, SidewaysPrint, StyledTextPrint, TextPrint

public interface Print
Interface for printable elements.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    PrintIterator iterator​( device, gc)
    Returns a PrintIterator for laying out the contents of this Print.
  • Method Details

    • iterator

      PrintIterator iterator​( device, gc)
      Returns a PrintIterator for laying out the contents of this Print. The iterator uses a snapshot of the print at the time this method is invoked, so subsequent changes to the Print will not affect the output of the iterator.
      device - the graphics device this Print will be drawn onto.
      gc - the graphics context to be used for calculating layout and drawing the Print's contents.
      a PrintIterator for laying out the contents of this Print.