Method Summary
Method Details
int getButtonHeight()
Returns the height of a button.
- Returns:
- Button height. Default is 31.
boolean drawBorder()
Whether to draw a 1 pixel border on the left, right and top side of the ButtonComposite.
- Returns:
- true if draw border. Default is false.
boolean showToolBar()
Whether to show the toolbar at the bottom or not.
- Returns:
- true if to show toolbar. Default is true.
boolean allowButtonResizing()
Whether buttons can be resized via the resize bar.
- Returns:
- true if to allow button resizing. Default is true.
org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Image getOutlook2005ArrowImage()
Returns the image for the Outlook 2005 styled arrow.
- Returns:
- Image
org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Image getOutlook2007ArrowImage()
Returns the image for the Outlook 2007 styled arrow.
- Returns:
- Image
int getOutlook2005ResizeBarSize()
Returns the pixel height of the Outlook 2005 resize bar.
- Returns:
- Height in pixels. Default is 7.
int getOutlook2007ResizeBarSize()
Returns the pixel height of the Outlook 2007 resize bar.
- Returns:
- Height in pixels. Default is 9.
Returns the IButtonPainter to use to paint buttons.
- Returns:
- IButtonPainter. Default is DefaultButtonPainter.
int getOutlook2005ResizeDotNumber()
Returns the number of dots shown on the resize bar for the Outlook 2005 styled resize bar.
- Returns:
- Number of dots to show. Default is 9.
int getOutlook2007ResizeDotNumber()
Returns the number of dots shown on the resize bar for the Outlook 2007 styled resize bar.
- Returns:
- Number of dots to show. Default is 5.
org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Font getButtonTextFont(org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Font currentFont)
Returns the Font to use when drawing text on the buttons. Font will be disposed after use.
- Parameters:
- The current font that it is recommended to modify and return
- Returns:
- Font to use. Default is a bold font.
org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Color getButtonTextColor()
Returns the Color used for the text on the buttons.
- Returns:
- Color. Default is R32 G77 B137.
int getToolBarSpacing()
Returns the number of pixels between each item on the toolbar.
- Returns:
- Pixel spacing. Default is 8.
int getToolBarLeftSpacer()
Returns the number of pixels left of an item on the toolbar that the selection area should cover.
- Returns:
- Pixel number.
int getToolBarRightSpacer()
Returns the number of pixels right of an item on the toolbar that the selection area should cover.
- Returns:
- Pixel number.
int getLeftButtonTextSpacing()
Returns the spacing between the left side border and the text on a button.
- Returns:
- pixels spacing. Default is 4.
int getButtonTextImageSpacing()
Returns the spacing between the image and the text on a button.
- Returns:
- pixels spacing. Default is 5.