Class Win7EmptyColumnHeaderRenderer

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Win7EmptyColumnHeaderRenderer
extends AbstractRenderer
Empty column header renderer which emulates a default Win7 L&F. This implementation does not take into account any theme(s) applied to the OS and only used a pre-defined set of normalColors that seem to "mostly" match the default theme of Win7 normalColors.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • computeSize

      public computeSize​( gc, int wHint, int hHint, java.lang.Object value)
      Returns the size of the given value's visual representation.
      gc - convenience GC for string and text extents
      wHint - given width (or SWT.DEFAULT)
      hHint - given height (or SWT.DEFAULT)
      value - value to be sized
      the size
    • setDisplay

      public void setDisplay​(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display d)
      Set the display for the renderer
      Specified by:
      setDisplay in interface IRenderer
      setDisplay in class AbstractRenderer
      d - Display
    • paint

      public void paint​( gc, java.lang.Object value)
      Paints the visual representation of the given value on the given GC. The actual class of the value object is determined by the use of the implementing class.

      Implementors need to respect the bounds values that may have been specified. The bounds values may affect the x and y values for all drawing operations as well as the width and heights. Implementors may use a Transform to translate the coordinates of all the drawing operations, otherwise they will need to offset each draw.

      gc - GC to paint with
      value - the value being painted