Package org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.xviewer
Interface Summary Interface Description IAltLeftClickProvider IMultiColumnEditProvider IXViewerFactory IXViewerLabelProvider IXViewerPreComputedColumn Columns that implement this interface will be given a chance to compute their values in the background before the XViewer is loaded.IXViewerValueColumn -
Class Summary Class Description Activator The activator class controls the plug-in life cycleXPromptChange XSubMenuManager XViewer XViewerCells XViewerColumnLabelProvider XViewerColumnSorter XViewerComputedColumn XViewerFactory XViewerGradient XViewerHtmlReport Either call with html and open() or extend to provide getHtml().XViewerLabelProvider XViewerLoadingReport XViewerPreComputedColumnAdapter XViewerSorter XTreeSorter is equipped to: 1) Sort columns forward and backward by re-selecting the column 2) Sort by multiple columnsXViewerStyledTextLabelProvider XViewerText XViewerTextFilter XViewerTreeReport XViewerValueColumn This class provides XViewerColumns another mechanism to providing text, background color and foreground color instead of through the XViewerLabelProvider. -
Enum Summary Enum Description XPromptChange.Option