Class GcInfoUtil

  • public final class GcInfoUtil
    extends Object
    Support for the GcInfo class.
    • Method Detail

      • toCompositeData

        public static CompositeData toCompositeData​(GcInfo info)
        info - the garbage collection information
        a new CompositeData instance that represents the supplied info object
      • newGcInfoInstance

        public static GcInfo newGcInfoInstance​(long index,
                                               long startTime,
                                               long endTime,
                                               Map<String,​MemoryUsage> usageBeforeGc,
                                               Map<String,​MemoryUsage> usageAfterGc)
        index - the identifier of this garbage collection which is the number of collections that this collector has done
        startTime - the start time of the collection in milliseconds since the Java virtual machine was started.
        endTime - the end time of the collection in milliseconds since the Java virtual machine was started.
        usageBeforeGc - the memory usage of all memory pools at the beginning of this GC.
        usageAfterGc - the memory usage of all memory pools at the end of this GC.
        a GcInfo object