Module openj9.cuda

Class Cuda

  • public final class Cuda
    extends Object
    The Cuda class provides general CUDA utilities.
    • Method Detail

      • allocatePinnedHostBuffer

        public static ByteBuffer allocatePinnedHostBuffer​(long capacity)
                                                   throws CudaException
        Allocates a new direct byte buffer, backed by page-locked host memory; enabling optimal performance of transfers to and from device memory.

        The position of the returned buffer will be zero; its limit and capacity will be capacity; its order will be LITTLE_ENDIAN.


        • The capacity of a ByteBuffer is in general limited to Integer.MAX_VALUE - that limit also applies and is enforced here.
        • Even though the result is backed by host memory, a CudaException will be thrown if the driver is not installed because registration of that host memory with the driver is integral to the behavior of this method.
        capacity - the desired capacity, in bytes, of the buffer
        the new buffer
        CudaException - if a CUDA exception occurs
        IllegalArgumentException - if capacity is negative or larger than Integer.MAX_VALUE
      • getDeviceCount

        public static int getDeviceCount()
                                  throws CudaException
        Returns the number of CUDA-capable devices available to the Java host.
        the number of available CUDA-capable devices
        CudaException - if a CUDA exception occurs
      • getDriverVersion

        public static int getDriverVersion()
                                    throws CudaException
        Returns a number identifying the driver version. A CudaException will be thrown if the CUDA driver is not installed.
        the driver version number
        CudaException - if a CUDA exception occurs
      • getRuntimeVersion

        public static int getRuntimeVersion()
                                     throws CudaException
        Returns a number identifying the runtime version. A CudaException will be thrown if the CUDA driver is not installed.
        the runtime version number
        CudaException - if a CUDA exception occurs