Module openj9.dtfj

Class ClassWalker

    • Constructor Detail

      • ClassWalker

        public ClassWalker()
    • Method Detail

      • allSlotsInObjectDo

        public abstract void allSlotsInObjectDo​(IClassWalkCallbacks classWalker)
                                         throws CorruptDataException
        Walks every slots in an object and send the values to the classWalker
        classWalker - a class that will receive the slot and sections of the object
      • getContext

        public abstract Context getContext()
      • fillDebugExtMap

        protected void fillDebugExtMap()
      • getDebugExtForMethodName

        protected String getDebugExtForMethodName​(String methodName)
      • addObjectsAsSlot

        protected void addObjectsAsSlot​(StructurePointer methodClass,
                                        HashMap<String,​String> renameFields)
                                 throws CorruptDataException
        It walks through each field in this structure that is represented by methodClass and registers each field as a slot into ClassWalkerCallBack It uses the StructureDescriptor of J9DDR to get the FieldDescriptor of a structure. The name, type and address are found in the FieldDescriptor. The name, type and address are guaranteed to match the current core file, since they are taken from it.
        methodClass - pointer class that is generated for the VM structure
        renameFields - list of names to rename the original field names in the structure