Module openj9.dtfj

Class ModularityHelper

  • public class ModularityHelper
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • ModularityHelper

        public ModularityHelper()
    • Method Detail

      • moduleFilterMatchAll

        public static boolean moduleFilterMatchAll​( modulePtr,
                                                   String arg)
        Matches all modules. Fits the ModuleIteratorFilter functional interface.
        modulePtr - unused
        arg - unused
      • printJ9Module

        public static void printJ9Module​( modulePtr,
                                         PrintStream out)
                                  throws CorruptDataException
        Prints the name and hex address of a J9Module. Example: java.base !j9module 0x00007FAC2008EAC8
        modulePtr - The module which is to have its details printed.
        out - The PrintStream that the details will be outputted to.
      • printJ9Package

        public static void printJ9Package​( packagePtr,
                                          PrintStream out)
                                   throws CorruptDataException
        Prints the name and hex address of a J9Package. Example: moduleB/packageB !j9package 0x00007F84903B5860
        packagePtr - The package which is to have its details printed.
        out - The PrintStream that the details will be outputted to.
      • printJ9Class

        public static void printJ9Class​( classPtr,
                                        PrintStream out)
                                 throws CorruptDataException
        Prints the name and hex address of a J9Class. Example: moduleA/packageA/classA !j9class 0x00000000022CCD00
        ClassPtr - The class which is to have its details printed.
        out - The PrintStream that the details will be outputted to.
      • printPackageExportVerbose

        public static void printPackageExportVerbose​( packagePtr,
                                                     PrintStream out)
                                              throws CorruptDataException
        Prints the name and hex address of all J9Modules the provided package is exported to. Output is formated similar to the format of module exports within a file. Example: Exports moduleA/packageA !j9module 0x00000000022CCD00 to moduleB !j9module 0x00007FAC2008EAC8
        packagePtr - The package which is to have the modules it is exported to printed.
        out - The PrintStream that the result will be output to.
      • printPackageExports

        public static void printPackageExports​( packagePtr,
                                               PrintStream out)
                                        throws CorruptDataException
        Prints the name and hex address of all J9Modules the provided package is exported to. Example: moduleB !j9module 0x00007FAC2008EAC8
        packagePtr - The package which is to have the modules it is exported to printed.
        out - The PrintStream that the result will be output to.
      • iterateModules

        public static int iterateModules​(PrintStream out,
                                         ModularityHelper.ModuleIteratorFilter filter,
                                         ModularityHelper.ModuleOutput outputter,
                                         String filterArg)
                                  throws CorruptDataException
        Traverses through all loaded modules. Uses outputter to print details about modules matched by filter.
        out - The printstream that will be provided to outputter.
        filter - Used to determine whether a module will be output. Will be run on all loaded modules.
        outputter - Used to output details about a module that was matched by the filter. Will be run on any module that filter returns true for.
        filterArg - A string that is to be used as additional data for filter. Will be passed to filter everytime filter is called.
      • iteratePackages

        public static int iteratePackages​(PrintStream out,
                                          ModularityHelper.PackageIteratorFilter filter,
                                          ModularityHelper.PackageOutput outputter,
                                          String filterArg)
                                   throws CorruptDataException
        Traverses through all loaded packages. Uses outputter to print details about packages matched by filter.
        out - The printstream that will be provided to outputter
        filter - Used to determine whether a package will be output. Will be run on all loaded packages.
        outputter - Used to output details about a package that was matched by the filter. Will be run on any module that filter returns true for.
        filterArg - A string that is to be used as additional data for filter. Will be passed to filter everytime filter is called.
      • iterateClassLoaderPackages

        public static int iterateClassLoaderPackages​(PrintStream out,
                                                     ModularityHelper.PackageIteratorFilter filter,
                                                     ModularityHelper.PackageOutput outputter,
                                                     String filterArg,
                                              throws CorruptDataException
        Traverses through all loaded packages that are owned by the given class loader. Uses outputter to print details about packages matched by filter.
        out - The printstream that will be provided to outputter
        filter - Used to determine whether a packages will be output. Will be run on all loaded packages owned by the class loader.
        outputter - Used to output details about a packages that was matched by the filter. Will be run on any packages that filter returns true for.
        filterArg - A string that is to be used as additional data for filter. Will be passed to filter everytime filter is called.
      • iterateClassLoaderClasses

        public static int iterateClassLoaderClasses​(PrintStream out,
                                                    ModularityHelper.ClassIteratorFilter filter,
                                                    ModularityHelper.ClassOutput outputter,
                                                    String filterArg,
                                             throws CorruptDataException
        Traverses through all loaded classes in a classloader. Uses outputter to print details about classes within the classloader that are matched by filter.
        out - The printstream that will be provided to outputter
        filter - Used to determine whether a class will be output. Will be run on all loaded classes owned by the module.
        outputter - Used to output details about a class that was matched by the filter. Will be run on any class that filter returns true for.
        filterArg - A string that is to be used as additional data for filter. Will be passed to filter everytime filter is called.
        classLoaderPtr - The classloader which will have it's classes traversed.