Module openj9.dtfj

Class SetVMCommand

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class SetVMCommand
    extends Command
    • Constructor Detail

      • SetVMCommand

        public SetVMCommand()
        Constructor. It adds the command info into !j9help menu
    • Method Detail

      • run

        public void run​(String command,
                        String[] args,
                        Context context,
                        PrintStream out)
                 throws DDRInteractiveCommandException
        Runs the !setvm command. 1. Checks whether correct number of args passed which is 1. 2. If condition 1 is successful, checks whether the passed arg is a valid integer, decimal or hexadecimal. 3. If condition 2 is successful, checks whether the address (only arg) is a valid J9JavaVM address. 4. If condition 3 is unsuccessful, checks whether the address is a valid J9VMThread address. If any of the condition 3 or 4 succeeds, then cachedVM is set to new address. Otherwise, it prints error msg.
        command - DDR extension command which is setVM for this extension.
        args - arguments passed with the command
        context - current context that DDR is running on.
        out - PrintStream to print the user messages.
        DDRInteractiveCommandException - If there is any problem running the command (incorrect usage, CorruptData etc.)