Module openj9.dtfj

Interface PluginManager

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface PluginManager
    Used so that the DTFJPluginClassloader will not be referenced directly in code, but only loaded through reflection, using a dedicated classloader (in DTFJContext)
    • Method Detail

      • refreshSearchPath

        void refreshSearchPath()
      • addListener

        boolean addListener​(ClassListener listener)
        Add a listener to the manager. If the listener already exists as determined by a call to equals() then the existing instance is replace by the new one. This allows clients to install a single type of handler but update the configuration or it's methods of operation without retaining a handle to original listener.
        listener - listener to add
        result from the standard Set.add() method
      • removeListener

        boolean removeListener​(ClassListener listener)
      • getClasspath

        URL[] getClasspath()