Module openj9.dtfj

Class NodeAbstract

    • Constructor Detail

      • NodeAbstract

        public NodeAbstract()
    • Method Detail

      • _longFromString

        public static long _longFromString​(String value,
                                           long defaultValue)
        Helper method for parsing strings into numbers. Strips the 0x from strings, if they exist. Also handles the case of 16 character numbers which would be greater than MAX_LONG
        value - The string representing the number
        defaultValue - The value which will be returned if value is null
        defaultValue if the value is null or the long value of the given string
      • _longFromString

        public static long _longFromString​(String value)
        Helper method for parsing strings into numbers. Strips the 0x from strings, if they exist. Also handles the case of 16 character numbers which would be greater than MAX_LONG
        value - The string representing the number
        0 if the value is null or the long value of the given string
      • _longByResolvingRawKey

        public static long _longByResolvingRawKey​(String rawText,
                                                  String key)
        Looks up the given key in rawText and finds the long that corresponds to it. ie: "... key=number..." Returns 0 if the key is not found.
        rawText -
        key -