Module openj9.dtfj

Class XMLIndexReader

    • Constructor Detail

      • XMLIndexReader

        public XMLIndexReader()
    • Method Detail

      • parseIndexWithDump

        public Image parseIndexWithDump​(InputStream input,
                                        ICoreFileReader core,
                                        ClosingFileReader reader,
                                        IFileLocationResolver fileResolver)
        Creates an Image from the given XML index stream and the corresponding corefile
        input -
        core -
        reader - The open file that the core is built upon
        fileResolver - The file location resolving agent which we can use when constructing the builder to find other files for us
      • parseIndexWithDump

        public Image parseIndexWithDump​(InputStream input,
                                        ICoreFileReader core,
                                        ImageInputStream stream,
                                        IFileLocationResolver fileResolver)
        Creates an Image from the given XML index stream and the corresponding corefile
        input -
        core -
        reader - The open file that the core is built upon
        fileResolver - The file location resolving agent which we can use when constructing the builder to find other files for us