Interface ISession

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface ISession
    Represents a single jdmpview session which may contain multiple contexts.
    • Method Detail

      • getOutputManager

        IOutputManager getOutputManager()
        The instance which is managing all registered output channels.
        the manager
      • getCurrentContext

        ICombinedContext getCurrentContext()
        The currently selected context against which commands will be executed.
        the current context, it may or may not have DDR interactive support
      • getContextManager

        ISessionContextManager getContextManager()
        Get the manager which is managing this context within this session.
        the context manager
      • setContext

        void setContext​(int id)
                 throws CommandException
        Set the context within which subsequent commands will be executed.
        id - context ID
        CommandException - thrown if an invalid context ID is specified
      • setContext

        void setContext​(ICombinedContext switchTo)
                 throws CommandException
        Set the context within which subsequent commands will be executed.
        switchTo - the context to switch to
        CommandException - thrown if the switch fails. The underlying reason will be in the logs.
      • showContexts

        void showContexts​(boolean shortFormat)
        Display the contexts which are present in the core file currently being analysed.
        shortFormat - true for short format which just displays the first line of the java -version string
      • findAndSetContextWithJVM

        void findAndSetContextWithJVM()
        Convenience method which instructs the session to search through all the available contexts and set the current one to the first one it finds with a non-corrupt DTFJ JavaRuntime in it.
      • execute

        void execute​(String command)
        Executes the supplied command. Output will be written via the IOutputManager to all registered channels.
        command - the command and any parameters to execute.