Module openj9.jvm

Class Log

  • public class Log
    extends Object
    The Log class contains methods for controlling system log options This class cannot be instantiated.
    • Method Detail

      • QueryOptions

        public static String QueryOptions()
        Query the log options. Returns a String representation of the log options.
        The current log options
        SecurityException - if there is a security manager and it doesn't allow the checks required to query the log settings
      • SetOptions

        public static int SetOptions​(String options)
        Set the log options. Use the same syntax as the -Xsyslog command-line option, with the initial -Xsyslog: omitted.
        options - The command line log flags.
        status 0 on success otherwise a RuntimeException is thrown
        RuntimeException - if there is a problem setting the log options
        SecurityException - if there is a security manager and it doesn't allow the checks required to change the log settings