Module openj9.sharedclasses
The OpenJ9 shared classes API, a persistent share which can contain classes, precompiled code (AOT),
JIT data, and other data used to improve start up performance and reduce memory footprint.
Interface Summary Interface Description SharedClassFilter SharedClassFilter allows users of a Helper API to filter which classes are found and stored in the cache.SharedClassHelper The SharedClassHelper superinterface defines functions that are common to all class helpers.SharedClassHelperFactory SharedClassHelperFactory provides an interface that is used to create various types of SharedClassHelper for ClassLoaders.SharedClassTokenHelper SharedClassHelper API that stores and finds classes using String tokens.SharedClassURLClasspathHelper SharedClassHelper API that stores and finds classes by using URL classpaths.SharedClassURLClasspathHelper.IndexHolder Interface that allows an index to be returned from findSharedClass calls.SharedClassURLHelper SharedClassHelper API that stores and finds classes by using URL paths.SharedDataHelper SharedDataHelper API that stores and finds byte data using String tokens.SharedDataHelperFactory SharedDataHelperFactory provides an interface used to create SharedDataHelpers.SharedHelper The SharedHelper superinterface defines functions common to all helpers. -
Class Summary Class Description Shared Global class that provides SharedClassHelperFactory, SharedDataHelperFactory and sharing status.SharedAbstractHelper SharedAbstractHelper provides common functions and data to helper subclasses.SharedAbstractHelperFactory SharedAbstractHelperFactory is an abstract superclass for helper factory subclasses.SharedClassAbstractHelper SharedClassAbstractHelper provides common functions and data to class helper subclasses.SharedClassCacheInfo SharedClassCacheInfo stores information about a shared class cache and provides methods to retrieve that information.SharedClassesNamedPermission This class defines shared cache permissions as described in the following table.SharedClassPermission SharedClassPermission provides security permission to govern ClassLoader access to the shared class cache.SharedClassPermissionCollection SharedClassPermissionCollection provides permission collection to support SharedClassPermission.SharedClassStatistics SharedClassStatistics provides static functions that report basic cache statistics.SharedClassUtilities SharedClassUtilities provides APIs to get information about all shared class caches in a directory and to destroy a particular shared class cache. -
Exception Summary Exception Description CannotSetClasspathException Exception thrown if an attempt is made to modify confirmed elements of a classpath in SharedClassURLClasspathHelper.HelperAlreadyDefinedException Exception thrown if a factory is asked to get multiple helpers for a ClassLoader.