Class MessageFile

    • Field Detail

      • verMod

        protected static float verMod
    • Method Detail

      • getVersion

        public float getVersion()
      • initStatics

        protected static final void initStatics()
        Initializes static variables.

        This is called each time the TraceFormatter is started, from the initStatics() method in

      • addMessage

        protected void addMessage​(String messageLine)
        adds a message to the table by parsing a line of the message file. If the line has no spaces, it is determined to be a component; otherwise it contains a trace id, an entry type, and a template string (separated by spaces)
        messageLine - a string
      • getMessageFromID

        protected static Message getMessageFromID​(int id)
        retrieve the message associated with a given traceID
        id - an int that is a trace identifier
        a message that contains the type of entry, the component for the entry and the text to be printed
      • getMessageFromID

        protected static Message getMessageFromID​(String compName,
                                                  int id)
        retrieve the message associated with a given traceID and component
        id - an int that is a trace identifier
        a message that contains the type of entry, the component for the entry and the text to be printed
      • componentIsFromDATFile

        public static boolean componentIsFromDATFile​(String componentName)