Module openj9.dtfj

Interface CorruptData

All Known Implementing Classes:
CorruptData, CorruptJavaObject, J9DDRCorruptData, JCCorruptData, PHDCorruptData, PHDCorruptImageModule, PHDCorruptImageStackFrame, PHDCorruptImageThread, PHDCorruptJavaLocation, PHDCorruptJavaMonitor, PHDCorruptJavaStackFrame, PHDCorruptJavaThread

public interface CorruptData
This class is used to indicate that corruption has been detected in the image. It may indicate corruption of the image file, or it may indicate that inconsistencies have been detected within the image file, perhaps caused by a bug in the runtime or application. It may be encountered in two scenarios:
  • within a CorruptDataException
  • returned as an element from an Iterator
Any iterator in DTFJ may implicitly include one or more CorruptData objects within the list of objects it provides. Normal data may be found after the CorruptData object if the DTFJ implementation is able to recover from the corruption.
See Also: