Module openj9.dtfj

Class BitStream

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class BitStream extends Object implements Serializable
This class provides a mechanism for writing and reading numbers in a bit stream. In other words you can for instance write the number 3 in 2 bits followed by the number 1 in 3 bits and so on, then rewind the stream and read a 2 bit number followed by a 3 bit number etc. The stream is implemented as an array of 32-bit ints (hereafter referred to as "words") and methods are provided to move to the next word and to get and set the current index into the array of words. This enables you to (eg) store a number of sequences of numbers in the same BitStream and to store the index for each sequence externally somewhere.

In addition to writing and reading numbers of fixed length, this stream also supports variable length numbers using a variety of encodings. A good overview of the encodings used can be found here. This Wikipedia article also has some cool graphs showing the scalability of the encodings.

Note that all ints are treated as unsigned. You will still get back what you put in if you write a negative number but if you're using encoded numbers then bear in mind that (eg) -1 will be output as 0xffffffff.

Todo: might be good to wrap this class round a generic Input/OutputStream.

See Also: