Interface SharedClassTokenHelper

All Superinterfaces:
SharedClassHelper, SharedHelper

public interface SharedClassTokenHelper extends SharedClassHelper

SharedClassHelper API that stores and finds classes using String tokens.


A SharedClassTokenHelper is obtained by calling getTokenHelper(ClassLoader) on a SharedClassHelperFactory.

The SharedClassTokenHelper, which is the most simple type of helper, uses generated String tokens to find and store classes.


The ClassLoader should call findSharedClass after looking in its local cache and asking its parent (if one exists). If findSharedClass does not return null, the ClassLoader calls defineClass on the byte[] that is returned.

The ClassLoader calls storeSharedClass immediately after a class is defined, unless the class that is being defined was loaded from the shared cache.

The ClassLoader is responsible for coordinating the creation of token Strings.

Dynamic cache updates.

Because the shared cache persists beyond the lifetime of a JVM, classes in the shared cache can become out of date (stale). Using this helper, it is entirely the responsibility of the ClassLoader to ensure that cache entries are kept up-to-date. Tokens have no meaning to the cache, so effectively turn the it into a dictionary of classes.

For example, a token may be the location where the class was found, combined with some type of versioning data.

If a ClassLoader stores multiple versions of the same class by using the same token, only the most recent will be returned by findSharedClass.


A SharedClassHelper will only allow classes to be stored in the cache which were defined by the ClassLoader that owns the SharedClassHelper.

If a SecurityManager is installed, SharedClassPermissions must be used to permit read/write access to the shared class cache. Permissions are granted by ClassLoader classname in the java.policy file and are fixed when the SharedClassHelper is created.

Note also that if the createClassLoader RuntimePermission is not granted, ClassLoaders cannot be created, which in turn means that SharedClassHelpers cannot be created.

Compatibility with other SharedClassHelpers

Classes stored using the SharedClassTokenHelper cannot be retrieved using any other type of helper, and vice versa.

See Also: