Copyright (c) 2021-2024 Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft (BMW AG)
2021 in-tech GmbH
This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
.. _prerequisites:
Installing Prerequisites
Before being able to compile and run |op|, make sure to have all dependencies installed.
The third party software dependency of |op| can be divided into:
- **Build environment**, which manages third party software and is used to compile and install |op|
- **Binary packages**, which can be easily installed via a package manager of the respective build environment
- **Source packages**, which need to be built from source code
This section gives detailed information about the prerequisites and tested version.
.. _building_under_windows:
Installing the Build Environment
.. tabs::
.. tab:: Windows
#. MSYS2
On Windows, the build environment of choice are :term:`MSYS2` programming tools.
:term:`MSYS2` is used to install some third-party software on which |op| depends.
Also, the unix-like shell simplifies c++ compilation on Windows.
For details, see `MSYS2 website `_.
.. _msys2:
#. Download MSYS2
The latest 64-bit package is located in the Installation section of `MSYS2 website `_.
.. _msys2_installation:
#. Install MSYS2
Run the downloaded executable and adjust suggested settings to your needs (defaults are fine).
.. admonition:: Installation Path
It is assumed that MSYS2 is installed in the directory ``C:\op\msys64``, as our CI scripts depend on this specific path.
If you choose to install MSYS2 in a different location, please ensure that you update any related configurations to reflect the new installation path, such as the conan profiles mentioned below."
#. Understand the Build Environment
MSYS2 provides three different environments, located in the MSYS2 installation directory:
.. _fig_msys2_environments:
.. figure:: _static/images/msys2.png
:align: center
:alt: MSYS2 Apps
MSYS2 Environments
- MSYS2 MSYS: Common environment, i.e. for package management
- MSYS2 MinGW 32-bit: A MinGW 32-bit environment
- MSYS2 MinGW 64-bit: A MinGW 64-bit environment
.. warning::
| MSYS2 MinGW 64-bit is **the** |op| development environment and will be referred to as |mingw_shell|.
.. _building_under_linux:
.. tab:: Linux
On Linux, no special build environment is needed. |Op| is developed under Debian 64-Bit,
which means that developing under a recent Ubuntu distribution will also work.
Debian Bookworm or Ubuntu 22.04 LTS is recommended. Debian uses ``apt`` (or ``apt-get``) as package managing system.
Details will be given in :ref:`binary_packages` and :ref:`building_prerequisites`.
.. _binary_packages:
Installing the Binary Packages
The first set of dependencies we need to install in order to successfully compile |op| are the binary packages. These can be installed via appropiate package manager.
.. tabs::
.. tab:: Windows (MSYS2)
#. Open ``MSYS2 MinGW 64-bit`` and execute the following package manager ``pacman`` commands to update the package repository and upgrade system packages:
.. code-block::
pacman -Syuu
If the upgrade requires a restart of MSYS2, resume the upgrade by re-opening the shell and call:
.. code-block::
pacman -Suu
#. Required packages (can be specified in single command line if desired):
.. literalinclude:: _static/msys2_packages.txt
:language: bash
.. admonition:: Versions
| MSYS2 provides rolling release versions, so some packages might be too "up-to-date".
#. Required python packages
.. code-block::
pip3 install "approvaltests==3.1.0" breathe "conan>2.0" empty-files exhale watchdog
.. admonition:: GIT/SSH
The |mingw_shell| does not access an already existing git installation or available SSH keys.
Make sure, to update/copy your configuration and credentials within the |mingw_shell| before working with git.
.. tab:: Linux (Debian Bookworm)
#. Update the package database on the system
.. code-block::
apt update
#. Upgrade existing software to latest version
.. code-block::
apt upgrade
#. Install required binary packages
.. code-block::
# for simulator
apt -y install antlr4
apt -y install build-essential
apt -y install ca-certificates
apt -y install ccache
apt -y install cmake
apt -y install clang-format-15
apt -y install doxygen
apt -y install g++
apt -y install gcc
apt -y install git
apt -y install googletest
apt -y install graphviz
apt -y install libboost-filesystem-dev
apt -y install libprotobuf-dev
apt -y install libantlr4-runtime4.9
apt -y install libantlr4-runtime-java
apt -y install libantlr4-runtime-dev
apt -y install openjdk-17-jre
apt -y install pkg-config
apt -y install protobuf-compiler
apt -y install python3
apt -y install python3-distutils
apt -y install python3-pip
apt -y install uuid-dev
# python packages
pip3 install "approvaltests==3.1.0" empty-files "conan>2.0" watchdog
pip3 install breathe exhale myst-parser "sphinx==7.2.6" sphinx-rtd-theme sphinx-tabs sphinxcontrib-spelling
**EndToEnd Test Framework**
If end to end tests shall be executed, additional requirements have to be considered.
Please refer to :ref:`testing_endtoend` for more details on installation of the prerequisites and usage of the framework.
.. _building_prerequisites:
Installing the Dependencies
This section describes how to compile prerequisites of |op| using conan (``conan>2.0``).
The goal of this section is to build and install necessary packages into a suitable directory using conan.
.. note::
If you are unfamiliar to ``conan`` or working with it, Section :ref:`building_with_conan` might give you a short introduction on conan in the scope of building dependencies for |op|.
To keep the installation process of |op| and its dependencies as simple as possible, we recommend a specific folder structure.
If you strictly follow the recommended paths of this guide, no command modifications are necessary.
.. tabs::
.. tab:: Notes for Windows
- Recommended checkout path of |op| repository: ``C:\openpass``
- Dependency directory within the |op| repository: ``C:\deps``
- Recommended installation directory of |op|: ``C:\openPASS\bin\core``
.. tab:: Notes for Linux
- Recommended checkout path of |op| repository: ``~/openpass``
- Dependency directory within the |op| repository: ``~/deps``
- Recommended installation directory of |op|: ``/usr/local/openPASS/bin/core``
The above directory structure will be created by following the instructions of this guide.
#. Clone |Op| repository
As described above, the checkout path of the repository is assumed to be the default ``openpass``.
.. tabs::
.. tab:: Windows
Start |mingw_shell|
.. code-block::
cd /C/
git clone https://gitlab.eclipse.org/eclipse/openpass/opSimulation.git openpass
.. note::
As stated in :ref:`Building_under_windows`, the windows programming tools suffer from a `path length restriction`.
This error manifests as strange **file not found** compile errors.
It is therefore recommended to use a short path for source code checkout, e.g. a drive letter.
This can also be done by the windows command `subst `_.
.. tab:: Linux
Start ``Bash`` shell
.. code-block::
cd ~
git clone https://gitlab.eclipse.org/eclipse/openpass/opSimulation.git openpass
#. Navigate into repository and checkout main branch
.. code-block::
cd openpass
git checkout main
#. The essential packages necessary for |Op| are listed in the file ``utils/ci/conan/conanfile.txt``.
If a required package is available on ConanCenter, they will be used directly.
For packages not available on ConanCenter, the respective recipes are stored in the ``utils/ci/conan/recipe`` folder.
.. note::
It is important to have conancenter remote enabled. To check the status of conancenter and to enable, if it is disabled, execute the following commands
.. code-block::
conan remote list
conan remote enable conancenter
#. There are two Conan profiles ``conanprofile_linux`` and ``conanprofile_windows`` available in the ``utils/ci/conan/recipe`` folder, which will be automatically used in the next step.
.. admonition:: Adjustments
Check and adjust the compiler version and the path to the MSYS installation in these profiles before running the prepare scripts.
.. note::
The recommended compiler is GCC. Usage of other compilers may lead to unexpected outcomes.
#. To build and install the dependencies, run the script ``15_prepare_thirdParty.sh`` located in ``utils/ci/scripts``.
.. tabs::
.. tab:: Windows
#. One of the dependencies of |Op| is OpenScenarioEngine which requires OpenSCENARIO API and it in turn requires JAVA executable to build.
If Java executable is not available on your machine, download the java from `here `_ and extract the zip file
#. If ``C:\Downloads\zulu`` is the extracted path, then add the variable JAVA_HOME to the environmental variable, and append the java executable path to the PATH environmental variable as below
.. code-block::
export JAVA_HOME=/c/Downloads/zulu/
export PATH=$PATH:/c/Downloads/zulu/bin
#. The script ``15_prepare_thirdParty.sh`` also requires the variable PYTHON_EXECUTABLE set. This variable refers to the path of the python installation (For example: It could be either on native Windows or on MSYS).
If the python is installed on MSYS then set the variable with the following command.
.. code-block::
export PYTHON_EXECUTABLE=python3
#. Execute the script ``15_prepare_thirdParty.sh`` on MSYS
.. code-block::
cd utils/ci/scripts
.. tab:: Linux
#. The script ``15_prepare_thirdParty.sh`` also requires the variable PYTHON_EXECUTABLE set. This variable refers to the path of the python installation.
.. code-block::
export PYTHON_EXECUTABLE=python3
#. Execute the script
.. code-block::
cd utils/ci/scripts
#. Upon successful execution of the script, the dependencies will be installed under ``C:\deps`` on Windows and ``~/deps`` on Linux.