Copyright (c) 2021 in-tech GmbH
This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
.. _staticsystemconfig:
Static SystemConfig
SystemConfig files are optional.
They describe static configurations of agents and are therefore an alternative to the dynamic sampling of an agent during runtime.
The schema is the same as for the :ref:`systemconfigblueprint`.
One usecase for the static SystemConfig is :ref:`ssp`.
We use SSP to chain multiple FMUs together, which transfer data between them during one time step.
SSP is added to the SystemConfig like any other Component. It requires the following parameters:
.. table::
:class: tight-table
===================== ================================================== =========
Tag Description Mandatory
===================== ================================================== =========
id Id should be set to "SspPath" yes
type type should be string yes
unit not used no
value relative path to the ssp file
relative to the configuration path yes
===================== ================================================== =========
.. literalinclude:: /../../../repo/sim/contrib/examples/Configurations/StaticSSPStepper/SystemConfig.xml
:language: xml
Connecting SSP with OpenPass
During OpenPass Simulation, information is communicated via osi messages between the Simulation Core and SSP.
Like any other component communication, these connections need to be explicitly declared as connections in the SystemConfig.
One connection is defined with the following attributes:
.. table::
:class: tight-table
===================== ================================================== =========
Tag Description Mandatory
===================== ================================================== =========
id unique identifier for connection yes
source pair of sending agent component and local link id yes
target pair of receiving agent component
and local link id yes
===================== ================================================== =========
.. literalinclude:: /../../../repo/sim/contrib/examples/Configurations/StaticSSPStepper/SystemConfig.xml
:language: xml