
Use Eclipse, at least Neon version


Use Maven 3.3.1 at least

Eclipse plugins

Install M2e plugin in your Eclipse

Install Tycho Configurator as an additional maven connector

No specific extra from papyrus

Check your installation by a basic checkout, compilation

  • Clone the Papyrus Designer git repository git clone
  • Run maven at the root of the repo: mvn clean install; it should pass
  • Get Papyrus designer maven eclipse plugins in your eclipse workspace
  • Et “Voila” you are good to go.

Target Environment

We have developed a target-platform-configuration artifact located at /org.eclipse.papyrus-designer/targetplatform/org.eclipse.papyrus.designer.targetplatform.neon/

Another target-platform-configuration is located at /org.eclipse.papyrus-designer/targetplatform/org.eclipse.papyrus.designer.targetplatform.oxygen/

Open it and click at the upper right corner to set it has the target platform.

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Version: 1.0.5. Last Published: 2017-10-27.

Reflow Maven skin by Andrius Velykis.