Recommended Work Flow for Cheat Sheet Development
By Mike Pawlowski
In general, cheat sheets help guide users through complex
instructions. There are two types of cheat sheets: simple
and composite. Simple cheat sheets are used to organize and
present logical steps and sub-steps to achieve a certain
task. Composite cheat sheets are used to organize and
present tasks represented by simple cheat sheets to achieve
a larger goal.
Depending on the complexity of the goal, users may choose to
use simple cheat sheets alone or in association with
composite cheat sheets. In this document, we will be
developing a simple Hello World!
example that makes use of simple and composite cheat sheets.
The purpose of this document is to demonstrate the
recommended work flow for doing cheat sheet development
using the following User Assistance and PDE tools:
New cheat sheet wizard
New simple cheat sheet wizard
Composite cheat sheet editor
Simple cheat sheet editor
Register cheat sheet wizard
Cheat sheet view
The recommended work flow for doing cheat
sheet development can be summarized in the following steps:
1) Create
2) Edit [Again]
2.1) Create
2.2) Edit
2.3) Preview
3) Preview
4) Register
5) Test
To start the New cheat sheet
wizard, perform the following steps:
Select File > New > Other...
from the main menu.
"Cheat Sheet" under the
"User Assistance" category.
Click the Next > button.
On the next page, perform the following steps:
Select the "cheatsheets" folder
in the tree viewer (any folder will suffice).
Input "helloworld_composite.xml"
in the File name: text field.
Select the Composite Cheat Sheet
radio button.
Click the Finish button.
The new composite cheat sheet will be opened in the
Composite cheat sheet editor.
To edit the cheat sheet title, perform the following steps:
Select the root "Title" node
in the tree viewer (if not already selected).
Input "Hello World! Composite"
into the Name*: text field.
To edit the task group, perform the following steps:
Select the "Group" node in the
tree viewer.
Input "Hello World! Group"
into the Name*: text field.
Click the Introduction tab (if
not already selected).
Input "Hello World! Group
Introduction" into the associated text field.
Click the Conclusion tab.
Input "Hello World! Group
Conclusion" into the associated text field.
To edit the task, perform the following steps:
Select the "Task" node in the
tree viewer.
Input "Hello World! Simple #1"
into the Name*: text field.
Click the Introduction tab (if
not already selected).
Input "Hello World! Simple #1
Introduction" into the associated text field.
Click the Conclusion tab.
Input "Hello World! Simple #1
Conclusion" into the associated text field.
Leave, the Path*: text field blank
for now.
To start the New simple cheat sheet
wizard, click the Path*:
In the resulting wizard, perform the following steps:
Select the "cheatsheets" folder
in the tree viewer (any folder will suffice).
Input "helloworld_simple_1.xml"
in the File name: text field.
Click the Finish button.
The new simple cheat sheet will be opened in the
Simple cheat sheet editor.
To edit the cheat sheet title, perform the following steps:
Select the root "Title" node
in the tree viewer (if not already selected).
Input "Hello World! Simple #1"
into the Title*: text field.
To edit the introduction, perform the following steps:
Select the "Introduction" node
in the tree viewer.
Input "Hello World! Introduction"
into the Body*: text field.
To edit the first item, perform the following steps:
Select the "Item" node
in the tree viewer.
Input "Item #1"
into the Title*: text field.
Input "Hello World! #1"
into the Body*: text field.
To edit the second item, perform the following steps:
Click the Add Step button.
Input "Item #2"
into the Title*: text field.
Input "Hello World! #2"
into the Body*: text field.
To preview the unsaved cheat sheet, click the
Preview button.
The cheat sheet is opened up in the
Cheat sheet view to the right
of the editor.
Verify the cheat sheet content and save the cheat sheet by
selecting File > Save from the
main menu.
Switch back to the Composite cheat sheet
editor for the
Note how the New simple cheat sheet
wizard poplulated the Path*:
field with the path to the newly created simple cheat sheet.
To preview the unsaved cheat sheet, click the
Preview button.
The cheat sheet is opened up in the
Cheat sheet view to the right
of the editor.
Verify the cheat sheet content and save the cheat sheet by
selecting File > Save from the
main menu.
Optionally, to add another task, perform the following steps:
Click the Add Task button.
Input "Hello World! Simple #2"
into the Name*: text field.
Click the Introduction tab (if
not already selected).
Input "Hello World! Simple #2
Introduction" into the associated text field.
Click the Conclusion tab.
Input "Hello World! Simple #2
Conclusion" into the associated text field.
Repeat the following steps for a Simple Cheat Sheet:
2.1) Create
2.2) Edit
2.3) Preview
Repeat the following step for the Composite Cheat Sheet:
3) Preview
To start the Register cheat sheet
wizard, click the Register this
cheat sheet hyperlink.
To create a new cheat sheet category, click the
New... button.
In the resulting dialog, perform the following steps:
Input "Hello World! Category"
into the Name: text field.
Click the OK button.
Note how the Category: drop menu
is now populated with the category created in the previous
To complete the registration, complete the following steps:
Input "Hello World! Description"
in the Description:
text field.
Click the Finish button.
To test the cheat sheet, perform the following steps:
Select Run > Run... from the
main menu to open the
Launch configuration dialog.
Create a new
Eclipse Application launch
Click the Run button to launch a
second instance of Eclipse.
Once loaded, switch to the second instance of Eclipse.
Select Help > Cheat Sheets...
from the main menu to open the
Cheat sheet selection dialog.
Select the
"Hello World! Composite"
node under the
"Hello World! Category" in the
tree viewer.
Click the OK button.
The cheat sheet is opened up in the
Cheat sheet view.
Verify the cheat sheet content.