PDE Usage Scenarios
The following set of scenarios are designed to assist Eclipse user community
explore and test the Plug-in Development Environment (PDE). Not all the scenarios are sequential but doing S1 and A1 scenarios
first ensures that the basic functionality is correct.
If you find a problem with the scenario step, open a Bugzilla defect against
component PDE/UI. Include the build number (e.g. RC1, RC2 etc.). Always
prefix the description with the step number as in:
B7.5: Debugger does not stop at the second point
S1.1 Switch to the Plug-in Development perspective in order to get
the property sheet positioned properly.
S1.2 Alternatively, you can use Java perspective but open Properties and
Error Log views on top of the Tasks.
Scenario A: Basic plug-in activities in a simple self-hosting mode
In this scenario, the assumption is that there is an installation of a
full Eclipse-based product. A small to medium-scale (value-add) ISV wants
to add a relatively small number of plug-ins to the product. The final
plug-in complement should be everything that is already in the product
plus new plug-ins. Product plug-ins will be referenced from the outside,
while the new plug-ins will be in the development time workspace. Although not
prohibited, the assumption is that user's projects are not shared.
A1. Preparation for work
A1.1 Ensure that external plug-ins are enabled to avoid compilation
errors. To do so, go to Window->Preferences, expand 'Plug-in Development'
node and select Target Platform page. Press 'Select All' button to enable
all external plug-ins.
A1.2 Enlarge the workbench window to occupy most of the viewable
area (you need some space for all the views and editors that will be showing
in the PDE perspective).
A2. Creating a new plug-in project.
Note: The first set of scenarios walk you through
the plug-in development lifecycle manually. Newly added feature called
'extension templates' provides for very fast results using pre-packaged
templates. If you want to have a very short 'speed to glass' starting with
a clean install, jump to the scenario A12.
A2.1 Bring the 'New' dialog by selecting File->New->Project... from
the menu bar. Select 'Plug-in Development' in the Category list and 'Plug-in
Project' in the Wizard list. Press 'Next'.
A2.2 You are now in 'New Project' wizard of PDE. Enter 'com.example.xyz'
as the name of the new project. This name will also be used to initialize
plug-in ID but does not have to match it. Press 'Next'.
A2.3 Observe the settings for the plug-in structure. Run-time library
name should be 'xyz.jar' and initial source folder should be 'src'. Press
'Next'. Note: these names are just a 'guess'. In real life, you are
free to modify them, and/or add more source folders. For the sake of testing,
we will keep the provided names.
A2.4 At this page, a choice has to be made. A blank plug-in project
can be created, together with the build.properties file and a blank plugin.xml.
Alternatively, if 'Create plug-in using a template wizard' is selected,
a list below the button will be enabled and you can choose between various
wizards that provide for the initial plug-in content. For this scenario,
select 'Default Plug-In Structure' from the list of wizards. Press 'Next'.
A2.5 You are now in Default Plug-In Content wizard. Its role
is to fill in the initial content of the plugin.xml and to create
top-level plug-in Java class. Note: by definition, plug-ins are not
required to provide top-level Java class. This feature is used for Java
class libraries that are made available to other plug-ins. If a plug-in
contributes extensions and/or extension points, this class is required.
A2.6 Keep all the settings as provided by the wizard. In a real
life, you would modify them. Press 'Finish'. Wait for the dialog to close
and for manifest editor to open. Note: be patient - there is a brief
moment when the wizard closes that the cursor turns to normal, but it will
soon turn to hourglass again and the editor will open.
A3. Examining plug-in manifest editor pages
A3.0 Welcome page. This optional page should show up when a project has
been created from a template. It can be turned off using the checkbox at the
A3.1 Overview page. This page shows 'plug-in at a glance' view,
provide quick links for detail pages and allows changes in the basic plug-in
properties like name, version etc. Change the name of the plug-in from
'XYZ Plugin' to 'XYZ Sample Plugin' by typing this name in the provided
text field. When done, hit 'Enter'. Observe how 'Save' button enables and
page title changes to display the new name. Save the page.
A3.2 Verify that top-level Java class is created by following the
link 'Class' in front of the Java class text field. The link should open
the class in Java editor.
A3.3 Runtime page. Press the button 'More...' in the Runtime Libraries
section of the Overview page. This should open Runtime page. The list of
libraries should contain a library as defined in the project wizard (xyz.jar).
Select the library. In the section on the right, export all the classes
in the JAR by selecting 'Export the entire library' radio button. In the
section below, verify that the list contains 'src' source folder. Save (Ctrl+S or Save from pop-up menu).
A3.4 Plugin.jars exclusive access test. While the manifest
editor is up, switch to the navigator and open build.properties for editing.
A similar looking (form-based) editor should open with a title: Properties
(in use or read only). This is because build.properties is currently
used by the Runtime page of the manifest editor. This lock prevents changes
that are not in sync. The lock works both ways. To verify it, close both
the manifest editor and build.properties editor. Open build.properties
editor first. The title is now Properties. Buttons in the page are
enabled - the file can be modified. Open plugin.xml and go to Runtime page.
The bottom section heading should be "Library content (in use - read
only)". Close both editors.
A3.5 Dependencies page. Go back to manifest editor and switch to
'Dependencies' using the appropriate bottom tab. Verify that the section
on the left contains three plug-in references: 'org.eclipse.core.runtime', 'org.eclipse.core.resources' and
A3.6 External manifests. While in 'Dependencies' page, double-click
on the 'org.eclipse.ui' plug-in reference or select 'Open' from the pop-up
menu. Manifest editor for the Workbench UI should open. This editor is
opened on an external file and is therefore read-only. Verify that (nothing
that can cause file change should be enabled). When done, close the editor.
A3.7 Source page - round-trip. Switch to Source page. It should
show plugin.xml source with syntax highlighting. Verify that the content
is correct (it should contain three import elements, one library
element and the correct attributes for plugin element). Change the
value of the 'name' attribute from "XYZ Sample Plugin" to "XYZ Plugin".
Do not save. Switch to Overview page. Verify that the change has been propagated
to the page (name text field should contain the new name and the title
should also reflect it). Save now.
A3.8 Source page - syntax errors. Return to source page. Find the
closing tag of the 'runtime' element. Remove '>' character from the closing
tag. Save. The task list should show an error about '>' being expected.
In addition, the error marker should appear in the vertical annotation
A3.9 Source page - error mode. Without saving or correcting the
error, select 'Overview' page tab. You should see an error dialog warning
you that you cannot leave the source page until syntax errors are corrected.
A3.10 Source page - error on startup. Save the source page with
an error and close the editor. Open the editor by double-clicking on the
plugin.xml file. The editor will detect problems in the file and will open
editor into source page - error mode.
A3.11 Source page - recovery. Add the '>' back and save. The error
should go away and you should be able to go back to other pages.
A4. Adding an action set
A4.1 Switch to Extensions page. It should be empty. Press the 'Add' button. A wizard should
appear. Select 'Generic Wizards' category. Select "Schema-based Extension"
wizard on the right. Press "Next'.
A4.2 From the list of available extension points select "Action
Sets". Press "Finish". A new extension should appear in the list. Verify
that the property sheet shows the correct extension point Id (org.eclipse.ui.actionSets)
when extension is selected.
A4.3 Select the extension and open the pop-up menu. Select New->actionSet
(this is possible because PDE has extension point schema for action sets
that allows it to calculate valid children of the selected XML element).
A new 'actionSet' element should appear as a child of the extension. Select
it (if not already selected).
A4.4 Move to the property sheet. Select 'id' property and change
it to 'com.example.xyz.sampleActionSet'. Select 'label' attribute and change
it to "Sample Action Set". Observe how element name in the extension tree
changes as well.
A4.5 Go back to the extension tree. Select action set element, bring
up the pop-up menu and select 'New->menu'. Select action set again, then
select the new element.
A4.6 Move to the property sheet. Select 'id' property and change
it to 'sampleMenu'. Select 'label' property and change it to 'Sample Menu'.
A4.7 Select the menu element and bring up the pop-up menu. Select
'New->separator'. Select the new element.
A4.8 Move to the property sheet. Select 'name' property and change
it to 'sampleGroup'.
A4.9 Save. Select action set element, bring up the pop-up menu and
select 'New->action'. Select the newly added element.
A4.10 Move to the property sheet. Change 'id' property to 'com.example.xyz.sampleAction'.
Set 'label' property to '&Sample Action'. Set 'menubarPath' to 'sampleMenu/sampleGroup'.
A4.11 Select 'class' property and bring up property editor dialog.
'class' attribute is marked as 'Java' in 'actionSet' extension point schema.
This allows PDE to treat its attribute value as a fully qualified Java
class name and interact with Java plug-in to find its value.
A4.12 Select "Generate a new Java class" radio button. Set the container
by selecting "Browse..." and choosing "src" in container selection dialog.
Set the package name to "com.example.xyz" (you can browse for the package name
if you want). Set the class name to "SampleAction".
Hit "Finish". Verify that a new task has appeared in the task list to remind
you to finish implementation of the action class.
A4.13 Wait for SampleAction.java to open in Java editor after it
has been created by the wizard.
A4.14 While inside Java editor, locate 'run' method and add the
following statement:
System.out.println("Hello, PDE world!");
Save and close. Return to the manifest editor. Save.
A4.15 Switch to the Source page. Verify that the file now contains
XML code for new extension point. Return to the Extension page.
A5. Testing the newly added action set
A5.1 Switch back to the manifest editor and make sure there are
no unsaved changes. If there are, save.
A5.2 Select the 'running man' icon on tool bar: not the icon itself by
the drop-down menu on the tool bar button. Select 'Run...' option.
A5.3 Select 'Run-time Workbench' in the list of launch types. Select 'New'
button at the lower-left corner of the dialog.
A5.4 When the launch configuration tabs appear on the right, rename 'New_Configuration'
into 'Standard' or something else that will be easy to distinguish.
A5.5 Press on the "Run" button at the lower-right corner of the
dialog. Wait until another Eclipse workbench instance starts.
A5.6 Select "Window->Customize Perspective...->Other" from the runtime
Eclipse window menu bar. Select the checkbox for "Sample Action Set" (the
one provided by our new plug-in).
A5.7 Verify that there is a new top-level menu "Sample Menu" in
the menu bar and that it contains menu item "Sample Action". Select it.
Verify that the console view shows "Hello, PDE world!" text (blue). Congratulations,
you have successfully created your first Eclipse plug-in in PDE!
A5.8 Select "Perspective->Customize->Other..." and turn "Sample
Action Set" off.
A5.9 Close the run-time workbench, return to the design time instance
and switch back to the "Plug-in Development" perspective page.
A6. Refining the action set
A6.1 Go the Packages view and select "com.example.xyz" project.
Bring up the pop-up menu and select "New->Folder". Type in the folder name
"icons" and press OK.
A6.2 Select the newly created folder. Open the "Import..." wizard
from the File menu. Select "File system" import engine. Press "Next".
A6.3 Press "Browse" to select the source directory for the Import.
Browse to the Eclipse installation you are running, then drill down to eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.ui/icons/full/obj16.
A6.4 Press "Details" button. First deselect all in the left pane.
After that, select "info_tsk.gif" in the right pane. Press "OK". Press
"Finish" in the wizard. Verify that "info_tsk.gif" file is now in the "icons"
A6.5 Open plugin.xml using plug-in manifest editor and switch to
the Extensions page. Select 'actionSets', 'actionSet' then 'action' element.
A6.6 Move to the property sheet. Select 'icon' property and press
the button to launch the resource selection dialog. Note: 'icon' attribute
has been marked with 'resource' flag in 'actionSet' extension point schema.
This is an indication for PDE to treat attribute values as resources in
the workspace.
A6.7 Navigate to the 'icons' folder in the left dialog pane. Select
the checkbox for 'info_tsk.gif' file in the right pane. Press OK. Verify
that the property value is now 'icons/info_tsk.gif'. Also note that the
action element icon has changed in the 'Extensions' section and is now
showing the newly defined tool bar icon.
A6.8 Set the 'toolbarPath' property to 'Normal/Sample'. Set the 'tooltip' property to 'Sample
tooltip'. Select the editor to bring focus
and save.
A6.9 Run Eclipse as in A5 (this time around, you may use
the 'Standard' shortcut from the 'Run' drop-down menu on the tool bar action).
Turn on "Sample Action Set". The tool bar button should appear. Verify
that the tool tip shows up and that the text is printed on the console
when the button is selected. Close the runtime Eclipse instance.
A7. Debugging action set code
A7.1 Switch to the 'Overview' page of the plug-in manifest editor.
Open XyzPlugin.java by following the hyperlink "Class". Place a breakpoint
at the first statement in the constructor (double-click on the annotation
bar on the left edge of the editor).
A7.2 While still in the 'Overview' page, follow the link 'Action
Sets' in the 'Extensions' section. When in 'Extensions', expand the extension
and select 'action' element of the action set. Go to the property sheet
and select 'class' property. Use local tool bar button "Open file in editor"
to open SampleAction.java. Place a breakpoint at the 'println' statement
of the 'run' method.
A7.3 Run the debugger by selecting the 'Debug' button on the tool
bar (similar to A6.9, you can select the 'Standard' shortcut instead of
going through the Launch configuration dialog).
A7.4 After the runtime Eclipse instance started, activate the action
by activating the action set first, and then pressing the tool bar button.
This should prompt the debugger to stop at the first breakpoint (plug-in
constructor) because this is the first time plug-ins has been used. Note:
the debugger will not be brought to the front when it stops - you need
to keep an eye on it (do not obscure the design time Eclipse window completely).
A7.5 Resume the debugger. It should stop at the second breakpoint
('run' method of the action). Resume it again.
A7.6 Press the 'Sample Action' button again. The debugger should
stop at the second breakpoint only, because the plug-in has now been loaded
and its constructor will not be called again for the duration of the runtime
A7.7 Close the runtime workbench and switch back to the PDE perspective
using the perspective icon on the perspective bar on the left edge of the
design Eclipse instance.
A8. Creating a new extension point
A8.1 Activate the manifest editor and switch to "Extension Points"
page. Select the "Add..." button. A wizard should appear.
A8.2 Type the ID of the new extension point: "parsers". Observe
how extension point schema file follows (it does not have to have the same
name as the extension point, but it is a good convention). Type the name
of the extension point: "Sample Parsers". Hit "Finish".
A8.3 As a result of the wizard, a new extension point entry will
appear and XML Schema editor for the extension point will be opened.
A8.4 Select the "extension" object in Schema editor and open the
pop-up menu. Select "New->Element". Change the name of the newly created
element from the temp. value to "parser" using Properties view.
A8.5 Select the "parser" element and open the pop-up menu. Select
"New->Attribute". Change the name of the attribute into "id". Change the
"use" property to "required" (observe how the icon for the attribute changes).
A8.6 While still in the property sheet, select the "Clone" local
tool bar button to clone the current attribute. This should create a copy.
Modify the name of the copy into "name". Keep the other properties.
A8.6a Select the element 'parser' and set the value of the 'Label Attribute'
property to 'name'. Note: This attribute tells PDE to use the value
of the specified attribute when presenting the element in the UI. The value must
resolve to one of the currently defined attributes, otherwise the property
validation will complain.
A8.7 Clone the attribute again. This time, change the name of the
new attribute into "class". Change the property "kind" into "java". Again,
observe the icon. Set the value of "basedOn" property to "com.example.xyz.IParser"
(a fictitious interface that this class needs to implement).
A8.8 Clone the attribute. Set the 'name' to 'mode'. Set the 'use'
to 'optional'. Set the 'kind' to 'string'. Clear the 'basedOn' property.
A8.9 Select the 'restriction' property and bring up the restriction
dialog. For restriction type, select 'enumeration'. Enter choices by adding
the following names and pressing 'Add' button: "never", "always", "manual".
Press "OK". Observe how choices are now showing for the property value.
A8.10 Select 'use' property and change it to 'default'. Select 'value'
property and type in 'always'. Note how Eclipse status line shows error
message for values that do not belong to the choices set in the restriction.
A8.11 Bring the page back into focus and save the editor. Select
"id" attribute again. In the text area below, enter the following text
and press "Apply" button when done:
a unique name that will be used to reference this
A8.12 Select "name" attribute.
Enter the following text in the description field and press "Apply":
a translatable name that will be used for presenting
this parser in the UI.
A8.13 Select "class" attribute.
Enter the following text and press "Apply":
a fully qualified name of
the Java class that implements <samp>com.example.xyz.IParser</samp>
Note the HTML tags - this text
will be used to compose the reference documentation for this extension
A8.14 Select 'mode' attribute.
Enter the following text and save (Ctrl+S):
an optional flag that indicates how often this
parser instance will run (default is <samp>always</samp>).
Note that you didn't press 'Apply'
- when the text is modified, 'Save' will apply first (transfer text to
the model) and then save to the file.
A8.11 Select "extension" element.
In the "Grammar" section, select the "Sequence" object and open the pop-up
menu. Select "New->Reference->Parser". This has added "Parser" element
as the only valid element that can be a child of this extension.
A8.12 Modify properties of the
Parser reference. For minOccurs, type in "0". For maxOccurs, type in "unbounded".
Notice how the status line warns about invalid value until the correct
word is entered. Also notice how the label below the Grammar section shows
the approximate DTD representation of the grammar (which means that any
number of "parser" elements can appear in this extension, including 0).
A8.13 Switch to the Documentation
page. Select "Overview" from the combo box above the text editor. Replace
the stub text with the following and press Apply button:
This extension point is used
to plug in additional parsers.
A8.14 Select "Examples" in the
combo box. Enter the following text exactly as follows and press "Apply"
The following is an example of the extension point usage:
<extension point="com.example.xyz.parsers">
name="Sample Parser 1"
Note: XML Schema editor makes no
guarantee that white space will be preserved in text that appears in Description
field because it will be moved to an HTML file as-is, and HTML will not
respect white space either. For any special formatting, HTML tags should
be used and not tabs or white space. An exception to this rule is 'preformatted'
text that is marked using <pre> tag. PDE will preserve white space between
<pre> and </pre> tags so that the code examples end up looking correct
when final HTML documentation is produced.
public void parse(int mode);
Save and close.
A8.21 Close the Schema editor
and switch back to manifest editor. Save. Switch to the Source page. Verify
the presence of the extension point declaration.
A9. Using the new extension point
A9.1 Bring the manifest editor
back up. Go to Extensions page.
A9.2 Press the 'Add...' button.
In the wizard left pane, select 'Generic wizards'. In the left pane, select
'Schema-based extensions'. Press Next.
A9.3 Choose 'com.example.xyz.parsers'
from the list (that's the one we have created in A8). Press 'Finish'.
A9.4 Select the new extension
and bring up the pop-up menu. Select 'New->parser'.
A9.5 Move to the property sheet.
Set 'id' to 'com.example.xyz.defaultParser'. Set 'name' to "Default Parser".
A9.6 Select 'mode' property.
Press on the 'value' column to edit it. Notice how the first value to appear
is the default value set in A8.10. The combo box should contain three choices.
Select 'manual'.
A9.7 Select 'class' attribute.
Press the button to open dialog cell editor. Press 'Browse...' for the
container and select "XYZ Plugin" folder. Keep 'com.example.xyz' package.
Change the class name to "DefaultParser". Press "Finish".
A9.8 While the 'class' attribute
is still selected, press on the local tool bar button to open the Java
file. It should implement com.example.xyz.IParser interface that we specified
in A8.7 and created in A8.18.
A10. Unresolved and cyclical plug-in references
A10.1 While the manifest editor
for XYZ Plugin is still opened, bring the New wizard (File->New->Other...).
Select Plug-in Project again. Press "Next".
A10.2 Type in the name of the
new project: "com.example.bogus". Press "Next".
A10.3 Just skip the next page.
A10.4 Select the 'Default Plugin
Content' wizard and press "Next".
A10.5 Press "Finish". Wait for
the wizard to close and for the new manifest editor to open. Switch to
"Dependencies" page.
A10.6 Press the 'Add...' button
and select 'XYZ Plugin' from the list of choices. Save the editor.
A10.7 Switch to XYZ Plugin manifest
editor (still up). Go to "Dependencies" page. Press the 'Add...' button
and select Bogus Plugin from the list. Notice how the description text
in the wizard changes to "WARNING: selected dependencies will create cyclical
A10.8 Ignore the warning and
press 'Finish'. Note how 'Dependency Status' section now has a loop node
called 'Loop 1'. Expand it. It should contain plug-ins that are members
of the loop (XYZ Plugin and Bogus Plugin). Switch to the "Overview" page.
Notice how "Alert" section contains a line about cyclical references. When
you move the mouse over the line, it should turn into a hyperlink. Select
it - it should bring you back to the "Dependencies page". Break the cycle
(remove Bogus Plugin from the list).
A10.9 Switch to the Source page.
Add another element to the list of "import" elements (DO NOT SAVE):
<import plugin="org.eclipse.unknown"/>
Switch to the Dependencies page. The
added import will appear with an error icon overlay. You can fix it by
either importing the plug-in with the missing Id or removing the dependency.
Go back to the Source page and remove the element. Save. Note: Unresolved
references can only happen in PDE if plug-ins are removed, since references
are typically added through form pages. However, if references are typed
in directly into the Source page, it is also possible to introduce them
by a typing error.
A11. Tracing Control
A11.1 Bring up the Launch Configuration
dialog by pressing 'Run...' option (drop down menu from the 'running man'
tool bar button). Select the 'Standard' configuration we created earlier
and switch to the 'Tracing' tab.
A11.2 Enable tracing and select 'org.eclipse.core.runtime' plug-in. Turn the loader tracing on (loader/debug
property to 'true') and for 'loader/debug/filter/class' property "com.example.xyz.*"
and hit 'Enter'. Press "Apply". Close.
A11.3 Turn the 'hidden' file
filter off in the Packages (the one for the '.*' match). Select com.example.xyz
project. Create a new file ".options".
A11.4 Add the following lines
in the new file:
com.example.xyz/debug = true
A11.5 Save and close. Bring
up the Launch Configuration dialog again as in A11.1. Select "Workspace
Plug-ins" node. Verify that it now contains "XYZ Plug-in" and that the
variables defined in .options are listed in the property sheet.
A11.6 Change the value of "debug/flags"
option to "true". Press 'Apply'. Close.
A11.7 Bring the dialog again.
Verify that the variable value has been saved.
A11.8 Run the configuration.
You should see a lot of 'blue' messages on the console (startup tracing)
as well as notification when classes from XYZ Plugin are loaded.
A12. Creating
new plug-ins using plug-in templates
This scenario uses newly introduced
plug-in templates to generate initial plug-in contents. The templates also
serve double duty of providing initial extension contents for well-known
This scenario is most likely to be exercised with a fresh workspace
(new install). If you spent some time testing PDE before this, exit Eclipse
and start by pointing at a new workspace using "-data <workspace>" command
line option.
A12.1 Starting from a new install, go to "Help->Welcome..." menu, bring
up the dialog and select PDE welcome page. Scroll down the 'Welcome' page until
you reach the link for "plug-in project". Follow the link to bring up the
New plug-in wizard.
A12.2 Choose 'com.example.xyz'
for a plug-in id. Press 'Next'.
A12.2 Keep the default settings.
Press 'Next'.
A12.3 Move selection in the
list of wizards. Verify that the rich text description in the right pane
follows the selection.
A12.4 Pick the custom wizard
that allows you to choose from the list of templates. Press 'Next'.
A12.5 Leave all the template
checked. Move the selection in the list of templates to verify that individual
descriptions show up correctly in the description area below the list.
Press Next.
A12.6 You can keep pressing
'Next' through all the individual template pages or press Finish when allowed
by the wizard.
A12.7 You should be asked if
the wizard should enable external plug-ins in order to avoid compile errors.
Accept it.
A12.8 Once the generation is
finished, manifest editor should open in the the 'Welcome' page. The page
should list all the templates that were used to generate initial content.
It should also contain general tips on how to use the plug-in.
A12.9 Jump to the 'Extensions'
page to verify that it contains all the extensions.
A12.10 Run the plug-in and verify
that all the extensions have been generated correctly. Test the presence
of the preference page, new view, 'Hello, World' button and menu etc. You
can read the 'Welcome' page in the design time instance as a reference
as to what to expect.
A12.11 Close the manifest editor.
A12.12 Open the editor again.
It should still contain the 'Welcome' page (the default page should
be the last one that was selected when the editor was closed).
A12.13 Switch to the 'Welcome'
page, scroll to the bottom and check the button that will get rid of the
page. Close the editor. Open it again. It should not contain 'Welcome'
page any more.
A13. Adding new extensions using extension templates
This scenario shows how to add new extensions incrementally using templates.
You can start with any plug-in.
A13.1 Create a 'Hello, world' plug-in by following A12 scenario
but selecting 'Hello, World' template wizard in step A12.4.
A13.2 Switch to 'Extensions' page. Select 'Add'.
A13.3 Select 'Extension Templates' category. From the list on the
right, select 'Sample View' template. Press 'Next'.
A13.4 Keep the default settings or change them at will. Press 'Finish'.
A13.5 You should see the newly added view extension. Also verify
that view class has been created in the chosen package.
A13.6 Run the plug-in to verify that there is a sample view showing
up in addition to the Hello, World menu and button.
A13.7 Keep adding other templates.
A14. Manifest editor editing support
This is a free-form scenario. The goal is to test clipboard and undo/redo
support in manifest editor form pages. Each non-source page in the manifest
editor fully supports cut/copy/paste and undo/redo operations. In addition,
object property changes through Properties view are also under Undo/Redo
- A14.1 Test clipboard operations by cutting or copying elements from
sections and pasting them back.
- A14.2 Copy an element from the section and paste it into the
Notepad or another valid Paste operation target that can only handle text.
Verify that the result is a valid XML fragment for the selected object. For
example, if a 'library' element is selected, it should paste a valid
'library' element XML into Notepad.
- A14.3 Delete elements from lists and bring them back by selecting
'Undo'. Also verify that 'Undo' and 'Redo' actions show the correct custom
label (e.g. 'Undo Remove', 'Undo Add') instead of the stock 'Undo/Redo'.
- A14.4 Open two manifest editors for two manifest files in two
plug-in projects. Copy compatible objects from one to another using only
form pages (do not switch to the Source page). Verify that you can copy an
'extension' element from one Extensions page to another, but you cannot
paste that element into the 'Runtime' page, for example.
- A14.5 Select an element in on of the form pages in one editor and
paste it in the Source page of another.
Scenario B: Advanced self-hosting
The second set of scenarios is designed to test binary project self-hosting.
In this set-up, external plug-ins that serve as a development target are
brought into the workspace by using the import wizard. The assumption is
that you have already completed the 'A' scenarios and that everything works
well. In binary self-hosting mode, plug-in references will be modeled as
project references, but everything else should (and must) work the same
and product the same results.
It is recommended to finish scenarios 'A' (at least to the point where
you have a plug-in that compiles and runs against external plug-ins). We
will then migrate this plug-in to use binary projects.
B1. Setting up the environment for
binary self-hosting
B1.1 Open Preferences->Plug-In
Development. Deselect all external plug-ins by selecting button "Deselect
All". This will reduce the plug-in set to the workspace only and all the
references will have to be resolved there.
B2. Importing binary projects
B2.1 Select 'File->Import->External Plug-ins and Fragments'
wizard. Press 'Next'.
B2.2 Leave the default values on the first wizard
page. Press 'Next'.
B2.3 Select all the provided
plug-ins in the second page. Press 'Finish'. Wait for the wizard to complete
the operation (it may take some time).
B2.4 Verify that you have a
long list of projects in the workspace and that they are all marked with
a 'binary' overlay icon in the upper-left corner (except any source plug-ins
you already have in the workspace).
B2.5 Create a working set that
only contains source projects (in Packages, select the drop-down menu and
pick the 'Select working set' option). If you have "XYZ Plug-in" from A-set
of scenarios, just choose it. You should see all the binary project going
away and XYZ Plug-in should be the only one remaining.
B3. Migrating XYZ Plug-in to binary
B3.1 Select com.example.xyz
project and bring up 'Properties->Java Buildpath'. Verify that it contains
4 external JAR entries, each prefixed with ECLIPSE_HOME variable. Close
the dialog.
B3.2 While the project is still
selected, bring up the pop-up menu and select 'Update classpath' option.
There should be a list of projects with only com.example.xyz selected.
Press 'Finish'. This should trigger a build and complete without errors.
B3.3 Repeat the step B3.1.
Verify that the build path now contains 4 project references instead of
ECLIPSE_HOME-prefixed JARs. If it does, the migration is complete and the
workspace is now in full binary self-hosting mode.
B4. Mixed-mode self-hosting
In this mode, we will import only
the binary projects that are in the required subset of the entire external
plug-in list. The rest of the plug-ins will be used as external.
B4.1 If there are any binary
projects in the workspace created in the previous scenarios, remove them.
This will result in 'Missing required project' errors if B3. scenario has
already been executed (the migration is complete).
B4.2 Select the Plug-in Import
wizard again (as in B2.1).
B4.3 Check 'org.eclipse.resources' and 'org.eclipse.ui'
plug-ins, then press 'Add Required Plug-ins' button. You should have 21 plug-in
selected in total. Press 'Finish'.
B4.4 Open Preferences->PDE->Target
Platform and press 'Not in Workspace' button. You should have 44 selected
B4.5 Select 'com.example.xyz' plug-in and
update the classpath again. The new classpath should contain only project
references for required plug-ins.
B4.6 Bring up the Launch Configurations
dialog. Switch to the Plug-ins and Fragments page. Press on the 'Plug-in Path'
and verify that it contains a mix of external and workspace paths. Note:
if you imported binary projects using linking (without copying source), the
actual plug-in path will still point to the original (external) location. In
this case, there will be no different in binary and external paths - they will
all come from the same place.
B5. Migrating back to external plug-ins
It is possible to do a reverse migration
at any time.
B5.1 Clear the working set so
that all the projects show up.
B5.2 Select all the binary projects
(skip XYZ Plug-in) and delete them WITH their contents. This should result
in four 'missing required Java project' errors.
B5.3 Go back to Preferences->Plug-in
Development->Target Platform' and enable all the external plug-ins (Not In
Workspace will give you the same results).
B5.4 Update the classpath of
com.example.xyz project as in B3.2. After the build, the errors should
go away.
B5.5 Repeat step B3.3. The classpath
should again contain 4 external JAR references with ECLIPSE_HOME variable.
B6. Adaptive self-hosting and Plug-ins view
In the scenarios above, switching from
external to binary projects was not automatic. Each time we changed the way
required plug-ins were represented, the classpath didn't follow. We had to
explicitly recompute it to make it in sync with the changed environment. PDE has
an alternative way of representing required plug-ins using classpath containers.
In this mechanism, all the required plug-in entries are replaced with one
dynamic classpath container entry. This entry computes 'real' entries in real
time - reacting to changes.
- B6.1 Go to
'Preferences->PDE->Java Build Path Control'. Turn the 'Use classpath
container...' checkbox on. Apply and close.
- B6.2 Select 'com.example.xyz' project and update its classpath. Observe
how all the external JARs are gone and replaced with 'Required plug-in entries'.
When you expand it, it should contain the external JARs but without
ECLIPSE_HOME variable.
- B6.3 Select 'com.example.xyz' project and bring up the 'Java Build Path'
page in Properties. Switch to 'Libraries' tab. Select 'Required plug-in entries'
and press 'Edit...' button. Verify that you can see all the entries and that
'Attach Source...' button enables when you select the entry.
- B6.4 If in PDE perspective, switch to Plug-ins view.
If in Java perspective, open it and stack it with the Package Explorer.
- B6.5 Spend some time in the view. Expand external plug-ins, browse the
content, explore the pop-up menus etc. Open files into the editors and ensure
you cannot modify them (these are external plug-ins).
- B6.6 Select plug-in org.eclipse.ant.core (or any other). Expand it.
Observe how 'antsupport.jar' is shown as a plain file. Bring up the pop-up menu
and select 'Add to Java Search'. Notice how the icon of the Jar has changed and
how you can drill into the Jar and see packages and class files. Select the
plug-in again and select 'Remove from Java Search'. The JAR should return to
being a simple file.
- B6.7 Select any plug-in and choose 'Open Dependencies' from the pop-up
menu. Explore the Dependencies view that will open stacked with the Tasks.
- B6.8 Select 'org.eclipse.core.resources' plug-in and choose
'Import->As Binary Project' from the pop-up menu. Switch to the Project
Explorer and expand 'Required plug-in entries'. Notice how 'org.eclipse.core.resources'
JAR is missing from the list. Open Java Build Path properties for the project,
switch to the Libraries tab and notice how there is a new project entry there.
Known JDT problem:
32569 Classpath container does not show project entries in Package
- B6.9 Remove the 'org.eclipse.core.resource' binary
project. Check the classpath of com.example.xyz again. Notice how it switched
back to using the external JAR for this plug-in automatically. Note:
unlike with the fixed classpath, the location of the required plug-ins
(workspace or external) is dynamically tracked and classpath is always in sync.
Also note that binary project org.eclipse.core.resources also has dynamic
classpath so that we didn't have to import all the binary projects it required.
Scenario C: Various tasks
C1. Converting Java projects into PDE projects
C1.1 Create a new Java project named 'com.example.java'.
When setting up source location, choose to create a new source folder and
name it 'src'.
C1.2 Launch 'New' wizard using 'File->New->Other...'.
Select "Plug-in Development" category, wizard "Convert Java to Plug-in
Projects". Press "Next".
C1.3 The newly created project should be available
as a choice. Select it and press Finish.
Verify that the project now has PDE
nature and two PDE builders (by browsing the '.project' file). Also verify
that plugin.xml has been created with minimal content).
C2. Plug-in Search
- C2.1 Open the Search dialog and switch to the Plug-in Search tab.
- C2.2 Type in 'org.eclipse.jdt.*' in the entry, search for 'Plug-in' and limit to
'Declarations'. Search. Verify that you got 9 matches (all JDT plug-ins).
Double-click on the entries to open individual manifest files.
- C2.3 Bring up the dialog again. Type in '*', search for 'Extension Point' and
'Declarations'. You should get 107 entries (last time I checked :-).
Double-click on the entry. It should open into the "Extension Points' page
of the owning manifest. Switch to source page. Note how markers are showing the
hits. Also test 'Description' action on the pop-up menu of the search result
- C2.4 Bring up the dialog again. Type in 'org.eclipse.core.resources.natures',
search for 'Extension Point' and 'References'. You should get all the extensions
that plug into this extension point.
- C2.5 Keep playing with the search, forming the queries at will.
C3. Plug-in Build and Export
- C3.1 Open 'build.properties' file in com.example.xyz project and
verify that 'bin.includes' contains all the files you want to build. By
default, it cointains the manifest that all the jars (*.jar). You need to
add 'icons/' and any other file or folder you want to end up in the build.
- C3.2 Select plugin.xml in 'com.example.xyz' project. Choose 'Create Ant build
file' from the pop-up menu. Verify that the file has been created and that you
can run it to get the libraries built. Note: 'Run Ant...' action is owned by the
PDE Build team. If you notice a problem, open it against PDE Core component.
- C3.3 Using PDE template wizard, create another plug-in project 'com.example.view'
and select 'Plug-in with a view' template. Repeat C3.1 for this plug-in.
- C3.4 Select 'Export...' to open export wizard. From the list of wizards, choose
'Deployable plug-ins and fragments'.
- C3.5 Choose 'com.example.xyz' and 'com.example.view' from the list of plug-ins.
Also choose the path for the target zip file. Press 'Finish'.
- C3.6 When finished, verify that the zip file contains the expected
content (all the files and the built libraries).
- C3.7 Unzip the zip file into a temp directory. Verify that resources for plug-in 'com.example.xyz'
fall under eclipse/plugins/com.example.xyz_1.0.0/ and that resources for plug-in 'com.example.view' fall under
C4. Dependency Extent and Unused Dependencies
- C4.1 Open 'com.example.xyz' plug-in manifest. Switch to
Dependencies page. Select one of the entries in the list and choose 'Compute
Dependency Extent' on the pop-up menu. After the search has finished, verify
that it contains Java types and extension points.
C4.2 Press 'Add...' and add any plug-in from the list. After that,
select 'Find Unused Dependencies' from the pop-up menu. It
should detect that the newly added dependency is not used anywhere (no
extensions that plug into the plug-in's extension points, no referenced
Scenario D: Fragments
Prerequisite: In order to go through
scenarios in this group, you need to finish scenario A2 and create com.example.xyz
plug-in first.
D1. Fragment Project Creation
D1.1 Ensure that you went through
setup and preparation for work as described in A1.
D1.2 Select "File->New->Projects...",
"Plug-in Development", then "Fragment Project".
D1.3 In the fragment name field,
type "com.example.german". Press "Next".
D1.4 Leave the Structure page
as-is. Press 'Next". Select the default content wizard. Press Next.
D1.5 In "Simple Fragment Content"
page leave the first three fields as-is. Select "Browse" button to bring
the plug-in selection dialog up.
D1.6 Find tree node "Workspace
Plug-ins" and select "XYZ Plug-in". Press "OK". Verify that plug-in ID
and version have been set and that the wizard can finish.
D1.7 Choose the match rule 'Compatible'
from the combo box. Press 'Finish'.
D1.8 Verify that the new project
has been created and that fragment.xml has been opened for editing.
D2. Adding Fragment Extension
D2.1 While in fragment manifest
editor, go to "Extensions" page. Press 'New' to bring the Extension wizard
D2.2 Select "Generic Wizards"
and "Schema-based extension". Press Next. Select "Actions Sets" from the
list of extension points. Press "Finish".
D2.3 Select new action set.
Bring pop-up menu and select "New->actionSet".
D2.4 Move to the property sheet
and change the "label" property to "Deutsche Aktionsmenge".
D2.5 Move back to the "All Elements"
section. bring up the pop-up menu. Select "New->menu".
D2.6 Change "label" property
of the menu to "Beispiel Menu" and "id" property to "beispielMenu".
D2.7 Select menu element again
and select "New->separator" from the pop-up menu. Change its name in properties
to "beispielGruppe". Save (from the pop-up menu).
D2.8 Similar to D2.5, create
new "action" element. Set the label property to "Beispiel Aktion". Set
the menuPath to "beispielMenu/beispielGruppe".
D2.9 Select "class" property
for editing and bring up the cell editor dialog. Select "Generate a new
class" radio button.
D2.10 Browse for the class container
and select "GERMAN Fragment" folder in com.example.german project.
D2.11 Change the class name
to "GermanSampleAction". Press "Finish".
D2.12 When Java editor with
the new class opens, find "run" method and add the following:
System.out.println("Hallo, welt!");
Save and close the Java editor.
D2.13 Save fragment manifest
D3. Running the Fragment
D3.1 Run the run-time workbench
as before. Wait until run-time Eclipse instance starts up.
D3.2 Open "Window->Customize
Perspective" and select "Other...". It should contain "Deutsche Aktionsmenge"
set. Select it.
D3.3 Verify that "Beispiel Menu"
has appeared on the menu bar. Also verify that it contains one menu item
with "Beispiel Aktion" label.
D3.4 Press the item. Verify
that the console shows "Hallo, welt!" each time it is selected.
Scenario E: Features
E1. Feature Project Creation
E1.1 Ensure that you went through
Setup and preparation for work as described in A1.
E1.2 As described in A2, create
a new plug-in project 'com.example.xyz'.
E1.3 Repeat E1.2 using project
name 'com.example.bogus'.
E1.4 Repeat E1.2 using project
name 'com.example.another'.
E1.5 As described in D1, create
a new fragment 'com.example.german'.
E1.6 By now, you should have
four PDE plug-in projects in the workspace and four manifest editors opened.
Close them all.
E1.7 Select 'File->New->Project...'.
In the left wizard pane, select "Plug-in Development". In the right pane,
select "Feature Project". Press Next.
E1.8 In the project name field,
type "com.example.xyz-feature". Press Next.
E1.9 Enter "XYZ Feature"
for the feature name and "Acme Inc." for the provider. Press 'Next'.
E1.10 The next page should contain
a list of all PDE plug-ins and fragments in the workspace. Select them all using checkboxes
next to their names. Press 'Next'.
E1.11 Verify that the project
has been created and that the feature manifest file (feature.xml) is opened
for editing.
E2. Feature Manifest Editor
E2.1 Manifest editor should
already be opened after E1.11. Ensure that the data shown in the form page
is the data entered during E1 and that the correct plug-in and fragment
references have been checked.
E2.2 Switch to the Source page
and examine the XML source. Switch to "Content" page.
E2.4 Select "Discovery URLs"
in "Component URLs" section of the Overview page. Bring up pop-up menu
and select "New->Discovery URL".
E2.5 Select the new URL and
move to the property sheet. Change "label" to "Main Eclipse Discovery Site".
Change URL to "http://update.eclipse.org/testUpdates".
E2.6 Select "Update URLs". Bring
up the pop-up menu and select "New->Update URL".
E2.7 Select the new URL and
move to the property sheet. Change "label" to "Main Eclipse Update Site".
Change URL to "http://update.eclipse.org/testUpdates".
Return focus to the editor and save. Note: URLs are
real, but this feature does not exist there so any search for new version will
E2.8 Expand Supported Environments
section and ensure that each Edit button (...) provides the appropriate
list of choices for the associated text field.
E2.9 Switch to the 'Information'
page and enter some dummy content for 'Description', 'License and 'Copyright'
topics. For the Description topic, also define the URL to be "http://www.eclipse.org".
E2.10 Switch to the 'Content'
page. Remove all the plug-ins from the 'Required' list and re-compute them
by pressing the 'Compute' button. Also verify that you can add these plug-ins
manually by selecting the 'Add...' button.
E3. Nested features
E3.1 Keep feature created in
E1 and repeat the scenario, but this time do not include any plug-ins (create
an empty feature). Call it 'com.example.product', name 'Sample Product'.
E3.2 When the editor opens,
switch to the 'Advanced' page and press 'Add...' button. Select 'Sample
Feature' from the list.
E3.3 Switch to the source page.
Verify that 'includes' element has been created.
E4. Feature Preview
E4.1 From within 'Sample Product'
feature opened into the manifest editor, bring up the pop-up menu and select
'Preview'. Once the Preview view opens, position it somewhere to be able
to see it changing (for example, stack it over the Tasks view).
E4.2 The basic content should
match, the hyperlinks for More Info, License and Copyright should work
and 'Supported Platforms' should show the choices set in the E2.8.
E4.3 Switch to the main page
of the manifest editor. Copy a gif image into the feature project and reference
it by pressing 'Browse' button. Select 'Preview' again. The image should
replace the default image in the preview view.
E5. Feature Build
- E5.1 Go through E1 to E3 to ensure you have 'com.example.xyz-feature' and
'com.example.product' feature projects in your workspace.
- E5.2 Select 'Export->Deployable Features' wizard. Select both features
in the list. Choose to export update archives and specify the destination
directory. Verify that JAR archives for plug-ins have been created and placed under a plugins/
subdirectory of the directory you specified. Verify that feature JAR archives have
been created and placed under a features/ subdirectory of
the directory you specified.
- E5.3 Repeat E5.2, but choose the 'deployable ZIP *with* source' option. Verify that the zip file
you specified is generated. Unzip it in a temp directory. Verify that resources for features are placed under
eclipse/features, resources for plugins are placed under eclipse/plugins, with source zip files being packaged
alongside the libraries.
Scenario F: Update Sites
This scenario shows how update sites can be built as workspace projects. A prerequisite
is to have features created in scenario E.
F1. Creating a site project
- F1.1 Bring up 'New->Plug-in Development'. Select 'Update Site'
from the list of wizards. Press Next.
- F1.2 For the name of the project, enter 'sampleUpdateSite'. Press
'Finish'. Decline to switch to the Resource perspective.
- F1.3 Verify that a new project has been created with 'site.xml'
file, 'features' and 'plugins' folders and that site manifest editor has
been opened.
F2. Working with the site manifest editor
- F2.1 Select the project in the Package Explorer and choose 'New->File'.
Enter 'index.html' for the name of the file. If the external editor/browser
has opened for the file, close it and open it in the internal text editor.
Copy and paste the following:
<title>Sample Update Site Information</title>
<h1>Sample Update Site Information</h1>
<p>This file demonstrates how update sites can have
associated information pages.
- F2.2 Enter 'index.html' in the URL entry in the Site Description
- F2.3 Press 'Add...' in the Category Definitions and create a new
category definition with name 'sample-category', label 'Sample Category' and
some random text for the description.
- F2.4 Switch to the 'Build' page. Press 'Add...' in the Features To
Build section. Select all the features in the provided list. Once the
features appear in the list, check only 'com.example.product' (we want both
to be built, but only the product should show up in the site manifest - the
other will be downloaded by the inclusion). Notice how the entry appeared in
the outline view.
- F2.5 Switch to the Features page and verify that it has one entry (com.example.product).
Select it and check the category in the 'Categories' list. Save.
- F2.6 Switch back to the 'Build' page and press 'Build'. After the
build, verify that 'plugins' contains two plug-ins and 'features' contains
two features. Select the 'Build Log' link and examine the build log.
Known problem: 32574
F2.6: Site builder leaves files behind in the related projects
Known problem: 32575
F2.6: Update site build log could be more informative
- F2.7 Switch to the feature manifest file of 'com.example.xyz'
feature and make any change (just add a blank and remove it - anything to
trigger a change). Go back to the 'Build' page of the site manifest and
press 'Build'. Verify that only 'com.example.xyz' is rebuilt. Note:
the builder keeps a list of changed projects and rebuilds only those changed
since the last build, unlike 'Build All' that always builds all the
- F2.8 Open Update Manager using 'Help->Software
Updates->Update Manager'. Switch to the 'Updates' view. Starting from My
Computer, drill down into the location of the workspace until the site is
reached (it should show up as an Update site already). Bookmark that
location as "Update Site Preview" and collapse all using local
tool bar button.
- F2.9 Click on the site bookmark and follow link 'Site home page' in
the Preview. Verify that 'index.html' file is opened into the configured
HTML view (on Windows, either embedded or default browser; on other
platforms, browser only).
- F2.10 Expand the site bookmark and verify that it has the category
'Sample Category'. Click on it and verify that the description you put is
showing in the Preview.
- F2.11 Expand the category. Verify that 'XYZ Product' is shown.
Select it. It should have the data we put in the features. Click on the
'Copyright' and 'License' links and check the text.
- F2.12 Expand XYZ Product feature. Verify that XYZ Feature is
showing as a child and that it has all the correct content in the Preview
- F2.13 Switch back to the working perspective. Open XYZ Product
feature and add some more text in the description. Save. Switch to the site
manifest editor, 'Build' page and press 'Build' button. Switch to the Update
perspective, select the site bookmark and press 'Refresh' on the pop-up
menu. Expand and verify that the new description is now showing in the