RAP 1.4 M3 - New and Noteworthy
Here's a list of the most noteworthy things in the milestone build 1.4 M3 (November 2010) which is now available for download.
This list shows all bugs that were fixed during this milestone.
New API added
This will make it easier for the community to reuse existing code or
to utilize new features.
Here is a list of API methods added in M3:
Text#setTextChars( char[] )
Theme Extensions
The theming was extended in serveral places:
- It's now possible to style the separator label like:
Label[SEPARATOR] { ... }
- The Label has a new themeable element called
. It's possible to style the background image (gradient), background color, border, border radius and line width.
For example:Label-SeparatorLine { background-image: none; background-color: transparent; border: 1px solid #a4a4a4; border-radius: 0px; width: 2px; }
has a new themeable propertybackground-image
JQuery compatibility
In the past, using JQuery with RAP
(e.g. for custom-widgets) was very problematic because "$" was used by
both RAP and JQuery as a global variable. RAP is not doing this anymore,
so if you wish to use JQuery, now you can.
Optimized client
RAP is now using a new javascript-compressor (based on the
Compressor), and we also refactored/removed a lot of existing
javascript code. These two actions reduced the size of the client from
984 kB to 909 kB.
The above features are just the ones that are new since the last milestone build. Summaries for earlier builds: