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RAP 2.2 M3 - New and Noteworthy

Here's a list of the most noteworthy things in the RAP 2.2 M3 milestone build which is available for download since November 15, 2013.

Widget Set

Row Templates

We introduced row templates, a new feature that allows you replace the column layout model of a table with a custom presentation. Templates consist of cells that can be freely arranged. A cell can display a text or an image from the table item, but also static content.

A table with row template

To position a cell, you have to set exactly two horizontal and two vertical dimensions (two out of left, right, and width and two out of top, bottom, and height). Here's a code example that creates a template with two cells:

Template template = new Template();

ImageCell imageCell = new ImageCell( template );
imageCell.setBindingIndex( 0 ); // bind to image from column 0
imageCell.setTop( 4 ).setLeft( 4 ).setWidth( 48 ).setHeight( 48 );

TextCell nameCell = new TextCell( template );
nameCell.setBindingindex( 1 ); // display text from column 1
nameCell.setLeft( 60 ).setWidth( 180 ).setTop( 30 ).setBottom( 8 );
nameCell.setHorizontalAlignment( SWT.LEFT ); // left-align the text in this cell
nameCell.setFont( font );

Cells can also be selectable. When a selectable cell is clicked on, this click does not select the item, but triggers a selection event with the event.detail field set to RWT.CELL. If multiple cells in a template are selectable, cells can be given a name that is reflected in the event.text field in order to identify the selected cell.

To apply a row template on a Table or a Tree, use the setData() method with the new constant RWT.ROW_TEMPLATE as key:

Table table = new Table( parent, SWT.FULL_SELECTION );
// Add as many columns as needed to add multiple texts/images to items
new TableColumn();
table.setData( RWT.ROW_TEMPLATE, template );

The call to setData() must be placed directly after the control's creation. Once a template is applied to a control, the control will not be affected by changes to the template.

Row templates are currently supported by Tree and Table. We expect that this approach will be useful also in other contexts in the future.

Markup Support for ToolTips

The ToolTipText property and the ToolTip widget now support markup. To enable tooltip markup for on any widget with a setToolTipText method, use the RWT.TOOLTIP_MARKUP_ENABLED constant like this:

widget.setData( RWT.TOOLTIP_MARKUP_ENABLED, Boolean.TRUE );
widget.setToolTipText( "This is a tooltip<br/><i>with</i> <b>some</b> <big>markup</big>" );

For the ToolTip widget, the API is the same as it is for other widget: toolTip.setData( RWT.MARKUP_ENABLED, Boolean.TRUE );

Ability to specify number of pre-loaded items in virtual Tree/Table

To improve the responsiveness of a virtual Tree or Table, we introduced the possibility to specify a number of items to be pre-loaded by the client. When scrolling the table in small steps, pre-loaded items will appear immediately. Example:

Table table = new Table( parent, SWT.VIRTUAL );
table.setData( RWT.PRELOADED_ITEMS, new Integer( 10 ) );

With the snippet above, in addition to visible items in the Tree/Table client area, another 10 items (above and below) will be resolved and sent to the client.


Horizontal Alignment for ToolTips

It is now possible to set the horizontal alignment for texts in tooltips.

Widget-ToolTip {
  text-align: left;

Since tooltips are only as wide as their content, this only has a visible effect if the tooltip has a newline in it, e.g.:

widget.setToolTipText( "This has a \n new line" ); 


This list shows all bugs that have been fixed for this milestone build.

Previous Builds

The above features are just the ones that are new since the last milestone build. Summaries for earlier builds: