Here's a list of the most noteworthy things in the RAP 2.2 RC1 release candidate which is available for download since November 29, 2013.
Several open issues with the new Row Templates have been resolved. All scale modes for image cells are now also supported in IE7/8. One new scale mode has been added (ScaleMode.STRETCH). Text cells can now also contain markup. The theming for Table and Tree has a new state rowtemplate to allow to make adjustments specific to row templates. The default theme uses this state to hide vertical grid lines when row templates are used.
There has long been an issue with RAP applications deployed as .war files that could not be properly stopped or undeployed and even prevented the servlet container from shutting down. These problems have been fixed. Stopping and un-deploying RAP applications works like a charm now.
The new Internet Explorer version 11 has just been released, and for the first time this browser does not identify itself as “MSIE” anymore, but as “Trident” (the name of the rendering engine). This totally confused our web client wihch did not recognize this browser correctly and even failed in the Eclipse embedded browser. We've adjusted it to support this new generation of IE browsers properly.
This list shows all bugs that have been fixed for this release candidate.
The above features are just the ones that are new since the last milestone build. Summaries for earlier builds:
To assist you with the migration from RAP 2.x (or 1.x) to 3.0, we provide a migration guide.