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RAP 3.0 Migration Guide

With the move to RAP 3.0, we clean up deprecated APIs and introduce replacements for API that is no longer supported.

Cleaned up deprecated RAP 2.0 API

All API that had already been deprecated back in RAP 2.0 has now been removed. The replacements listed below existed in RAP 2.0 already. For a detailed explanation of these changes, see the RAP 2.0 Migration Guide.

  • Graphics removed without substitution
  • IApplicationStore replaced by ApplicationContext
  • IControlThemeAdapter replaced by ControlThemeAdapter
  • IEntryPoint / IEntryPointFactory replaced by EntryPoint / EntryPointFactory
  • IResourceManager replaced by ResourceManager
  • IServiceHandler replaced by ServiceHandler
  • IServiceManager replaced by ServiceManager
  • IServiceStore removed without substitution
  • ISessionStore replaced by UISession
  • ISettingStore / ISettingStoreFactory replaced by SettingStore / SettingStoreFactory
  • SessionSingletonBase replaced by SingletonUtil
  • UICallBack replaced by ServerPushSession

Removed lifecycle package

The package org.eclipse.rap.rwt.lifecycle has been removed. This package contained API related to lifecycle phases and lifecycle adapters (LCAs), concepts which we consider internals of the framework. These internals are subject to change and should not be accessed by application code. Mostly custom widgets that predate RAP 2.0 and custom PhaseListeners will be affected.

Lifecycle adapters (LCAs)

Custom widgets used lifecycle adapters (LCAs) to communicate with their remote counterparts. In RAP 2.0, the Remote API has been introduced as a replacement for LCAs (see the package org.eclipse.rap.rwt.remote, especially RemoteObject). Custom widgets should use this new API now. The following classes have been removed without a replacement:

  • WidgetLifeCycleAdapter
  • AbstractWidgetLCA
  • WidgetLCAUtil and ControlLCAUtil
  • IWidgetAdapter and WidgetAdapter


Most of the methods in this helper class were related to LCAs. Two methods that are still relevant have been moved to a new, trimmed down version of WidgetUtil in the package org.eclipse.rap.rwt.widgets:

  • WidgetUtil.getId( Widget )
  • WidgetUtil.registerDataKeys( String... keys )

Phases and Phase Listeners

The request processing of the RAP server is split into different Phases. As an application developer, you don't have to care about those phases anymore. The phase model is going to change in future versions of RAP.

If you've used Fixture.fakePhase( PhaseId.PROCESS_ACTION ); in your unit tests, you can use the new public JUnit rule instead (see below).

Phase listeners are a means of executing custom code during the processing of a request. Since this interface exposes internals of the framework (such asPhaseId so called lifecycle phases), it has been removed in this release. We did not provide a replacement so far, as we couldn't find a reasonable use case anymore. If you still need this hook, you can continue to use the PhaseListener from the internal package in RAP 3.0. However, please let us know so we can discuss alternatives before phase listeners are removed completely.

  • PhaseEvent
  • PhaseId
  • PhaseListener
  • ProcessActionRunner
  • ILifeCycle
  • RWT.getLifeCycle()
  • Application.addPhaseListener( PhaseListener )

Replaced method in ControlThemeAdapter

With the support for themeable border edges, we had to replace the method getBorderWidth(Control) in ControlThemeAdapter with getBorder(Control). This class is only relevant for custom widget developers.

Renamed misspelled method in Application

In the interface org.eclipse.rap.rwt.application.Application, we've fixed a typo in the method name addThemableWidget(). This method has been renamed to addThemeableWidget().

New public API for unit tests

If you used the internal rap test fixture in your unit tests, there's now a public replacement in the bundle org.eclipse.rap.rwt.testfixture. Instead of calling Fixture.setUp() and Fixture.tearDown(), you now only need to include the following line in your test cases. This will simulate a new test context for every test method. There's also no need to fake the PROCESS_ACTION phase anymore.

public TestContext context = new TestContext();

The class Fixture and all its companions have been moved to the internal package org.eclipse.rap.rwt.testfixture.internal.

Removed rap.junit bundles

The bundles had once been created to execute PDE tests with RAP. As we haven't seem much interest in this approach, these projects are not actively maintained anymore. They still depend on JUnit 3. That's why we don't include them in RAP 3.0 anymore.