Release Notes for Sirius

  1. Release Notes for Sirius
    1. Changes in Sirius 3.0.0
      1. User-Visible Changes
      2. Specifier-Visible Changes
      3. Developer-Visible Changes
    2. Changes in Sirius 2.0.0
      1. User-Visible Changes
      2. Specifier-Visible Changes
      3. API Changes

This document contains the release notes for recent major releases of Sirius. See also the release notes from previous versions for details about older releases.

Changes in Sirius 3.0.0

User-Visible Changes

Specifier-Visible Changes

Developer-Visible Changes

The most important and impacting changes in this release are (details below in plug-in specific sections):

Packaging changes:

Other changes:

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius.common

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius.common.ui

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius.ui

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius.ecore.extender

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius.editor

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius.diagram

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius.diagram.ui

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius.table

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius.table.ui

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius.tree

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius.tree.ui

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius.synchronizer

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius.ext.swt

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius.ext.e3.ui

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius.ext.emf.tx

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius.eef.adapters

This plug-in now requires the version 1.5.0 of org.eclipse.emf.eef.runtime bundle.

Changes in

Changes in

New plug-ins

The following UI plug-ins has been added:

These plug-ins own the extension definitions related to perspective, views, newWizard, menus, contextual menus, editors and preference pages that were previously in plug-ins.
Now, downstream projects can define features that do not contain, allowing them not have all that functionalities they may not want.

Changes in Sirius 2.0.0

User-Visible Changes

Example with this initial state before resizing:

Result after resizing without this feature (the edges have moved):

Result after resizing with this feature (the edges keep the same location):

Specifier-Visible Changes

API Changes

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius now can take several EObjects in constructor to throw a LockedInstanceException with several EObjects.

a common precommit/postcommit notifications filter to tree/table dialect.

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius.ui

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius.common

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius.common.ui

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius.diagram

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius.diagram.ui

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius.tree.ui

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius.tree

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius.synchronizer

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius.ecore.extender

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius.ext.gmf.runtime

Changes in

Changes in