Release Notes for Sirius

  1. Release Notes for Sirius
    1. Changes in Sirius 7.1.0
      1. User-Visible Changes
      2. Specifier-Visible Changes
      3. Developer-Visible Changes
    2. Changes in Sirius 7.0.4
      1. User-Visible Changes
    3. Changes in Sirius 7.0.3
      1. Developer-Visible Changes
    4. Changes in Sirius 7.0.2
      1. Specifier-Visible Changes
      2. Developer-Visible Changes
    5. Changes in Sirius 7.0.1
      1. Developer-Visible Changes
    6. Changes in Sirius 7.0.0
      1. User-Visible Changes
      2. Developer-Visible Changes
    7. Changes in Sirius 6.6.0
      1. User-Visible Changes
      2. Developer-Visible Changes
    8. Changes in Sirius 6.5.1
      1. Developer-Visible Changes
    9. Changes in Sirius 6.5.0
      1. User-Visible Changes
      2. Specifier-Visible Changes
      3. Developer-Visible Changes

This document contains the release notes for recent major releases of Sirius. See also the release notes from previous versions for details about older releases.

Changes in Sirius 7.1.0

User-Visible Changes

Specifier-Visible Changes

Developer-Visible Changes

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius

dependencies from a given project.

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius.diagram.ui

The Sirius default values for these preferences can be overridden for a specific product. For example:

    // Preference customization for plugin "org.eclipse.sirius.diagram.ui"
    IEclipsePreferences diagramPreferences = DefaultScope.INSTANCE.getNode(org.eclipse.sirius.diagram.ui.provider.DiagramUIPlugin.ID);
    // By default override the PREF_PROMPT_PASTE_MODE default value
    diagramPreferences.putBoolean(SiriusDiagramUiPreferencesKeys.PREF_PROMPT_PASTE_MODE, false);

Changes in

Changes in


Changes in Sirius 7.0.4

User-Visible Changes

Minor release to avoid errors thrown during indirect deletion of edges whose label is selected (deletion done from outside the diagram editor or from a custom command).

Changes in Sirius 7.0.3

Developer-Visible Changes

Changes in Sirius 7.0.2

Specifier-Visible Changes

Developer-Visible Changes

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius.common

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius.diagram

Changes in Sirius 7.0.1

Developer-Visible Changes

Changes in Sirius 7.0.0

User-Visible Changes

Developer-Visible Changes

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius.common

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius.diagram

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius.diagram.model

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius.diagram.ui

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius.common.ui

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius.diagram.sequence

Changes in

Changes in


Changes in Sirius 6.6.0

User-Visible Changes

Developer-Visible Changes

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius.diagram

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius.diagram.ui


Changes in Sirius 6.5.1

Developer-Visible Changes


Changes in Sirius 6.5.0

User-Visible Changes

Specifier-Visible Changes

order, despite this problem, to have a satisfactory layout result. This new behavior has been tested with ELK Layered algorithm with option Node Placement Strategy set to NETWORK_SIMPLEX. There is no guarantee with other kind of layouts. All cases are not supported. Further additional developments are needed to support more. There are probably still some constructions not correctly handled but it is a first step. As example, the edges with label(s) have not been tested. Here is a list of supported/tested cases:

Developer-Visible Changes

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius

The reason is that the implementation of SiriusPreferences wraps the logic of getting or storing the preferences on a ProjectScope.

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius.diagram.ui

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius.ui

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius.ecore.extender

Changes in org.eclipse.sirius.ext.gmf.runtime
