All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractBasicConverter |
AbstractCollectionConverter |
AbstractComponentConfigurator |
AbstractComponentFactory |
AbstractConfigurationConverter |
AbstractLogEnabled |
AbstractLogger |
AbstractLoggerManager |
AbstractTypeConverter<T> |
Abstract TypeConverter Module that automatically registers the converter based on the type argument.
AnnotatedSource |
Binding source locations can implement this interface to supply annotations to the BeanLocator .
AnnotationVisitor |
Something that can visit annotation declarations.
ArrayConverter |
BaseLoggerManager |
BasicComponentConfigurator |
BeanBinder |
Provides custom PropertyBinder s for beans that contain one or more properties.
BeanEntry<Q extends Annotation,T> |
Describes Qualified bean implementations of T:
BeanEntry<Q extends Annotation,T> |
BeanListener |
TypeListener that listens for bean types and arranges for their properties to be injected.
BeanLocator |
Finds and tracks bean implementations annotated with Qualifier annotations.
BeanManager |
Service that manages the lifecycle of beans.
BeanProperties |
Iterable that iterates over potential bean properties in a class hierarchy.
BeanProperty<T> |
Represents a bean property such as a field or setter method.
BeanScanning |
Common techniques for discovering bean implementations.
BeanScanning |
BeanScheduler |
Schedules safe activation of beans even when cyclic dependencies are involved.
Takes advantage of the new Guice ProvisionListener SPI, if available at runtime.
BindingPublisher |
BindingSubscriber<T> |
BooleanConverter |
BundleClassSpace |
ClassSpace backed by a strongly-referenced Bundle .
BundleModule |
Guice module that uses classpath-scanning and auto-wiring to bind JSR330 components from OSGi bundles.
BundlePlan |
ByteConverter |
CharConverter |
ChildWireModule |
Child WireModule that avoids wiring dependencies that already exist in a parent Injector .
ClassConverter |
ClassFinder |
ClassRealmConverter |
ClassSpace |
Represents an abstract collection of related classes and resources.
ClassVisitor |
Something that can visit class definitions.
CloningClassSpace |
ClassSpace that can create multiple (deferred) copies of the same implementation type.
CollectionConverter |
ComponentConfigurationException |
ComponentConfigurator |
ComponentDependency |
ComponentDescriptor<T> |
ComponentDescriptorBeanModule |
ComponentFactory |
ComponentImpl |
Partial runtime implementation of Plexus @Component annotation, supporting the most common attributes.
ComponentInstantiationException |
ComponentLifecycleException |
ComponentLookupException |
ComponentRepositoryException |
ComponentRequirement |
ComponentRequirementList |
ComponentSetDescriptor |
CompositeBeanHelper |
Helper class that implements low-level Plexus configuration of composite beans.
Configurable |
ConfigurationConverter |
ConfigurationImpl |
Runtime implementation of Plexus @Configuration annotation.
ConfigurationListener |
ConsoleLogger |
ConsoleLoggerManager |
ContainerConfiguration |
Context |
ContextException |
ContextMapAdapter |
Contextualizable |
ConverterLookup |
CycleDetectedInComponentGraphException |
DateConverter |
DeclaredMembers |
Iterable that iterates over declared members of a class hierarchy.
DeclaredMembers.View |
Enum implementation that provides different views of a class's members.
DefaultBeanLocator |
DefaultClassFinder |
DefaultContainerConfiguration |
DefaultContext |
DefaultConverterLookup |
DefaultExpressionEvaluator |
DefaultPlexusBeanLocator |
DefaultPlexusConfiguration |
DefaultPlexusContainer |
DefaultRankingFunction |
Simple RankingFunction that partitions qualified bindings into two main groups.
DeferredClass<T> |
Placeholder Class ; postpones classloading until absolutely necessary.
DeferredProvider<T> |
Description |
Describes a bean:
Description |
Disposable |
DoubleConverter |
Dynamic |
Marks dependencies that should be dynamic proxies:
EagerSingleton |
Marks beans that should be created as soon as possible:
EagerSingleton |
EntryListAdapter<V> |
EntryMapAdapter<K,V> |
EntrySetAdapter<V> |
EnumConverter |
ExpressionEvaluationException |
ExpressionEvaluator |
FileConverter |
FloatConverter |
GlobberStrategy |
Enumerates various optimized globbing strategies.
Guice4 |
Utility methods for dealing with changes in the Guice 4.0 SPI.
Hidden |
Hides a bean from being located or watched:
Hints |
Constants and utility methods for dealing with Plexus hints.
IgnoreSetters |
Annotates class hierarchies that don't want setter injection.
IndexedClassFinder |
IndexMojo |
Generates a qualified class index for the current project and its dependencies.
Initializable |
InitializationException |
InjectedTest |
Abstract TestNG/JUnit4/5 test that automatically binds and injects itself.
InjectedTestCase |
InjectorBindings |
Publisher of Binding s from a single Injector ; ranked according to a given RankingFunction .
IntConverter |
Legacy<S> |
LifecycleManager |
BeanManager that manages JSR250 beans and schedules lifecycle events.
LifecycleManager.ClassTester |
Allows testing if a class should be flushed from the cache
LifecycleModule |
LoadedClass<T> |
LocatorWiring |
Adds BeanLocator -backed bindings for unresolved bean dependencies.
LogEnabled |
Logger |
LoggerManager |
Logs |
Utility methods for dealing with container logging and recovery.
LongConverter |
Main |
Bootstrap class that creates a static Injector by scanning the current class-path for beans.
MainIndexMojo |
Generates a qualified class index for classes compiled by the current project.
MapConverter |
MapOrientedComponent |
MapOrientedComponentConfigurator |
Mediator<Q extends Annotation,T,W> |
Watches for Qualified bean implementations of T:
Mediator<Q extends Annotation,T,W> |
MergedModule |
Guice Module that discards any duplicate or broken bindings.
MutableBeanLocator |
MutablePlexusContainer |
Nullable |
Marks dependencies that can be null :
Nullable |
ObjectWithFieldsConverter |
ParameterizedConfigurationConverter |
ParameterKeys |
Parameters |
Qualifier of application parameters:
Parameters |
PathConverter |
PlexusAnnotatedBeanModule |
PlexusBeanModule that binds Plexus components by scanning classes for runtime annotations.
PlexusAnnotatedMetadata |
PlexusBean<T> |
Plexus bean mapping; from hint to instance.
PlexusBeanConverter |
Service that converts values into various beans by following Plexus configuration rules.
PlexusBeanLocator |
Service that locates beans of various types, using optional Plexus hints as a guide.
PlexusBeanMetadata |
Supplies metadata associated with a particular Plexus bean implementation.
PlexusBeanModule |
Module -like interface for contributing Plexus bindings with additional metadata.
PlexusBeanSource |
Source of Plexus component beans and associated metadata.
PlexusBindingModule |
Guice Module that supports registration, injection, and management of Plexus beans.
PlexusBundlePlan |
PlexusConfiguration |
PlexusConfigurationConverter |
PlexusConfigurationException |
PlexusConstants |
PlexusContainer |
PlexusContainerException |
PlexusContainerLocator |
PlexusDateTypeConverter |
TypeConverter Module that converts Plexus formatted date strings into Date s.
PlexusLifecycleManager |
BeanManager that manages Plexus components requiring lifecycle management.
PlexusSpaceModule |
Guice Module that provides Plexus semantics without the full-blown Plexus container.
PlexusTestCase |
PlexusTypeBinder |
PlexusTypeListener |
PlexusTypeVisitor |
SpaceVisitor that reports Plexus bean classes annotated with @ Component .
PlexusXmlBeanConverter |
PlexusXmlBeanModule |
PostConstruct |
The PostConstruct annotation is used on a method that needs to be executed
after dependency injection is done to perform any initialization.
PreDestroy |
The PreDestroy annotation is used on methods as a callback notification to
signal that the instance is in the process of being removed by the
Priority |
Defines the priority ordering of a bean, higher values have higher priority:
PropertiesConverter |
PropertyBinder |
Provides custom PropertyBinding s for bean properties such as fields or setter methods.
PropertyBinding |
QualifiedTypeBinder |
QualifiedTypeListener |
Listens for types annotated with Qualifier annotations.
QualifiedTypeVisitor |
SpaceVisitor that reports types annotated with Qualifier annotations.
RankingFunction |
Assigns each Binding a rank according to some function; higher ranks take precedence over lower ranks.
RealmManager |
Manages ClassRealm associated data for the Plexus container.
RequirementImpl |
Runtime implementation of Plexus @Requirement annotation.
Roles |
Utility methods for dealing with Plexus roles.
Serviceable |
ServiceBindings |
On-demand publisher of Binding s from the OSGi service registry.
ServiceLocator |
ShortConverter |
SisuBundlePlan |
SisuExtender |
OSGi extender that uses Sisu and Guice to wire up applications from one or more component bundles.
To enable it install org.eclipse.sisu.inject.extender , or adapt the class for your own extender.
SisuExtensions |
SPI mechanism for discovering Module and Strategy extensions.
SisuIndex |
Command-line utility that generates a qualified class index for a space-separated list of JARs.
SisuIndexAPT6 |
Java 6 Annotation Processor that generates a qualified class index for the current build.
SisuTracker |
OSGi BundleTracker that tracks component bundles and uses BundlePlan s to publish them.
Soft |
Sources |
Utility methods for dealing with annotated sources.
SpaceModule |
Guice Module that automatically binds types annotated with Qualifier annotations.
SpaceModule.Strategy |
Visitor strategy.
SpaceScanner |
SpaceVisitor |
Startable |
StartingException |
StoppingException |
Strategies |
Constants representing supported Plexus instantiation strategies.
Streams |
Utility methods for dealing with streams.
StringBufferConverter |
StringBuilderConverter |
StringConverter |
Suspendable |
TemporalConverter |
Supports type conversion into java.time classes.
TestIndexMojo |
Generates a qualified class index for test classes compiled by the current project.
Tokens |
Utility methods for dealing with tokens.
TypeArguments |
Utility methods for dealing with generic type arguments.
TypeArguments |
Utility methods for dealing with generic type arguments.
TypeAwareExpressionEvaluator |
Typed |
Restricts the visible types of a bean:
UriConverter |
URLClassSpace |
UrlConverter |
Weak |
WireModule |
Guice Module that automatically adds BeanLocator -backed bindings for unresolved dependencies.
WireModule.Strategy |
Wiring strategy.
Wiring |
Something that can supply bindings for unresolved dependency Key s.
XmlPlexusConfiguration |