The Eclipse Subversive™ project

Eclipse Platform plug-in which provides SVN support
From the project organization point of view it is close to Eclipse CVS project and follows its concepts and Eclipse best practices.
Namely the project consists


Eclipse Subversive plug-in is provided under the terms and conditions of the Eclipse Public License Version 2.0 ("EPL-2.0").
A copy of the EPL-2.0 is available at

Eclipse Subversive plug-in can be installed into your IDE from the following update site

Eclipse Subversive plugin requires SVN Connectors to function properly.

SVN Connectors are external libraries which are distributed separately from base Eclipse Subversive plug-in and may use
licenses other than EPL-2.0.

For the first time, we suggest you using one located at To install it, please follow the instructions
from or use the following update site